Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

Mel, holy shit!!! What??? I'm speechless at the moment to be honest. He owes you BIG!
He just phoned too and I ended up telling him to go f himself and hung up! He actually wanted me to go buy him smokes and run them to him....I was like I thought you were going to be home at 6:00, and he said well we are having some beers. I was like yeah I thought that was going to happen, and all night thing. And then he was yelling at me, saying that bed rest didn't mean I couldn't cook myself supper and do other things, and I told him bed rest meant you get up to go to the washroom only. He is just being such a jerk! He told me he wasn't coming home. I phoned his aunt and asked her to come over. I'm so mad at him right now. I don't even like him at the moment.
Vicky, call me hearty all you'd like! I love that evil eye story. Your mother sounds so cute. Hey, if it gets you out of a wedding early and gets you home, play it up!

Allie, thanks for your sweet words. You are like the sweetest person ever. I swear. Even your picture is sweet. You know, I actually didn't feel like there was a point to Boy in Pajamas. I mean we all know how horrible the holocaust was and how evil the gas chamber was. I wasn't sure I needed that point stated to me again.


Megg, basically it is about a boy who'd dad is some high ranking Nazi and they end up moving very close to a death camp. The boy finds the camp and starts talking to a boy inside the camp on the other side of the barbed wire fence. They form a friendship. The boy on the outside doesn't know about death camps or Nazis and is very naive. He decides to sneak into the camp to help the other little boy find his father (the viewer knows that the father has already been killed in the camp). So he ends up sneaking in and both boys get shuffled into a gas chamber with a bunch of other people and they get killed. The Nazi dad finds out minutes too late. That was the end of the movie. BLAH. YUCK.
He just phoned too and I ended up telling him to go f himself and hung up! He actually wanted me to go buy him smokes and run them to him....I was like I thought you were going to be home at 6:00, and he said well we are having some beers. I was like yeah I thought that was going to happen, and all night thing. And then he was yelling at me, saying that bed rest didn't mean I couldn't cook myself supper and do other things, and I told him bed rest meant you get up to go to the washroom only. He is just being such a jerk! He told me he wasn't coming home. I phoned his aunt and asked her to come over. I'm so mad at him right now. I don't even like him at the moment.

Mel, no doubt about it, he is being a giant ass. If I put on my therapist hat, I start to wonder what his emotions are behind this behavior of his. I can only speculate that he is terrified about another loss and seeing you go through it again. I would also speculate that he may just be in serious denial that something is wrong and would like things to be status quo. Maybe the only way he can maintain his cool is to deny that any of this is even happening. Of course this is all happening on a subconscious level.

Now, if I take my therapist hat off, I think he's being an insensitive jerk right now. If I was with you, I would go find him, pull him aside and give him a good yelling at. I hope his aunt is able to make you feel better. Maybe she can yell at him.

She did go down to where he is and yelled at him, and then she came back and has been with me all night. She just left for a little bit but will be back. He called at one point again and he keeps saying that I told him last night I lost the baby, and now today I'm signing a different tune. I keep telling him that I didn't lie to him and that he must have misunderstood me, but he won't have any of it. He thinks I am lying to him. And he's the type that when he is drinking, you can't argue with him. After I got off the phone, I told his aunt I can't do this and I don't deserve this. I think she is upset with him. He told me he will either call me later or come home, but I am doubting he will do either. All I want is for him to be here with me, to hug me and tell me things are going to be ok. I don't want to fight.......
He just phoned too and I ended up telling him to go f himself and hung up! He actually wanted me to go buy him smokes and run them to him....I was like I thought you were going to be home at 6:00, and he said well we are having some beers. I was like yeah I thought that was going to happen, and all night thing. And then he was yelling at me, saying that bed rest didn't mean I couldn't cook myself supper and do other things, and I told him bed rest meant you get up to go to the washroom only. He is just being such a jerk! He told me he wasn't coming home. I phoned his aunt and asked her to come over. I'm so mad at him right now. I don't even like him at the moment.

That's fucking ridiculous! I'm getting seriously, seriously pissed off! I want to shake him so bad I could just die! WTF? :hissy:

Vicky, call me hearty all you'd like! I love that evil eye story. Your mother sounds so cute. Hey, if it gets you out of a wedding early and gets you home, play it up!

