I've posted before about Jack being very hungry in the evenings. He seems to want to feed the whole time. He'll feed for half an hour, take himself off, be content for five minutes and then start frantically sucking his fingers and if not seen to within a few minutes he starts crying.
It's been exhausting, there have been nights where it felt like my milk just wasn't good enough for him and the more stressed I got, the less he seemed to get from my breast.
So pretty much every night we have been giving him a bottle, sometimes EBM but more often formula. I only ever wanted top ups to be a temporary solution but now I have no idea how to phase them out.
What can I do to make sure I have enough milk of good quality for him to be satisfied at this time of day? And is there anything that we can do to help him go more than 2 hours between feeds during the day?! I think this would have a knock on effect and ensure better milk in the evenings (I feel like he sucks all the goodness out during the day!).
It's been exhausting, there have been nights where it felt like my milk just wasn't good enough for him and the more stressed I got, the less he seemed to get from my breast.
So pretty much every night we have been giving him a bottle, sometimes EBM but more often formula. I only ever wanted top ups to be a temporary solution but now I have no idea how to phase them out.
What can I do to make sure I have enough milk of good quality for him to be satisfied at this time of day? And is there anything that we can do to help him go more than 2 hours between feeds during the day?! I think this would have a knock on effect and ensure better milk in the evenings (I feel like he sucks all the goodness out during the day!).