Does Anyone Else Not Test Early? JOIN US (12 BFP So Far!)

Woah! Woah! My temperature was back up this morning to 98.06 (from yesterday's 97.54 and matching it's all-time high for this month). Explain!

(I am so stunned I am even going to include this darn fertilityfriend chart!)
My Ovulation Chart

Spotting has so far stopped although the crampiness this morning REALLY did feel like AF had started. Am - um not quite sure what to say. Should I be leaping to conclusions...?

WOW JustMe!! That looks amazing!! EEK, I'm starting to get a little excited for you!!! If I were you, I would try to contain my excitement until tomorrow morning and see what your temp does then, if its still high I would run out and get a hpt and test on Thurs or Friday!!! But that's just me :haha:

So my appointment went really well, I just love my doctor! All my bloods looked good and so did my husbands. As for DH's semen analysis, his opening remark was that DH's semen "wouldn't win any competitions". I had a good laugh at that. His count and mobility are both great, but the morphology could be better. Its not bad, just not ideal. He said he wouldn't be worried about it though, it might just take a bit longer. We have booked me for a lacaroscopy on 15 March if I don't get pg this month, as that is the only other thing we don't know (whether or not my tubes are blocked etc.) He said we could wait to do it, but if there is a blockage then we would have wasted valuble months shooting my eggs up against a brick wall. EEK!! Kinda scary, but we decided to do it if we don't catch the eggy this month!

On the bright side, if I don't get pg and we do the lacaroscopy then I get 3 days off work and am not allowed to excersize for a week :thumbup: I can definately deal with that. When he asked where I was in my cycle and I told him that I'm ov'ing today or tomorrow, he said "Well what are you still doing here? Get home and get laid!!!" :blush:

Here's hopint that this is our month and I don't have to go under general anesthetic next month!!!!
Your Dr sounds fab! :D And I hope it totally happens for you this month! :D EEEEEEE!!

I still have no clue but am guessing I won't for a few days (unless AF kicks in!). Some vague brown discharge appeared in my underwear a little while ago but nothing else. I think even if temps stay up (gosh I sort of hope they do, think my brain is pretty much convinced I must be now!) :| I will wait another week to test...leap day sounds like a super fun day to check! (or really rubbish if negative, lol!)
(but I say that without guarantees, lol!)
plastikpony - Please send your doctor here, we could do with more people like him! :D So glad the appointment went well. It's all sounding pretty positive, which is great news. Am I right in thinking morphology is how the sperm are formed? But anyway don't answer any of this now, get BDing! :p

justmeinlove - Difficult to say and of course it could go either way but shall we look at the hopeful side of things? Implantation could have been on 6 DPO, then your body begins to gear up for AF before the news catches up with it, hence the temp dip and the brown discharge. Don't count on it of course but I'm a great believer in positive thoughts! Is there any reason your temp could be higher today? If not then see it as a good sign.

Well I feel like a right idiot today. I called the doctors back as I realised that my midwife appointment was actually set up for 13 weeks, which is completely wrong, should be 10. So I called back and moved the appointment (to the annoyance of the miserable woman who answered the phone). I call my partner to tell him it's now March 30th. Silence. Then he says "what else is happening on the 30th?" His sister's wedding! D'oh. I can't call back again today, I'll feel silly. So I'm going to nip in Thursday lunch on my way home from work and see if I can explain in person with an embarrassed smile. :blush:
Haha!! Panda you are so cute!!! Yeah, my doc is kinda awesome. I'm busy panicing a bit now coz my blood tests came back slightly positive for antithryroglobulin, which is a thyroid antibody, even though my thyroid levels are normal. I have a history of thryroid problems so of course now I'm reading Dr Google (always a BAD BAD idea) and coming up with all sorts of things about thyroid antibodies and infertility and miscarriages and failing to implant. Mailed DH in a panic to say maybe I should go and see my old endocrinologist, and he calmy replied saying that we are going to stick with what our doc is suggesting. Phew, good to have a calm DH when I can be here there and everywhere emotionally!!!

