was curious, do you still continue to track your temp after that BFP? And what is it with mines. I just can't seem to get any consistency. It's up and down like a yoyo
I continued to track mine until yesterday! (I'm 8 weeks tomorrow). I just had to stop because any slight change and I found myself worrying and that can't be good for anyone. I would definitely suggest stopping. I feel anxious for doing it, but I know its for the best.
Enjoy every individual day being pregnant.
Good luck x
Thank you for asking that! I have been and it dropped by .2F this am but the house was cooler last night and well I changed what I wore to bed. I think I will stop now. MS has kicked in full to let me know everything is ok.
Once you're really pregnant, your temp can be all wonky. It can drop down and be in the range of waiting to ovulate or be all over the place! It's better for your piece of mind to stop temping unless you think you're sick or have a fever!
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