Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

I imagine it is quite hard for him to admit he is wrong, so I am being nice. He has been doing laundry and keeps asking me if I want anything and to let him know if I do. So he is definitely trying today. I'll give him some credit
Vicky your so right they are funny things!!

Mel I'm glad you've managed to talk and that he is starting to make things up to you. His aunt sounds lovely. Hope they do remember to check/ring you with results.

LOL!!! They are soo funny sometimes Luce! My hubby also asks me what the abbreviations mean, he still doesnt get AF since in Greek obviously aunt flow means nothing!!! Hes like, i thought girls referred to period as "the russians are here"???? thats what we say over here!

:haha: The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming! Ha ha I have no idea why, but that struck me as hilarious.

Me too! That's exactly what I thought too!!! :rofl:

Vicky - you are welcome to come over here and beat the crap out of him if you'd like. I know nothing :shrug:

He's been very good since he came home, and he has gotten in a lot of crap from his family. I am loving it. We talked as well, and I think we have come to an understanding. He knows what he did was wrong, and that's a huge step for him to admit it. So now we are impatiently waiting for the results (I have a feeling they are going to forget to go into the clinic to look/call me).

I am so excited for this month. All the scans coming up, and what sounds like promising times for Caz, Lucy, and Megs (did I leave anyone out?).

OH's aunt is going to be bringing supper over to us tonight (bless her soul)...so i think for now i might have a nap.

Hope you are all having a lovely weekend so far.....:hugs:

I'm SO happy to hear that he's sorry and trying to make up for it! Whew! I was worried that he was going to be the exact opposite when he got home! You enjoy your nap and do as little as possible! :hugs:
Hi Ladies, how you all doing?? Just had a quick read through the new posts cause i'm pooped tonight, been out to a kiddies park all day in the heat and its too much!!

Sorry to hear about your oh msar, men can be asses hope your back one track Hun!!:hugs:

Hearty babe, you got to do whats right for you Hun, i know its easier for me to believe its all gonna go wrong than to risk the heartbreak of letting myself get attached again xx :hugs:

Hope there are some more lovely BFP's coming up soon, its sounding hopeful!!xx
The clinic phoned me and they don't have the results back yet, so they are going to go down and check again tomorrow. They are being wonderful to me, which is very nice. Apparently they do have the litmus test here to see if it's amniotic fluid, so when I go for blood work again on Monday morning, we are going to test. The nurses said they think it is just vaginal fluids though, so I'm starting to feel more positive again.
Vicky, I'm glad you are in a less panicked state. It is impossible to control every little thing. I know I should stay away from google, but I did find that lovely blog and it was so helpful. She has a list of tips and one is to stop looking at the internet. She said that we all have different DNA and we all have our unique stories, so what happens to one person won't necessarily happen to us. I thought that was fitting seeing as I found her blog looking up a condition she had. But, I will stop googling, promise (said with fingers crossed.)

Megg, I can't wait to see your chart tomorrow and the next day. I'm feeling really hopeful it is on it's way up and that you Ov'd!

Cazz, it is so hard not to symptom spot. I'm rightly impressed with you for getting to 9dpo without a test in sight! Unless you are doing them on the sly and not telling us. I'm so hoping this is your month babe. And I want some pictures of this amazing sounding house. Leather walls indeed!

Mel, glad you had a talk with OH. You deserve to be treated well. I'm glad he admitted his mistake. He needed to. And his aunt sounds like a divine woman. LOVE HER!!!

Lucy, I hope the exhaustion is a bean brewing. But welcome to the crazy train. Riders are always welcome!!

I didn't play tennis today, just watched. My pains are gone, although the lower back pain I had last night switched to the other side. It is so weird. I'm ignoring it. If it is on the other side, I feel like it can't be a bad thing. I had the most lovely nap just now and I never, never nap. I feel like a new woman. Onward and hopefully upward!
Glad to hear you had a good day Hearty. I have the lower back pain as well, and it generally switches sides too. I just use a heating pad and the pillow between my knees. I am horrible at googling as well, but it does say that lower back pain is one of the signs of early pregnancy. I think we seem to be getting a range of symptoms.

