Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

Oh Megg, I too am a huge control freak. I think that's what I hate most about this whole process, the lack of control. It's why I temp, do OPK's, soft cups, pre-seed, soy, etc, etc, etc. It makes me feel like I'm in control, when in actuality I'm not. I feel you. I wish your body would get the memo. Mine is kind of the same way. It took 2 months for my hcg to go down to a non-pregnant level with both losses. Jerky body. I know you aren't trying to be argumentative, you are just frustrated and rightfully so!

MEMO to Meggs' body: We need some clear answers and an ovulation pattern Damn It!

Allie, glad you are feeling a bit better, even with the bickering! Monday is seriously my least favorite day. I get the Monday blues every week.

Mel, damn it! Where are those results??? Have a good sleep and let's hope you get some good news in the morn.

I've been having some more of that right sided ovary sensation today. It has me worried. It is so reminiscent of my last pregnancy and getting bad news. We'll know either way in 16 hours or so. Thank god Tim is coming with me. I think I would have a panic attack in the doctor's office without him, I'm that nervous.

So tired tonight. Didn't sleep well last night due to anxiety. Hoping I'm so tired I won't be able to keep myself up tonight. We're going to have some dinner and snuggle in front of the TV. That is always a good way to put me to sleep!

Sweet dreams ladies (or good morning depending on where you are).

Africaqueen's dad has terminal cancer and was admitted to the hospital 2 days ago. That same day, she went in for bad cramps and they found she had a severe UTI. And that same day, her husband lost his job. 2 days later, she's being told it is another ectopic. Really? WTF! I pray she doesn't lose her other tube. No one deserves this kind of news.

I don't know if anyone heard, but they are having to take her other tube! :cry:
Yeah meggles i read about Sarahs tube.....I seriously had a small breakdown when i read it last night....It was one of the reasons i shut down baby&bump, i couldnt deal with this bit of news....

I think all the signs are there that you ovulated hun, why dont you go and have the progesterone test on day 21 is it? It would clear things up once and for all hon... Whenever i am unsure that i ovulated i go have the test cause not knowing is so stressful....

Hearty im so excited for your scan! Thank god Tim is coming along to hold your hand babes! My scan is booked for the 22nd and ill be taking my good luck charm my daddy!!!! Obviously he wont be in the exam room with me (that would be kinda freaky!!) but so far whenever hes been with me for blood draws the results have been good.
Ill try to stay awake till about 1.30 am hun waiting for your update!

Mel, whats the story girl???? They are really testing your nerves with these test results girl!!! I would have gone mental on their ass...

True blood was a bit weird last night....I really fucking hate Tara's vampire....Whats his problem man????? I hope Eric doesnt get killed off!!!!
Yeah meggles i read about Sarahs tube.....I seriously had a small breakdown when i read it last night....It was one of the reasons i shut down baby&bump, i couldnt deal with this bit of news....

I think all the signs are there that you ovulated hun, why dont you go and have the progesterone test on day 21 is it? It would clear things up once and for all hon... Whenever i am unsure that i ovulated i go have the test cause not knowing is so stressful....

Hearty im so excited for your scan! Thank god Tim is coming along to hold your hand babes! My scan is booked for the 22nd and ill be taking my good luck charm my daddy!!!! Obviously he wont be in the exam room with me (that would be kinda freaky!!) but so far whenever hes been with me for blood draws the results have been good.
Ill try to stay awake till about 1.30 am hun waiting for your update!

Mel, whats the story girl???? They are really testing your nerves with these test results girl!!! I would have gone mental on their ass...

True blood was a bit weird last night....I really fucking hate Tara's vampire....Whats his problem man????? I hope Eric doesnt get killed off!!!!

If I don't get anything clearer, I'll go get them drawn on CD24. I have to assume it happened on CD17, since the post-O signs started that night.

True Blood pissed me off, tbh. I'm going to rant a bit behind a spoiler tag... just in case anyone hasn't seen it yet!

I just nearly cried when Bill was being such a fucking dick to Sookie! OMG! I know he wasn't doing it to be mean, but the things he was saying? :cry:

And, Tara's vampire is an ugly piece of shit! :rofl: I can't stand him!!! Hasn't Tara been through enough yet? I mean, her mom... Mary Ann... Eggs... :dohh: Leave her alone!!!

Also... How much do I hate Bill's maker?!?! Its A LOT! :growlmad: I wish someone would stake that bitch!

Okay.. I can be done for now! It felt really nice to get that out though! :haha: I'm so obsessed!

Speaking of "obsessed"... I was watching A&E's new "Obsessed" show about people with OCD... and I realize each time just how close I am to being one of those people! I think it would be a very short jaunt to transition from my brain to theirs!!! :wacko:
I think we should be positive and assume you did ov. CD 17, youve got the symptoms and all....Now another waiting game begins, jesus it feels like we spend our days waiting for one thing or another!!!!