Allie, thanks for your sweet words. You are like the sweetest person ever. I swear. Even your picture is sweet. You know, I actually didn't feel like there was a point to Boy in Pajamas. I mean we all know how horrible the holocaust was and how evil the gas chamber was. I wasn't sure I needed that point stated to me again.


Megg, basically it is about a boy who'd dad is some high ranking Nazi and they end up moving very close to a death camp. The boy finds the camp and starts talking to a boy inside the camp on the other side of the barbed wire fence. They form a friendship. The boy on the outside doesn't know about death camps or Nazis and is very naive. He decides to sneak into the camp to help the other little boy find his father (the viewer knows that the father has already been killed in the camp). So he ends up sneaking in and both boys get shuffled into a gas chamber with a bunch of other people and they get killed. The Nazi dad finds out minutes too late. That was the end of the movie. BLAH. YUCK.

OMFG! That's HORRIBLE! What WAS the point? The Holocaust was a terrible thing? :shock: Who knew? SERIOUSLY! :(

He just phoned too and I ended up telling him to go f himself and hung up! He actually wanted me to go buy him smokes and run them to him....I was like I thought you were going to be home at 6:00, and he said well we are having some beers. I was like yeah I thought that was going to happen, and all night thing. And then he was yelling at me, saying that bed rest didn't mean I couldn't cook myself supper and do other things, and I told him bed rest meant you get up to go to the washroom only. He is just being such a jerk! He told me he wasn't coming home. I phoned his aunt and asked her to come over. I'm so mad at him right now. I don't even like him at the moment.

Mel, no doubt about it, he is being a giant ass. If I put on my therapist hat, I start to wonder what his emotions are behind this behavior of his. I can only speculate that he is terrified about another loss and seeing you go through it again. I would also speculate that he may just be in serious denial that something is wrong and would like things to be status quo. Maybe the only way he can maintain his cool is to deny that any of this is even happening. Of course this is all happening on a subconscious level.

Now, if I take my therapist hat off, I think he's being an insensitive jerk right now. If I was with you, I would go find him, pull him aside and give him a good yelling at. I hope his aunt is able to make you feel better. Maybe she can yell at him.


I would have to agree with all of that... even the therapist hat part! And, I know you're probably as pissed as I am... So, don't think I'm arguing with you... I'm not! I agree 100% with all of it!

The problem I see is that (regardless of why he's acting this way), he's hurting her so much when she's already hurting! Why the fuckity fuck do men think that they can go about life acting any way they please just because they feel like it??? Who the taught them that it was any sort of appropriate?!?!

She did go down to where he is and yelled at him, and then she came back and has been with me all night. She just left for a little bit but will be back. He called at one point again and he keeps saying that I told him last night I lost the baby, and now today I'm signing a different tune. I keep telling him that I didn't lie to him and that he must have misunderstood me, but he won't have any of it. He thinks I am lying to him. And he's the type that when he is drinking, you can't argue with him. After I got off the phone, I told his aunt I can't do this and I don't deserve this. I think she is upset with him. He told me he will either call me later or come home, but I am doubting he will do either. All I want is for him to be here with me, to hug me and tell me things are going to be ok. I don't want to fight.......

Okay... This just made me cry! I'm SO sorry, Mel! You absolutely do NOT deserve to be treated this way! I so desperately want to give you a hug right now! But, I don't even have a passport! :( He should be totally excited that he misunderstood you... not calling you a liar! :growlmad: I'm SOOOOOOO angry! And, so sad for you! Oh, I just want to beat him! I know he's your OH and all... but I seriously would like to give him a piece of my mind... and a boot up the ass! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Thanks girls! I am really mad, and I would like to beat the crap out of him. If he can't be here for me when I need him now, what's it going to be like later on?! His aunt just left me for the night, and she was getting me stuff to eat and doing my laundry for me. She said that she was going to come back tomorrow and finish laundry and anything I want done, just to make a list for her. Thank god I have her to help me out. I know OH isn't going to come home tonight, but if he does, I will be surprised. The good thing is, where is at drinking, is right next to where his aunt lives. I want him home with me.......tomorrow he will be hungover and bitchy, so I won't even be able to talk to him at all.....men really get on my nerves at times! I think I am going to go to bed and try to get some sleep for the night.
Thanks girls! I am really mad, and I would like to beat the crap out of him. If he can't be here for me when I need him now, what's it going to be like later on?! His aunt just left me for the night, and she was getting me stuff to eat and doing my laundry for me. She said that she was going to come back tomorrow and finish laundry and anything I want done, just to make a list for her. Thank god I have her to help me out. I know OH isn't going to come home tonight, but if he does, I will be surprised. The good thing is, where is at drinking, is right next to where his aunt lives. I want him home with me.......tomorrow he will be hungover and bitchy, so I won't even be able to talk to him at all.....men really get on my nerves at times! I think I am going to go to bed and try to get some sleep for the night.