I just sent OH to get me some junk food. The cravings might be kicking in now, as I wanted ketchup chips and dill pickle dip!! It really doesn't taste as bad as it sounds, I promise :)

His aunt is definitely a wonderful woman. I am glad she is here for me when I need her, especially since my mom is moved now. I have a friend coming over tomorrow to water all my flowers for me outside, and she offered anything else too. I think I am starting to like this bed rest thing! :)
Sounds like everyone is doing better tonight! Yay! :hugs:

Sooo, I can't decide what's going on!!! I had some stabby pains in my left ovary area tonight, they weren't as severe and didn't last as long as my normal O pains. Thursday, I had a tiny little pink streak in my CM once (slightly EWCM). Yesterday, I had a tiny, light brown streak in my CM once (majorly EWCM). Tonight, when I went to the bathroom, I noticed that my panties were really wet and there was a slightly pink spot. Then, my tissue was all like a super pale orange with a light pink spot in the center (very watery). So, does that mean that I haven't ovulated yet??? I'm still getting twinges in my left ovary! I feel like I'm ](*,) this cycle!
Meggles i had the same fustration about my cycle this month. I think that you did ovulate hun and the pink streak in your cm is from ov. I think ovary pain can persist for a day or two after ovulation i know that it happens to me. Why dont you continue to BD just in case ?

Hearty im so happy to hear that youre feeling more relaxed about your twinges. I read the blog you posted and it was very inspiring. It kind of renewed my hope...

Mel happy to hear that you worked things out with OH, hes very lucky to have such an understanding person by his side. Im sure that your results will be good, the nurse seems to be more knowledgable then that quack who insisted its amniotic fluid!
Deed has been done! Hoping temp in the morning will tell me more!

:hugs: G'night! xx
Hi everyone! Just got caught up on everything. SO much going on!
Mel..I hope you get those results back soon, but it sounds like everything is going to be OK especially if you haven't had anymore bleeding. Let us know as soon as you get the results! I'm glad things are going better with the OH. I'm sure this situation is hard on him too, but it's sucky if he takes it out on you when you clearly don't deserve it. Glad he got put in his place!
Hearty and vicky...I wish you would stop getting confusing symptoms! But I'm glad you've been able to relax and a bit and just take it day by day.
I love your picture, Lucy! Where did you get married?
Megg, sorry you're having such a confusing cycle:( Hope you get that figured out soon!

AFM, I am 9 DPO now and haven't had any symptoms for a few days now. I had some light cramping and twinges last week but nothing lately. Like I said before, I just don't feel that confident for this cycle. I tested this month and had a smiley OPK on CD 13 and we BDed two days before and the day of and the day after, but I still have this nagging feeling that things aren't back to normal after the mc. We'll see, but it's better if I just don't get my hopes up.
Our wedding is one month from today! As much as I would like to have a little one soon, after ordering all the food and beverages for out reception, I kinda want to be able to partake ;) So I guess whatever happens this month is fine by me. It's nice not to have pressure.
Megg, I agree with Vicky. Sounds like you Ov'd to me too. But good on you for BD'ing again just in case. Can't wait to see today's temp.

Vicky, how are you feeling today? You sound relaxed. I'm feeling relaxed too. All weird pains are gone today. Bloods tomorrow, right? I'm crossing everything.

Amy, welcome back! Did you have a nice weekend? No symptoms at 9dpo doesn't mean a thing. But, I know what you mean about wanting to hold off for the wedding. It sounds like you would be pleased with either result. That must be a nice feeling.

Lucy, you are testing on the 19th or 20th? Cazza, when will you test? I'm really looking forward to some testing and BFP's!