I totally agree with your spoiler comments, even on tv some people can never catch a break.....
I think we should be positive and assume you did ov. CD 17, youve got the symptoms and all....Now another waiting game begins, jesus it feels like we spend our days waiting for one thing or another!!!!

I totally agree with your spoiler comments, even on tv some people can never catch a break.....

Yep yep! Damn True Blood!

Yeah... I actually have more symptoms of post-O than I even posted... the others are just less... uhm... awesome to talk about. But, WTH, right? I also seem to have gotten my "gassy" post-O symptom, and also the... uhm... looser bowel movement one. Both are dead giveaways... and I do have both... plus the boobs! So, I can't possibly imagine that it hasn't happened! Hopefully having more than bare minimum sleep will help show it!

Definitely wishing/waiting my life away!!! GRR!
So youre another lucky "loose bowel, farty" post ov symptom chick??????
Its reassuring cause its a tell sign but can be very embarrasing!!!!!!!

How many hours of sleep do you get girl????????????????
I am!!! It blows! Very nice to have signs... but I wish they were more flattering ones! :blush:

I get more than 3 hours of sleep... but my husband wakes me up at 8:15 every morning to make me temp and tell me by before he goes to work! LOL I go right back to sleep after! I just didn't happen to fall asleep until 5am yesterday! Its 3:22am now! EEK!
I went for my first reflexology session last night and it was really good. I know the girl anyway so we were having a good natter. She picked up on a few things, she said my nose was 'blocked' (I have a spot on the inside of my nose which keeps scabbing over and not healing for about 2 months) and had some blockages in my neck too. One big thing was she went over my ankle and we both heard and felt two MASSIVE crunches and she said it was my ovaries.

She was quite shocked when I said I had two miscarriages as the 'blockages' almost suggested I would have problems conceiving in the first place. However when I told her that i'd had lots of surgery due to ovarian tumours/cysts she said she thinks it is scarring as that can show up as a blockage. I hope it's that and nothing serious. Honestly i'm convinced that the reason i'm miscarrying is because of dodgy eggs and i'm quite scared now.

So we'll see what happens now then I suppose. I'm still having a really strange cycle - I thought I had ovulated last week but i'm still getting residual OV pain so just keep BDing just to cover all bases!
Hi girls, 4.5 hours and counting. Scared as shit. I read AQ's news this morning and thought I was going to puke. I don't even think she was feeling any symptoms. This was based on her blood work. Can you believe it?

But I did also read some news of a woman who is one day less than me and her scan today was great. So that was reassuring.

I agree with your comments about True Blood. Enough said.

Megg, your chart continues to confuse me. It looks like you might have O'd but it isn't super clear. I think you have.

Vicky, when is your scan. I love that your dad is going with you. And I'm glad he won't be in the room with you. That would be freakish.

Mel, any news?

Prgirl, why do you think you have bad eggs? Have the doctors said anything about scar tissue to you? What are your cycles normally like? How many have you had since your last loss? In terms of Ov'ing, do you do OPK's or chart your temps to know when you Ov? So many questions I have for you!

Ok, girls, not sure how much I'll be on this site between now and my appointment. I'll post as soon as I can. I'm a nervous wreck and am not sure how I'm going to get through the next few hours.

Hearty - good luck this morning hun. Thinking of you and hope all goes well (as I am sure it will).

The clinic opens at 9:00am, so another 51 minutes to go.....not counting down the time or anything, but yeah I am going mental waiting for these results.

Those pills the nurse gave me for morning sickness are working wonders. I actually got to eat breakfast today, before noon!! The only bad thing is, they cause a bit of drowsiness.....Might be in for a long day...

Hope everyone is having a great day so far....
Prgirl, why do you think you have bad eggs? Have the doctors said anything about scar tissue to you? What are your cycles normally like? How many have you had since your last loss? In terms of Ov'ing, do you do OPK's or chart your temps to know when you Ov? So many questions I have for you!

Both my losses have been at about 5 weeks when the yolk/fetal pole is trying to form, although my second loss wasn't confirmed until I was 10 weeks because it didn't go naturally. I guess I keep thinking there must be an egg problem otherwise it would be able to form a feotus?

My cycles range from 27-32 really, so within 'normal' limit. My longest cycle was 36 days and that was the one straight after coming off my contraception pill. I've only had one cycle since my last loss.

I bought OPK's ages ago and used them all up (I only bought 10) within a couple of cycles and couldn't seem to time it all right for a positive one. I don't temp because at this moment I'm not sure I would feel comfortable putting SO much into this as I think it'll just stress me out. However my friend has given me her clearblue digital fertility monitor thing which i'll start at CD1 if I don't get my BFP this cycle.