Sleep would be good! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Okay... I feel like I'm running around telling everyone... but whatever! I have loads of REAL EWCM!!! I got a good 5 INCHES of stretch on it! I've never had it so stretchy (like its supposed to be) before... and so much of it!!! :yipee: :yipee: :yipee: I'm SO excited I could die! LOL

:sex: :blush:
Mel i just cant beleive you have to put up with this shit on top of everything else...Seriously its not on!!!! I wouldnt let him back in the house if i were you...Sorry but i find his behaviour totally unacceptable. I know everyone deals with stress in a different way but we cant just forget about eachother's feelings. I really hope you sort him out proper when he gets home....
Okay... I feel like I'm running around telling everyone... but whatever! I have loads of REAL EWCM!!! I got a good 5 INCHES of stretch on it! I've never had it so stretchy (like its supposed to be) before... and so much of it!!! :yipee: :yipee: :yipee: I'm SO excited I could die! LOL

:sex: :blush:

WOOP WOOP!!!!!!!! Lets hear it for Mel's EWCM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hahaha! Megg that made me chuckle. Now go have some brilliant and FUN sex!!
Hey ladies,

Just caught up wow you girls can chat one of the many things I love about you all so much.

Megg :happydance: yay to your ewcm!!

:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: to mel I am so sorry you are going through this and no offense but your OH is being a total jerk I can't beleive he's treated you like that I want to come over and kick him and hug you. I'm glad you had his aunt with you to help you. I hope when he does turn up he is sorry and does his best to make it up to you.

Hearty stay strong sweetie I understand preparing yourself for the worse but also hope for the best as I am sure your scan is going to be wonderful and sore boobs thats a good sign. Enjoy your weekend :hugs:

Oh and I'm glad I didn't watch the boy with the striped pajamas now as that would of made me cry and sounds very depressing. I love going to the theatre and to the movies. I am getting quite exicted about the new Toy story film yes I am a big kid but I'm taking my niece to see it so can get away with it plus I love tom hanks.

I'm off out for a walk with hubby hope all my lovely ladies are ok massive :hugs2: to you all.
Oh Mel, :hugs: I'm so sorry he's being such a jerk. I hope when you wake up you feel a bit better.

Movies... Love them, but not scary ones. We went to dinner and had 2 margaritas (each) then went to go see Grown Ups but it was sold out. So we saw Predator. I'm not a fan of the original, I'd actually never seen it so really didn't know what to expect. I did not expect to fall asleep! I've never done that at the theater before! So needless to say a little uninterest, mixed with margarita = nap time!

Now ff is saying I o'ed at cd8. Preposterous! I refuse to believe it!
Mel, how are things today luv? Did he come home? He needs to give you some serious lovin'. I'm horrified at his behavior and when he's not drunk or hungover, you need to have a serious talk to him about respect. He needs to understand that he was totally disrespectful to you and your feelings and frankly, he needs to apologize.

Megg, YAY for EWCM. I'm telling you, Ov is on it's way!

I had a pretty bad night myself last night. Tim and I went out to dinner. I have been increasingly feeling this right side stitch near my ovary. Well the sensation started to spread to my right lower back. I kept feeling a dull throbbing and couldn't help thinking it was all related. Tim was in such a good mood and I had to cut dinner off and go home. I was contemplating going to the hospital last night. I decided against it as it isn't severe pain, just a twinge and sensations. I felt it all night as I tried to sleep though. I'm not sure what to do. I may call the advice nurse. I have my appointment on Tuesday but I may just have to go in earlier if this continues. I'm very very concerned. The worst part is, I never had bloods taken so I can't rule out an ectopic. I'm scared about that. I may insist on getting bloods done today at least. GRRR.
Hearty hun sorry you had a bad night....Are you spotting hun? I really dont think you should be worried about ectopic, but i understand that nothing will ease your mind at this point....