Roonsma, what's happening with you? Did you get blood results back yet? How are you feeling?

Mel, hope today is a good day.

Hello to everyone else I didn't mention! Just woke up so forgive me. Hope everyone is having a great Sunday!!!
Goodmorning Hearty babes!

Im sooo happy that you are feeling better today! I wouldnt say im feeling relaxed, more like indifferent actually... Im tired of being stressed, but i just cant get myself to feel optimistic so i guess im in denial at the moment lol!!!
Hi Heart, I'm ok thanks, just counting one day at a time. Bloods were good thanks 261 rising to 590 over 2 days so pleased with that!! Didn't post here cause Msar was having some probs so didn't feel right.

Cramps are MUCH improved aswell, my DH has a theory that my body was testing to see if this one was a sticky bean, they were so severe it think it passed the first test!!

Scan booked for 30th July, i think i'll be 7+4 (counting on fingers) so fingers crossed for that.

Thats about it really from me nothing really to report, feeling tired, abit sicky off and on, every now and again i get a spark of excitement but i'm trying hard not to get carried away... blah blah blah...

Will be thinking of you Tues and can't wait to hear your good news!

Ok, well denial and indifference work too! LOL! What ever gets you through the day.

I told some of Tim's cousin's last night about our news. They are both women who have toddlers. They were asking me if I had thought of baby names yet! Tim and I looked at them like they were crazy and we both said at the same time, we just want to get to Tuesday's scan! We can't think past that. I told them that I wasn't attaching to this baby at this point. They kept trying to tell me that I needed to talk to it and start attaching. I told them that I absolutely, in no uncertain terms, would not be doing that. I said I did that with my first one and I spiraled into the deepest depression of my life. I told them that it would not be healthy at this time to attach to it. They didn't get it. I hate other people's advice when they haven't been through this shit.
Roonsma, that's good news. How far along are you now? I could do the math based on your scan date, but it's too early in the morning! Enjoy the sparks of excitement you have. You are allowed to have them! I'm glad the cramps are gone. I like the idea of passing a test! We have a lot of tests to pass I guess!
I'm 5 weeks tomorrow Heart, so i'm sure the 30th works me out at 7+4, yes little tests from the word go i think, i'm pleased even to be at 5 weeks tomorrow!!!

People don't know jack about how your feeling, i'm totally with you on the no bonding thing, i can't allow myself to be so devastated as i was last August after my first loss, fuck them they don't know anything, you do whats right for you Sweet xx

Good news with the numbers doubling Roonsma!!!! Wow youve already booked a scan as well!!! Hoping everything goes great and you hear bub's heart beating away!!

hearty, people who have not experienced our pain can be really annoying with their advice....If everything goes ok with my numbers 2morrow, and the pregnancy progresses im not telling anyone until i have to. I dont want any advice from others, only you girls cause we all know eachothers worries and emotions and we relate to eacother like weve been friends all our lives!!!!
Great numbers roonsma!!! Wow you got your scan planned out, I cant wait to hear about the bub's heartbeat!!!!

Hearty, people who have not gone through losses cannot understand and can be annoying when they dish out the advice....I wont be telling anyone until i absolutely have to. You guys will be my support system!!!!

This is the third time ive tried to post a reply GRRR!!!! Baby and Bump is a bit fucked up today from my computer!!!
Good numbers roonsma :hugs:

Vicky I know what you mean about not telling anyone we told close family and friends last time when I do get a BFP we won't be telling anyone apart from my mum (for support).

Hearty people who havent experienced a loss just don't understand they say things to try and help but don't get it

I love your picture, Lucy! Where did you get married?

Thank you. We got married in a little church in west sussex where I'm from then had a marque in my parents garden for the wedding breakfast and evening do. It was an amazing day and absoutly loved planning my wedding it was a tad stressful on the day a few things went wrong in the morning but it all came together and was a perfect day. Where are you getting married? Are you all ready for it?

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