Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

Mel, if you know you are going to yell and regret things, silence is the best policy. Wait until you are cooled down to talk to him and really it is useless to talk to someone in his condition. I hope his aunt set him straight. I'm loving her right now!

Megg, had a look at your chart. Is that a bit of a temp rise I see? Hey woman, looks like you might be on the path to being told you Ov'd!!!

Lucy, I meant to ask, how was the interview?

AFM, I'm not feeling the lower back pain or abdominal twinge very much. Nothing like last night at least. I'm supposed to play tennis today, but think I sit and watch instead. There will be babies there and a picnic to keep me occupied. I woke up this morning and was excited it was Monday because it meant that my scan was the next day. When I realized it was only Saturday, I was so upset. I've seriously never looked forward to a Monday in all my life, nor been upset at the fact that it was Saturday. How sad.
Hey girls!

Mel - :hugs: I hope she's sorted him out properly!

Vicky - I doubt that the one exposure could do much harm! I think it would take more than that! Babies are pretty resistant to things like that early on! Evolution has built in a good deal of self-preservation type things!

Hearty - I agree that the implantation bleed is unlikely with an ectopic! That being said... Its nothing to mess around with if there's ANY chance! Would you be willing to PM someone on BnB and tell her what you're feeling? As much as I hate it for her, she's absolutely the ectopic expert. She's had 3 and has been left without either tube now. So, if anyone could help you, I know she could shed some light on it for you! She's amazing and lovely, and I know she'd be more than happy to lend advice!

P.S. :sex: has been long since done... It was the first thing I did after posting last night!
Well done on the BD'ing Megg! I hope there's a little soy bean brewing!

I'm torn about asking about an ectopic. On the one hand I would like to be well informed. On the other, I don't want to create excess worry. I guess I'll think about it. If you want to give me her name, I'll keep it and make my decision later today. Thanks for that. xoxo
Hearty make sure you take it easy today I'm sure things will be ok the twinges you were getting could be due to your body stretching or a trap nerve. Are you going to get bloods done? I would do it if you think it will reassure you. I'm hoping the weekend goes really quickly for you. :coffee:

Vicky as the other girls have said I doubt one exposure would do any harm. To reassure you could you call your dr.

Yay megg hope this is your month. :happydance:

Mel I hope when your OH comes back he is suitably sorry you deserve better than that but your right talk to him when your calm and when your ready. I'm glad his aunt is looking after you and hope she sorts him out.

AFM well The interview was very odd it was badly organised and felt very rushed. It went ok but I didn't get the job to be honest I'm not to upset as I'm not sure it was the right school for me. The job had changed since they advertised it plus there are rumours flying about that they had someone eared marked for it already but it was good expereince.

Also I dont feel that this month is going to be my month just dont think I'm going to get a BFP this month I'm due on the 19th! I am absolutely exhausted at the moment yesterday I could hardly keep my eyes open and I slept in this morning and still feel tired. :shrug:
Luce - You should know that feeling like it isn't your month is the surest way to get a BFP in here! Haven't you been paying attention? LOL

Hearty - I understand. Her forum name is puppymom32. Her real name is Amy. If you choose to talk to her, just tell her that I sent you! She'll be fine with it! :hugs:

I hope I have a soy bean in progress too! I can't decide what to do on my chart though. I have options... and I'm not sure what to think!


97.37 (7am)
97.55 (10am)
97.44 (adjusted to 8:15am)


97.64 (10am)
97.29 (adjusted to 8:15am)

It would look TOTALLY different if I put in the adjusted one today! What do we think? Keep in mind, I temp between 7:15am and 10:00am each day... They're not necessarily at a perfectly consistent time. I consider anything in that time-frame to be my "normal" time. So, I have no idea which temps along the way were taken earlier or later!

Lucy - the exhaustion could be a really good sign. That was one of my very first signs. I could sleep forever if I could.

