Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

I do remember... but I don't remember it well! It was YEARS ago! Like... 3.5 years ago! :cry:
Oh babes i know it sucks.........Hopefully we will be holding a baby soon so that we can get back to being shameless sluts!!!!!!!!!
:hugs2: Meg! Try not to think of it as a job, and make sure you enjoy each other so you guys don't feel stressed out about the end result. It is going to happen for you, and I say it's going to be this month! :)
Oh babes i know it sucks.........Hopefully we will be holding a baby soon so that we can get back to being shameless sluts!!!!!!!!!

In my defense, that little crying smiley looked way sadder than I did. I couldn't find the appropriate one with how I felt... So I took what was available! However, I don't see myself doing much shameless slutting once I have a baby... I expect I'll be way too tired! :rofl:

:hugs2: Meg! Try not to think of it as a job, and make sure you enjoy each other so you guys don't feel stressed out about the end result. It is going to happen for you, and I say it's going to be this month! :)

I like that last bit! :hugs: The not a job bit? Meh... Its sort of a job! :haha:
Welcome, prgirl! :) My good friend and cousin who are pregnant are due around my EDD. I feel that same pang every time I see their facebook updates, too. :hugs: I hope we all get our BFPs this cycle!

Hope ur ok Allie? When r u due to OV sweet cheeks?

Hi Caz! Well AF is just ending for me and I should OV around CD 20 so...two weeks until ovulation (my ticker isn't that accurate)! Gosh, it feels soooo far away. I think I'll :sex: as much as possible from CD 14 or so on though just to be sure haha.

I realllly hope you and me and the rest of the girls get our BFPs this cycle so we can all be bump buddies! :) We can join hearty, mel,vicky, and sass and have us all be disco preggos and not just disco testers! :happydance:

hearty sorry you're having a rough day :hugs:. Definitely blame the hormones and don't feel you have to account for yourself not drinking. Like Mel said, tell 'em to mind their own business.

lawa, :hugs:
A quick question about soy...I missed the previous convo but hearty, did you take soy supplements last cycle?

I only ask because I'm trying to follow this fertility diet and it says no soy...but hearty took soy and got a BFP....so I'm confused.

I'm trying to step up my game this cycle. :ninja: I've been very casual about TTC but I want that BFP now! I may even give ovulation strips a go this month.

In the meantime, since I have two weeks until OV, I'm going to go into the hot tub and sauna at the gym (been avoiding it since last tww), have a drink with the hubby and hit up the water park. <----seeing the bright side
A quick question about soy...I missed the previous convo but hearty, did you take soy supplements last cycle?

I only ask because I'm trying to follow this fertility diet and it says no soy...but hearty took soy and got a BFP....so I'm confused.

I'm trying to step up my game this cycle. :ninja: I've been very casual about TTC but I want that BFP now! I may even give ovulation strips a go this month.

In the meantime, since I have two weeks until OV, I'm going to go into the hot tub and sauna at the gym (been avoiding it since last tww), have a drink with the hubby and hit up the water park. <----seeing the bright side

Some people believe that Soy is bad for fertility. It has had negative effects on the fertility of rodents. But there have been no studies showing negative effects on humans. That being said, we take Soy in a very controlled way. I took 200mg of Soy Isoflavones CD5-9. Its like nature's Clomid. You don't want to use it constantly through a cycle, or it could definitely have negative side effects such as anovulation. However, taking it in specific doses on specific days at the beginning of a cycle will force and/or strengthen ovulation in some women. Obviously, like anything else, it doesn't work for everyone. Both of my BFP's came from Soy cycles!
I just looked up soy isoflavones and it looks like they have a pretty decent success rate.

I'm on CD 6 right now so I could go and pick these up a vitamin shop, take them for the next 5 days, and it may help with 'stronger' ovulation this cycle? Is that right?

Were you having trouble TTC when you started taking them? I'm so torn between taking it easy since I'm new to TTC and don't want to stress myself out, and going balls out militant with TTC. I'm wondering if I should wait for a few months of BFNs so I still feel there's something out there that will help, whereas getting BFNS right away pulling out all the stops might leave me downtrodden.

Such decisions. Sorry for this useless post, it was mostly me thinking out loud...or typing out loud...well, you know what I mean. :)

Thanks for the info Megg!
I want to try soy too. My dh won't let me though. He says it messes with my hormones. :pop: :roll: He is a bubble burster... I still want to give it a go. If I don't get my bfp this cycle, I'm going for it next cycle!
CD5 is really the latest you should start them. So, give it through this cycle to decide! :) If you ovulate pretty normally, you probably don't need them. The "stronger" ovulation is usually for women with progesterone issues. So, I don't think its something you need to rush into. Sometimes they can just screw everything up if you're pretty "normal." Give it some thought, and I'll be here if you have any questions.

