do any of you lovely ladies have thyroid


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2012
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Problems but still got pregnant? I have a great friend that wants a baby and I feel like being pregnant is showing it in her face granted this is not her making me feel this way I just feel bad I can get pregnant so easy she and her oh haven't started trying but she do9esnt want to try to be let down annd what not so I was just wondering if any of you could tell me what you went threw? I told her to come here but idk if she has yet
Is she on medication to regulate it? Usually, it's a simple enough solution if thyroid is the only thing that's preventing it. However, if thyroid isn't balanced odds are that something else is out of whack and she'd need to consult a doc. My thyroid was normal but borderline so it went hypo once I actually got pregnant. I did need assistance though as I have pcos.
I've been hypothyroid for 7 years and haven't had trouble concieving (3 months ttc#2). If she has her level within the norm it shouldn't affect her fertility.
When I had my thyroid problem I was told that while I was taking the medication it wasn't recommended to get pregnant as I needed tge thyroid problem sorted first but if I was to get pregnant then we would cross that bridge and having a thyroid problem can make it harder to get pregnant but not impossible.
I stuck it out and had mine sorted in just over a year and then got pregnant.
I have hypothyroidism, have for about 4 years, and it took us about 6 months to get pregnant. We weren't even really trying, it was more of a if it happens it happens type of thing. I'm due in less then 8 weeks and have had no problems during my pregnancy at all. The only thing my doctor did once I became pregnant was increase my dose a little.
I had trouble getting pregnant until they switched me from a synthetic to natural thyroid medication, then i got pregnant right away.
I have had hypothyroidism for over 10 years due to an auto immune disease called hashimotos. I did not have trouble getting pregnant. So if she takes her meds to get it under control, it shouldn't be a problem. Wishing her luck!
Ive been hypothyroid since before the age of 10 (im 25 now).
My cycles are "regular" but not down to a day or anything like that (32-35 day cycles depending on ov. which rarely happens on the same CD, usually CD 22-25). And i only have 10 day LP, which is bare minimum. I know my thyroid is playing into this but based on a ton of reading i actually think that is because i have an estrogen dominance and a progesterone deficiency, which can make thyroid not function properly. Even when my thyroid is being regulated with meds (which it always is), i still have those issues. So anyways i could have more than thyroid going on but so far my experience has been this:

baby #1. Got pregnant first cycle. Sadly MCed.
baby #2, healthy baby boy, got pregnant first cycle.
baby #3, healthy baby boy, got pregnant after 7 cycles.
baby #4, pregnant with a girl after 7 cycles.

Now the biggest issue i have had, personally, has been during the postpartum period. There is a condition called "Postpartum Thyroiditis". As established i have been hypothyroid since a very young age (not Hashimotos though). PP Thyroiditis can present in a few ways, but mine personally goes super hyper around 2 months PP and then super super hypo around 5 months PP. This has happened both times ive been PP. I presume the same will occur. It causes a TON of symptoms. The hyper state is the worst. I feel im running a rage, im emotional, mean, moody, bitchy, i get the jitters so much i feel like i must be withdrawling from meth. Then when i go hypo i get all of the classic underactive thyroid symptoms but i go reallllyyyy really hypo. After DS1, my thyroid went from .001 (thats about as hyper as you can get!) to 12.59 :shock: i gained 35lbs in less than 10 days-no lie. It literally changed overnight. Then after we get the thyroid med levels figured out, which takes a lot of bloodwork and adjusting, im on thyroid meds for life. (much like prior to my pregnancys). My thyroid, without meds, is in a constant state of hypo (the meds fix it if on the proper dosages, but i never go hyper, outside of PP thryoiditis)

So for me, i am sure that it causes some fertility issues (i also have endometriosis too). I def know that thyroid is a very very important function when getting and maintaining a pregnancy too. So it can def effect badly to getting pregnant.

One thing that is kind of indirectly fertility related, is that i have a condition known as Insufficient Glandular Tissue. This means i cannot ever EBF bc i lack the glands, tissues, and milk making factory to produce enough milk. I firmly believe that this was caused bc my thyroid went untreated during puberty. (you cant grow breast tissue well with low thyroid and low progesterone-they are two highly important hormones, amongst others, needed for breast development). So even though that isn't an issue with actually getting pregnant, it did cause other reproductive issues for me. And if it did that to me, im totally sure it can do negatives to actually getting pregnant.

Anyways, if she is taking meds and getting her thyroid checked frequently (to make sure she is on the proper dosage), then once he blood reveals normal levels then she should be able to concieve, assuming that is her only issue. Essentially while taking the meds gives off same function as someone who doesn't have a thyroid disorder.

If i would have waited for my thyroid to work properly, we never would have had children since its been that way pretty much my entire life.
I had trouble getting pregnant until they switched me from a synthetic to natural thyroid medication, then i got pregnant right away.

OT, but the more into parenting i get the more natural minded i become.
Can you please direct me to natural alternatives to support thyroid? Ive attempted it in the past and it didn't work but really i think i just didn't have enough knowledge nor resources to help fix it. I hopeful that if i can obtain this knowledge that i can try it with sucess.
I've had hypothyroidism since my early 20s, and it took me about ten months to get pregnant (we were actively trying).

That said, my thyroid was not totally in balance to start with, and about a month and a half before I got pregnant, my gyno suggested raising my dose by 100mcg per week. I did that, my TSH levels went down to 2.5 (the ideal levels in order to get pregnant are between 1 and 2.5 if I recall correctly), and within two months I got pregnant.
Since getting pregnant I've stayed on that dose, and at last test (which I admittedly need to get done again soon because it's been a couple of months), my TSH was at 1.5 which is great.

To the OP, tell your friend to have her TSH levels checked, and talk to her doctor about possibly adjusting the dose if it's not within those levels.
Problems but still got pregnant? I have a great friend that wants a baby and I feel like being pregnant is showing it in her face granted this is not her making me feel this way I just feel bad I can get pregnant so easy she and her oh haven't started trying but she do9esnt want to try to be let down annd what not so I was just wondering if any of you could tell me what you went threw? I told her to come here but idk if she has yet

im not sure if ur friend has low or high thyroid problem but i have low thyroid and am preg no probs ;)
i did lose my first bub with mmc but that wasnt connected.
first time i tried to get preg it took 3 month ttc ,this time it took 16 days :) hee hee.
i have had to up my meds once during preg but have been fine since and bub is fine, i just get tested for thyroid levels every 5 weeks by doc :)
best of luck to ur friend xxxx
if her levels are under control startin off she should have no probs :)
I had trouble getting pregnant until they switched me from a synthetic to natural thyroid medication, then i got pregnant right away.

OT, but the more into parenting i get the more natural minded i become.
Can you please direct me to natural alternatives to support thyroid? Ive attempted it in the past and it didn't work but really i think i just didn't have enough knowledge nor resources to help fix it. I hopeful that if i can obtain this knowledge that i can try it with sucess.

I am on Armour Thyroid which is pig thyroid hormone. I was on Synthroid for years and all my hypo symptoms came back with a vengeance even though my hormone levels were within normal ranges. Since being on the Armour I have felt so good and like I did before I was diagnosed/started to see symptoms. The best move my doctor made for me, within 2 days of starting it my symptoms were gone and I felt great.
And on a side note...not sure if it is due to the natural thyroid or not, but I have had my levels checked every month of pregnancy (TSH, free T3 and T4) and not had to have a single adjustment (knock on wood).
We coudlnt conceive due to hypothyroid.

Tried for 9 months, and then went for blood test which showed my TSH was 7+.

Went on thyroxine and was pregnant the first full cycle after.

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