Hearty - take things easy today, but enjoy yourself. Your scan is going to come really quick.
Megg, based on yesterday's 10am temp of 97.55 and today's 10am temp of 97.64, there seems to be a clear rise without adjusting. I'm not sure I would go with the adjusted one to be honest. I'm not an expert when it comes to adjusting though as I've never done that. I was pretty consistent with when I woke up.

Lucy, if you are counting yourself out right now as a defense mechanism, I can totally get on board with that. If you really are counting yourself out at this stage, then you have just joined the crazy train with me and Vicky. You are not out until you are out!!
Meggles i feel so fustrated that i cant understand charting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jesus 10 years of university and i cant give you an opinion for a damn temperature chart......

Hearty please stop googling....I do the same and i end up having panic attacks, real ones where i have to breathe into a brown bag....

Luce sorry to hear the interview didnt go so well.... On the baby front dont be so sure, remember master yoda's famous last words?????

Mel honey i have no advice to offer, at least none that would be helpful to you in the long run...I have very low tolerance for this kind of bullshit from men so im definately not gonna offer anything constructive....

Im feeling a bit calmer at the moment concerning my exposure....hoonestly im worn out from the worries of this whole past week. I cant deal with the stress anymore, im prone to bouts of depression and can recognise the signs leading to a crisis. I need to just accept whatever happens at this point, low levels on the hcg test on monday, chemical exposures the works.....I cant do this anymore
OMFG Mel thats awful, he deserves 1 almighty slap if you ask me gggrrrrrr!!! i swear i'd go ape shit if my OH did that. Hope ur ok sweet pea :-(.

Meggles i am wahayyyyy too excited at your abundence of EWCM!!!!! <<<< :sentence that should never be said out loud: but seriously yayyyyyyyyyyyy!! Im telling ya ur egg is being fertilised as we speak baby doll!!!

Hearty i totally understand ur concerns babe but please know its normal to be paranoid, in our position the last thing you think is everything is going to be ok & those feelings in my tummy are stretching feelings, we think the worst, its normal chick, i think ur totally right though u wouldnt have had IB if it was eptopic. Im soooooooooo positive that babas HB will be jumping out at ya at the scan sweet cheeks xxxx

Luce sorry bout the job chick, and dont count urself out till the fat lady sings!!! i need you to stay positive with me huny PMA PMA PMA!!!!!

Hope everyone else has had a nice day today?

Lov ya's Caz xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hearty - Okay... I'll look at it with the 97.55 and 97.64. That's not one I've put in together yet! Thanks! :)

Edit: That leaves me with this:


If my temp goes up over the next 2 days, it will put O as last night!

Vicky - Its okay! Some people just aren't charters! :hugs: Glad you're feeling calmer!

Caz - Thanks, love! :hugs: I do hope you're right!
Luce - You should know that feeling like it isn't your month is the surest way to get a BFP in here! Haven't you been paying attention? LOL

:haha: I hope that is the case megg.

Lucy - the exhaustion could be a really good sign. That was one of my very first signs. I could sleep forever if I could.

I'm kind of thinking its a virus or something but I hope it is a good sign.

Lucy, if you are counting yourself out right now as a defense mechanism, I can totally get on board with that. If you really are counting yourself out at this stage, then you have just joined the crazy train with me and Vicky. You are not out until you are out!!

I'm not sure think it may be a bit of both :shrug: I figure I always have one foot on the crazy train :haha:
Luce sorry to hear the interview didnt go so well....

On a plus side I have got more supply work for next week and the next week and the school keep requesting me by name so thats good.

On the baby front dont be so sure, remember master yoda's famous last words????

:rofl: yeah I remember good point.

Luce sorry bout the job chick, and dont count urself out till the fat lady sings!!! i need you to stay positive with me huny PMA PMA PMA!!!!!

Thank you ok going to try and keep positive just having one of those day. How are you sweetie?
Luce sorry to hear the interview didnt go so well....

On a plus side I have got more supply work for next week and the next week and the school keep requesting me by name so thats good.

On the baby front dont be so sure, remember master yoda's famous last words????

:rofl: yeah I remember good point.