Oh... I started on them because my OB/GYN prescribed me 2 months of Clomid, and I didn't want to go without anything when the 2 months ran out. I like Soy 1000x better than the Clomid!
Oh wait! I forgot we're ntnp this cycle and next... :shhh: don't tell him! :D
I agree with everything Megg says about soy. She's the soy guru. I took 120mgs from CD3- CD7. I took it because I ovulate late and wanted to ovulate earlier. I didn't ovulate any earlier. In fact, I actually think it did mess up my cycle a bit as I had an LH surge on CD15 and CD18 and then another one on CD24, 25, and 26. I ov'd on CD 25 which is pretty normal for me. I had a lot of mid cycle spotting around CD15 which concerned me. I know you want your BFP's soon ladies, but make sure soy is what you need. If you have regular cycles and ovulate on time, don't bother with soy. Allie, I think doing the OPK's is a great thing to do (and addictive!)

I just realized I can log onto my computer on the bus home which is what I'm doing right now! Have to go, my stop is coming up. More later...

ok girls, I need all the prayers I can get! I got home from work tonight and I went to the washroom and had a bit of pinkish blood when I wiped. I was so scared, so I called the healthlink and talked to a nurse. After she was done, and she I needed to go for an assesment at the Hospital. OH was still at work, so my neighbour drove me to the hospital (over an hour away). The doctor said that if there is anymore bleeding, I have to go back first thing in the morning and have an ultrasound, but there is nothing they can do to prevent a mc if that is what is happening. Well the good news is that there hasn't been anymore bleeding.

I asked him about the leakage I've been having, as I have always believe it to be urine....he did a check of my cervix and said I definitely have leakage (assuming amniotic) and it doesn't look good......I just got home and I am searching for answers, as he said nothing can be done about leakage. If that is the case, I will never be able to have a baby, as I had this last time too. I've been crying all night!! And now I feel like all I can do is go through each day wondering if it is going to be the day that I lose the baby yet again......

I'm just praying that I get to Wednesday and that I get to talk to the Doctor I have been seeing and he says something different. I am on bed rest for the rest of the weekend, but I'm devestated!!:cry:
Oh, Mel... :hugs: I wish I could be there for real.
Thanks Jaymes. I just keep thinking that there has to be something they can do for leakage...otherwise, I will never be able to have a baby :( I'm feeling a little crampy in the lower left pelvic area, so I am wondering if mc is in the process.....
Sweetie, I'm so sorry. Is your dh there? You need someone to hold you. Take a breath and try to relax. :hug: my prayers are with you.
Oh my god Mel, NO! I can't accept that this is happening to you right now. I've never heard of this leakage and am now going to google it. I don't understand being told you can never have a baby with this leakage. Did he give you more specifics? How does he know it's amniotic? What does the leakage look/feel like? Are you sure it isn't excess CM produced during pregnancy?

You must be terrified right now and rightfully so. I'm glad there is no bleeding. That's the good news. Cramping can be very normal and so can bleeding as we've heard from numerous women. I hope you stay this way until you can get your scan on Wednesday. Any way of getting the scan early for peace of mind? Wednesday seems so far away.

Sweetie, I'm so here for you in any way I can be.:hugs:
Oh Mel, I am praying for you! I just reread your post about 5 times trying to make sense of it. I just can't believe it. I wish I was there to be there for you for in person too :hug: but all of us are here for you.

Like hearty said, and I'm sure you already know, cramping and even bleeding can be normal during pregnancy. Wednesday DOES seem so far away :( but I hope you get some good, solid answers from your regular doctor.

I'm so sorry this is happening to you. My prayers are with you. :hugs:
Mel honey im so sorry you are going through this right now...I dont know what to say, ive never heard of this leaking especially so early in a pregnancy, Did they culture the liquid? How can they be sure its amniotic fluid? My best friend was leaking and her doc (which is also my doc) gave her Magnesium ampules i think they were called Mag 2 and the leaking stopped. Ill fins out what they were exactly and let you know.
Hold strong hun!
Oh wait! I forgot we're ntnp this cycle and next... :shhh: don't tell him! :D

Never! :shhh:

ok girls, I need all the prayers I can get! I got home from work tonight and I went to the washroom and had a bit of pinkish blood when I wiped. I was so scared, so I called the healthlink and talked to a nurse. After she was done, and she I needed to go for an assesment at the Hospital. OH was still at work, so my neighbour drove me to the hospital (over an hour away). The doctor said that if there is anymore bleeding, I have to go back first thing in the morning and have an ultrasound, but there is nothing they can do to prevent a mc if that is what is happening. Well the good news is that there hasn't been anymore bleeding.

I asked him about the leakage I've been having, as I have always believe it to be urine....he did a check of my cervix and said I definitely have leakage (assuming amniotic) and it doesn't look good......I just got home and I am searching for answers, as he said nothing can be done about leakage. If that is the case, I will never be able to have a baby, as I had this last time too. I've been crying all night!! And now I feel like all I can do is go through each day wondering if it is going to be the day that I lose the baby yet again......

I'm just praying that I get to Wednesday and that I get to talk to the Doctor I have been seeing and he says something different. I am on bed rest for the rest of the weekend, but I'm devestated!!:cry:

OMG, Sweetie! :hugs: I'm shocked, honey! I wish there was something I could do or say! I so want to give you a real hug! Lean on your DH, and know that we're all thinking of you and sending you positive vibes!

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