***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

Bean hope things improve with hubby. I can also feel strain on the relationship. It's a huge change and men don't get how much more it affects us.

2016, i'd have been bragging is I'd have had such a good night!!!! Am sorry it didnt last for you.

Honey bee I could have written your night time routine exactly. Joseph has a grumpy 2-3 hours before he finally settles around 11pm I have no idea why. He is tired but won't sleep, isn't hungry and doesn't seem windy or in pain. Just cries and grizzles for a couple of hours. Hubby thinks he's objecting to the soaps being on!!
ocean - Its nice that Ollie is a Mummy's boy ;) were you in the room when DP tried to feed him? My HV advised that I should be no-where near as Ava wouldn't accept second best when the real deal was available! Also, did DP warm the milk? Ava will only take it when it is body temperature and also when she is not worked up!
Ohh i must say today Yahya has slept 4,5 hours today which is lovely ! then 3 hours ...
At what time are you girls going to bed ? Im going by 9o'clock ..yesterday i went to bed 8.15 .
Im just soo tired , so early nights for me now! I have a soon-to-be 3 year old here walking around who has lots of energy.
His birthday will be this friday and Yahya will be 8 weeks then gosh!
#Feeling proud momma!

Ocean - haha you got a mommy boy! .. Im scared my son wont take a bottle
Ocean, I have tried giving gabby bottles at room temp and she wants no part of them! Must be warm/body temp. Picky little things, these babies!
I keep hoping to transition gabby to earlier bedtime but I keep failing. She goes down between 11 and 12. Anyone have any tips?
Thanks guys :) I do love that he's a mummy's boy. Yeah it was warmed up and I wasn't in the room :( I think it was coming out too fast as he's got a v strong suck and he didn't like it. Or maybe it was the plastic teat, who knows. I'm loving bfing so I don't mind really but will try again in a couple of days x
Just back from my 6 wk check up. Alls well although she didnt really do anything apart from take BP and look at section scar. She gave me a pack of mini pill and leaflets about other contraception...... Contraception???? Like I'm gonna need that anytime this year!!!!!!!!
:rofl: tooth. I just got done with mine too and got my Mirena inserted and also ended up with a script for Zoloft :( am I the only one who's ready to jump their OH three times a day? :blush:
I gotta admit, I don't really feel like sex at all but the fact that my hubby is even less interested is hurting my feeling a little. I tried to discuss contraception before I went to docs and he was like oh there's no rush for all that?? He went really cold when I was pregnant saying thought of baby being in there was off putting which I can understand. But now I am beginning to get worried and its hard not to take it personally!! Sorry of that was tmi ladies!
My DP is desperate lol so I said we'll try next week after my 6 week check up if all is fine. He's usually got a low sex drive so it's quite nice to ave him interested! I'm looking forward to being intimate again with him, I've felt quite distant because of the lack of intimacy. Hopefully it's not too sore.

Def talk to him toothfairy, maybe the laboir affected him, I know some men can be traumatised from birth etc so worth exploring x
I tried to talk to him and he just said the problem is having the baby in the room?! He's not really one for talking about his feelings. I know the birth was really traumatic for him I had emergency section and he was in the theatre. They had to give me GA and for little while he didnt know if we both would be ok. I totally understand all this and understood about the lack of sex in pregnancy too. It's the intimacy and flirting that's stopped too that I miss
samj - 3 times a day?!!!! :rofl::rofl:

toothfairy - we haven't DTD either. To be honest I wanted the bleeding to stop first which (fingers crossed) it did yesterday. I raised the contraception issue today and DH said basically its up to me.......I know what you mean about the intimacy but my guess is that your DH could be feeling exactly the same. I know I haven't been as affectionate as Pre-Ava, not least because I am so tired and focused on her. Do you think you could put Joseph in his nursery for a lie-in and to give you and DH some space? It's a tricky one.

On the topic of contraception, I'm thinking LAM for 6/12 and then maybe an IUD or natural family planning as charting worked really well for me when TTC. Has anyone any experience of either? It's all new to me. Until this pregnancy I was on the pill for nearly 20 years! I just kinda feel like I don't want any pills now and although I'm not wanting another LO straight away (if ever) it wouldn't be the worlds worst thing.......

ocean - only other thing I can think of is changing the teat and seeing if that helps. I think your relaxed approach of trying again in two weeks sounds good.
Sorry for those having bottle problems. This is going to sound very crude but Amber will suck whatever is put in her mouth!! I think its because she had to be formula fed in the NICU and then drink medicine, which she took from a baby medicine bottle. But I'm hoping not to give her a bottle for another couple of weeks.