Luce sorry bout the job chick, and dont count urself out till the fat lady sings!!! i need you to stay positive with me huny PMA PMA PMA!!!!!
Thank you ok going to try and keep positive just having one of those day. How are you sweetie?

Im really good huny thanks :). Had a nice week off work wiv OH we've decorated the Lounge & dinning room it looks fabulous just got our finishing touches to buy like radiator covers & new funky ceiling lights i've seen some but there £200 each & the ones that are already up were over £100 each im just bored of them :blush: lol im so spoiled, i have a fetish for big beautiful lights. We have spend a FORTUNE this week lee actually said earlier "right babe No more my cards maxed out" oooppsss :haha:.
It pay day in a week or so so the rest can wait a while (a little while that is):blush:.
My house feels like new i love it, & I have LEATHER wallpaper on my chimney breasts :happydance: its FIT!! i'll post a pic once its complete :).

On the symptoms front im like 9dpo now i've got fatigue big time cant be arsed doing anything (i am kinda tired from home shopping & decorating though) I,ve had twinges & aching in both my boobies (.)(.) & my uterus. Had backache for 2 days straight, & what i think could have been IB on Thursday?? but not counting my chickens as my body has been messing with my head these past 2 months?? :shrug:. We'll see though i guess? i'll probs test next weekend.

Other than that my lifes been pretty un-eventful :haha: way too much Big Brother & the "E" channel to occupy my mind so not been out much im too tired :sleep:. God im a boring 26 year old hahahaha.

hope ur good swwet pea xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sounds promising, Caz! The house sounds lovely! As an interior decorator (non-practicing), I'd LOVE to see pics! Can't wait for you to test!!!
Caz things sound good really hope its your month sweeite and the house sounds lovely. It's nice decorating we've just about finished our downstairs just got the bathroom and our spare room to do we redecorated our bedroom last year and I love it. The one thing we've still got to do in our lounge is find a new light for the ceiling but I am so picky :haha:

I am freaking out my hubby has lost his wedding ring I know I shouldnt be worring me but it has just yelled at him opps feeling a bit hormonal going to help him look and think I better say sorry.
Ok panic over he has found his ring I said sorry then burst into tears what a silly buggar I am he just gave me a hug and said it was ok bless him.

He also said the funniest thing to me he occasionly looks at what I'm writing/reading when I'm on here and asked me what BFP stood for so I told him this was a week or so ago and he just said to me that he hopes I get a BFG this month :haha: I asked why he wanted me to have big friendly giant :rofl: he realised his mistake and felt silly but made me chuckle :rofl:
LOL!!! They are soo funny sometimes Luce! My hubby also asks me what the abbreviations mean, he still doesnt get AF since in Greek obviously aunt flow means nothing!!! Hes like, i thought girls referred to period as "the russians are here"???? thats what we say over here!
LOL!!! They are soo funny sometimes Luce! My hubby also asks me what the abbreviations mean, he still doesnt get AF since in Greek obviously aunt flow means nothing!!! Hes like, i thought girls referred to period as "the russians are here"???? thats what we say over here!

:haha: The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming! Ha ha I have no idea why, but that struck me as hilarious.
Vicky - you are welcome to come over here and beat the crap out of him if you'd like. I know nothing :shrug:

He's been very good since he came home, and he has gotten in a lot of crap from his family. I am loving it. We talked as well, and I think we have come to an understanding. He knows what he did was wrong, and that's a huge step for him to admit it. So now we are impatiently waiting for the results (I have a feeling they are going to forget to go into the clinic to look/call me).

I am so excited for this month. All the scans coming up, and what sounds like promising times for Caz, Lucy, and Megs (did I leave anyone out?).

OH's aunt is going to be bringing supper over to us tonight (bless her soul)...so i think for now i might have a nap.

Hope you are all having a lovely weekend so far.....:hugs:
Enjoy you nap Mel. I am so glad he figured out he was a beast and was completely wrong!! You do have to have some respect for a man that is willing to admit (and now make up for in a major way) when he is wrong. :D

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