Anyway good luck for your scan, I'm rooting for you!
I went for my first reflexology session last night and it was really good. I know the girl anyway so we were having a good natter. She picked up on a few things, she said my nose was 'blocked' (I have a spot on the inside of my nose which keeps scabbing over and not healing for about 2 months) and had some blockages in my neck too. One big thing was she went over my ankle and we both heard and felt two MASSIVE crunches and she said it was my ovaries.

She was quite shocked when I said I had two miscarriages as the 'blockages' almost suggested I would have problems conceiving in the first place. However when I told her that i'd had lots of surgery due to ovarian tumours/cysts she said she thinks it is scarring as that can show up as a blockage. I hope it's that and nothing serious. Honestly i'm convinced that the reason i'm miscarrying is because of dodgy eggs and i'm quite scared now.

So we'll see what happens now then I suppose. I'm still having a really strange cycle - I thought I had ovulated last week but i'm still getting residual OV pain so just keep BDing just to cover all bases!

Strange cycle? Welcome to the club! :( I wish I didn't understand! :hugs:

Hi girls, 4.5 hours and counting. Scared as shit. I read AQ's news this morning and thought I was going to puke. I don't even think she was feeling any symptoms. This was based on her blood work. Can you believe it?

But I did also read some news of a woman who is one day less than me and her scan today was great. So that was reassuring.

I agree with your comments about True Blood. Enough said.

Megg, your chart continues to confuse me. It looks like you might have O'd but it isn't super clear. I think you have.

Vicky, when is your scan. I love that your dad is going with you. And I'm glad he won't be in the room with you. That would be freakish.

Mel, any news?

Prgirl, why do you think you have bad eggs? Have the doctors said anything about scar tissue to you? What are your cycles normally like? How many have you had since your last loss? In terms of Ov'ing, do you do OPK's or chart your temps to know when you Ov? So many questions I have for you!

Ok, girls, not sure how much I'll be on this site between now and my appointment. I'll post as soon as I can. I'm a nervous wreck and am not sure how I'm going to get through the next few hours.


I have no clue anymore! *throws hands up in the air*

I'm sure your scan will be fine! :hugs:

Hearty - good luck this morning hun. Thinking of you and hope all goes well (as I am sure it will).

The clinic opens at 9:00am, so another 51 minutes to go.....not counting down the time or anything, but yeah I am going mental waiting for these results.

Those pills the nurse gave me for morning sickness are working wonders. I actually got to eat breakfast today, before noon!! The only bad thing is, they cause a bit of drowsiness.....Might be in for a long day...

Hope everyone is having a great day so far....

9 minutes and counting!!! :yipee: Hurry up, 9 minutes!!!

Prgirl, why do you think you have bad eggs? Have the doctors said anything about scar tissue to you? What are your cycles normally like? How many have you had since your last loss? In terms of Ov'ing, do you do OPK's or chart your temps to know when you Ov? So many questions I have for you!

Both my losses have been at about 5 weeks when the yolk/fetal pole is trying to form, although my second loss wasn't confirmed until I was 10 weeks because it didn't go naturally. I guess I keep thinking there must be an egg problem otherwise it would be able to form a feotus?

My cycles range from 27-32 really, so within 'normal' limit. My longest cycle was 36 days and that was the one straight after coming off my contraception pill. I've only had one cycle since my last loss.

I bought OPK's ages ago and used them all up (I only bought 10) within a couple of cycles and couldn't seem to time it all right for a positive one. I don't temp because at this moment I'm not sure I would feel comfortable putting SO much into this as I think it'll just stress me out. However my friend has given me her clearblue digital fertility monitor thing which i'll start at CD1 if I don't get my BFP this cycle.

Anyway good luck for your scan, I'm rooting for you!

My losses were around the same time. I've been assured that any loss so early is almost certainly due to chromosomal anomalies that have nothing to do with you. Generally, dodgy eggs would result in difficulty in conceiving at all rather than super early MC's! :hugs:
lol Meg, I'm watching the clock and wishing the phone to ring! I might give a call instead of waiting for them.....
I did....still no results yet!!! I'm getting so mad....apparently the blood doesn't go to the Hospital in the next Town, it is flown to Edmonton and done at the lab there. They are waiting to see the results in the computer, but I am sure if they would phone the lab and ask, they would have them. So they said I might have Friday's results, as well as yesterday's results today. I'm so frustrated, and I don't think they understand what it's like to be in my shoes right now.....those results are life and death....
That's shit! :hugs: I'm sorry they're jerking you around like that! Hoping you have them before the end of the hour!
Thanks Meg....I think I am going to decide for myself that the results show good news and that the hcg levels are climbing the way they should be, and everything is well.
I agree! I think that's precisely what you'll be finding out! :hugs:
Good luck Hearty!! can't wait to hear how it's going!!
What the hell, mel? Can these people not figure out how to do their job? Your levels are going to be great though, so the wait will be worth it ;)

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