Tooth my dh is also less than interested in me. He also went off sex during pregnancy. His reason was 'it wasn't me anymore'. Sam I'm with you about wanting to jump him!

I'm struggling with birth control ideas. If I go back on the mini pill its going to make my period cone back isn't it? We're not huge fans if condoms. HoneyBee I was hoping to try LAM but now that Amber takes a dummy its not an option. And also she may have a bottle or two a day in the future. Natural family planning sounds like so much Admin! Plus (tmi) my DJ's sex drive is all over the place - I'd hate to have to turn him down!!!
Guess I'm going to have to suck it up and go back on the pill!
Hi ladies! I weighed LO today on a baby scale when I went to visit my co-workers (I work at an animal hospital and we use baby scales for puppies and kittens), and she weighed 10lbs 1oz!! This is up from 8lbs 3oz just over 2 weeks ago. Does this seem like a huge gain to anyone else? She's probably actually a little lighter than that as I didn't remove her clothes and diaper like they did at her doctors visit, but still, that would only account for a few ounces.
Me n dh can't sleep in same room right now. Our 14 month old is still in there too. When angelyca wakes up for a feeding it wakes Ella up. N she screams n cries for hours. We ordered her toddler bed the other day. So we will b transitioning her to that in with her older,sister. Durning pregnancy I can't DTD as it hurts even tho I wanna jump him. Lol thank God dh is so understanding. But yes I would love to jump him three times a day. We did once two weekends ago but I really want to wait til I get the mirena as I don't want another so close in age even tho I love the age gap
Scooby my lo gains about a pound a week, give or take. Sounds healthy to me!
I'm definitely avoiding hormones after my depo nightmare! I'm going for the gynefix iud which is a copper coil without side effects of heavy bleeding etc. I need a long term contraception now as I'm not looking to get pregnant for a few years now x
My DD is 2 months now and weighs 14 lbs. She has steadily gained about a pound a week, which is above average but still healthy. I do hope it slows down soon tho. She is already in 6 months clothes...
Hi guys! Hope that those having feeding issues can sort out what bottles work soon! I've been having the same problem. I'm so used to how DD1 was - she would drink from any bottle, the breast, any temperature at all. DD2 doesn't want any of it! She will drink it from my mom when she's babysitting though for some reason, lol! My DH has trouble getting her to take the bottle so it's hard for me to go anywhere alone. We just got a Medela bottle, which is supposed to mimic the breast so we'll see how that goes! Also, DD1 never spit up, never threw up but Tessa does a lot. Never can remember to have a burp cloth ready!
Someone asked what kind of cream I was prescribed for the girls' yeast diaper rashes. I'll have to check, can't remember off hand but I think it's ketaderm. Starts with a K anyways! It worked great for DD1, but it doesn't seem to be helping Tessa. Her rash actually seems to be getting worse. It's little blisters, looks painful! She goes in for her 2 month appt next week so we'll look into it then.
Right now I have a horrible head cold/flu. Yesterday I barely made it through the day with the 2 kids, but you work through it. House is a mess though! We also bought a 2009 Mazda5 as our lease is up soon on our more expensive vehicle. We want to save some money and this will do it! Plus it's much more kid-friendly of a vehicle. Excited to pick it up tonight, but hoping I feel better to go out. :p
Hi all. We haven't tried a bottle yet but we got the bottles called the first year. They r suppose to mimic breastfeeding by the shape n has a second nipple inside to mimic breastfeeding as well its were they can control the flow of milk like the do with the breast. N I seen u guys talking about yeast rashes. My dd1 gets them really bad n they prescribed her nystatin. They told me to put that on her lightly n than put a barrier cream on think which is the regular diaper rash cream. They call it a barrier cream cuz it makes it so get urine n feces don't touch the skin and irate it more.
Hi mamas, i haven't really been active on this thread for a while but have been stalking. Sorry to hear some of the lo's have been unwell. Hope things are better now.

Regarding weight gain, my bubba gained just under 600g in 7 days. A few days ago he was 6.4kg (with nappy and singlet on) and 60cm long. I was concerned about weight gain with ds1 as he was a much smaller baby (i think he's in 25th percentile) but the nurses at his checkups said it was okay as long as their growth is consistent and are proportionate in weight:height.

Oh and bubba had his 2 month jabs on thursday. Always heartbreaking to hear their little cries, but the ladies at the immunisation clinic are always fantastic. He needed 2 jabs and an oral and they did the jabs one in each thigh at the same time. It's so much better than doing it one at a time.

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