Im also worried at the moment cause on Friday i had a sort exposure to a toxic chemical at work...I totally forgot to put on my mask and inhaled a chlorinated aromatic compound which is also a suspected carcinogen.... Im so worried i have caused damage to my baby...

Look at us, a couple of basket cases and the journey has only just begun
No sign of spotting Vicky but as I understand, that isn't always a symptom. Since the sensation isn't severe, I'm not going to go in to get it checked, but I might try to get bloods taken today so that I can get a second round in a few days. I don't know....I'm so confused! Normally I would just take some aspirin and ignore any pain. Can't do that with this situation!

Shit, chemical exposure is never good. I'm guessing one inhale isn't enough to do much damage. Wouldn't it be constant exposure that would be harmful? You are the doctor in these matters though. I know I'm not going to be able to put your mind at ease either.

Oh yeah, I've already been signed up, enrolled and admitted to the nut house. It's not a fun place to be. Sounds like we might be roommates. Though maybe they wouldn't want us talking to each other and feeding off of each other's craziness.
Had a bad night's sleep. I kept waking up off and on all night, and running to the washroom to dry heave. I don't think it was morning sickness, as the only time this happens is when I am mad at OH. I just finished running to the washroom again though, so if it is morning sickness, then I will be happy. The thought of food right now is nauseating me.......

OH hasn't come home yet (haven't seen him in 26 hours, since he left yesterday morning for work). His Aunt phoned about 0 minutes ago to see if he came home and to check on me, and she said she was going to track him down. I imagine he might be coming home when she comes over to switch laundry around for me.

I keep getting some lower uncomfort in my lower abdomen. It seems to switch sides. I'm hoping I will have my results by the end of 8 hours.....just going to lay on the couch again and watch some tv (sure hope there is something good on).

Hearty, it might reassure you to get some bloods done. It never hurts to ask.

Megg - make sure you get busy
Mel, I'm at an utter loss of what to say. I'm shocked that he didn't come home last night. I think the worst part is going to be when he does come home. He'll be hung over. Have you thought of a game plan of how you are going to handle it?

Lower abdominal discomfort is ok as long as it isn't severe. I think it is a great idea to watch tv today.

So I started thinking that since I clearly had IB, could I possibly have an ectopic. The answer I got was no...sort of. If it was a tubal pregnancy, there couldn't possibly be IB, which I clearly had at 8dpo. But there is something called a cornual ectopic pregnancy where the implant happens in the uterus, but too close to the fallopian tube. That led me on a chase to learn more about this kind of ectopic. It is extremely rare and I highly doubt I have that. But I did run across this blog and thought I would share it. This woman had this kind of ectopic in her first pregnancy. She went on to have 4 losses total before having a beautiful baby girl. She seemed to have every odd working against her: the most rare kind of ectopic, having a second mc in a foreign country, having a T shaped uterus, and having MTHFR. Her journey is encouraging to me. She has a section called "Thoughts on Miscarriage" that I highly recommend you all read. She beat the odds. Also have a look at her nursery. It is beautiful. Here is her site if you are interested: https://meandwee.blogspot.com/
I don't think we will be on speaking terms today. I know if I say stuff, I am going to end up yelling and saying things that I might regret later on (as I tend to do that in the heat of the moment). So when he comes home, I don't plan on talking to him and will wait for him to do some talking. I am completely sure he will be hungover, bitchy, and useless all day. It's not the first time this has happened, but it's at a time where I am depending on him, and need him to be here for me. It's totally unacceptable.

His aunt should be coming over anytime now, so we will see if she brings him home or not. I hope she had a good talk with him this morning. I vented to her a lot last night about a bunch of stuff, so now she has a good feeling of what goes on in this house at times.

Hearty - I can't wait for your scan. I hope it's good results for you. I know we are always going to worry throughout the whole term, but at least you can be assured that it is in the right place and growing at the right rate.

Watching Flip this House right now....I love this show...gives me ideas on how I want my house to be done one day

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