i've been told by midwife and physio that my stomach muscles are really far apart and I need to do some exercises to help pull them back together. Anyone else had this/know any exercises that really help??
you need to ask them suitable exercises for you personally; its actually their job to tell you these as post-birth midwives and physios! When I had this problem I was advised some special exercises but was told to only do them in the first six weeks and then at my six week check see if things had 'knitted' back together; which they had. The exercise they told me was to lie on my back with knees bent and to wrap my arms around my stomach like giving myself a hug making sure to hold my stomach together really tightly; and then gently lift my head in two movements and gently lower in two movements. They also told me another one to do on my side but can't remember how that one went xx
i was told not to do situps it can make them worse. I had a leaflet from hospital, if you lay flat on your back and draw your stomach muscles in towards your back and hold for a few seconds then release and repeat, i did these 3 times a day for 2 weeks and saw a massive improvement i had a 4cm gap after birth. x
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