Level was only slightly raised, so hopefully all will be ok.
Am going for trying to be calm and rational, but tbh my brain has gone 'OMG I AM!!!!'.
So I kind of appreciate the not entirely positive response Panda :) (whilst at the same time not entirely appreciating it, but you understand why?) :)
Hope it stays up tomorrow etc! If it goes back down, I give up! :p
Oh, and Panda, I would just call them back and change it if I were you. I also hate sounding silly though, so I totally get where u are coming from :)

JustMe, you didn't have a MASSIVE party with TONNES of booze last night, did you? If you did (you wild thing you) then that might account for such a massive rise. Also, did you take your temp at the same time you normally do? I still reckon its a good sign and you'd be CRAZY to wait a whole WEEK if AF doesn't show in the next 4 days :D
But that's just me. I couldn't wait that long knowing that I was actually late. Our no testing rule (its kinda a loose rule anyway, right Panda?) only exists until you are officially late :D )
No, no massive party last night. Quite a big tea, but I doubt that's it! :p Ate food, cuddled hb, went to bed, slept in usual garb, woke up and temped at same time (ok maybe 15 minutes early!). Had woken up earlier so was more dozing than anything but that's happened before :p
Although I still don't belong here because I still can't stop testing each day :dohh: ... I was just wondering if you ladies find it makes a difference what time of the day you test? I've been testing first thing in the morning and now my crazy head is trying to tell me it might make a difference if I test at a different time. Id like to say I can hold off testing until Thursday but if I am pregnant I just need to know! I think im losing it! :wacko: haha
:) You're meant to do it first thing :)
And honestly, testing before Thursday won't make you more or less pregnant! :) Go do something fun with your partner instead! :D
:) You're meant to do it first thing :)
And honestly, testing before Thursday won't make you more or less pregnant! :) Go do something fun with your partner instead! :D Using the money you're saving on tests! :p
I wouldn't worry unless your doctor says you have cause to. I know sometimes these things can read positive and doctors can dismiss them because levels aren't high enough to be a problem. So I agree with your partner, try and keep calm. Easier said than done I know. Can you speak to your doctor about it to put your mind at rest?

justme - Sorry! I don't want to be the one going "OMG you are" just incase you're not - you'd be like "that panda girl said I was!". :mad: :p I do think it looks positive though. The only time I think I got an inaccurate reading was my first month TTC and I will ill with a horrid headache. I haven't told anyone this next bit but I trust you ladies not to laugh too much. :S My second month I tried to see how I could make myself warmer, because any reading below 36.8 was just no fun to wake up to. So I'd wrap myself up tight in blankets. The truth is it made no noticeable difference to my temps, they went up when they wanted to go up and I couldn't fake them. Not sure why I was even trying to because being warm because you cooked yourself in blankets doesn't = pregnant. I'd only have been lying to myself. But there you go. If you can't explain it away with an illness or reason I'd be positive about it. :)

Also just to add - waking up 15 mins early wouldn't account for such a massive jump anyway. :) Fingers crossed!
Panda - I was thinking about doing that the other day, just to cheer myself up a bit! :D

more babies - Stick to the mornings. The idea is to get your resting temp. If you were to take it just before lunch (for example) you couldn't guarantee the conditions would always be the same. nothing wrong with taking your temps at different times to see, but only record the morning one for accuracy. I'd also try to do as little as possible before taking it. I had my thermometer on the rim of the bed and as soon as my alarm buzzed I'd pick it up, turn it on and take it. Don't be crazy and try and make yourself warmer like I did. :p Do you have your chart online?
I know. I've just become horribly impatient. I used my last test yesterday so I would have to buy another pack to test again so hopefully that will keep me from testing. I don't know what's come over me this time because I wasn't like this with my last one 6 years ago.
Not long to wait then! How are you feeling and what are your temps like?
This is our first month TTC so I havent done the temp thing. My lower back has been killing me every day for at least a week. My bbs have been hurting for the past few days and definitely different from the usual period sore bbs. Haven't been sleeping good at all which is getting real old real fast. I've been stuffed since a couple days past ovulation which really could just be a cold. Im afriad I've giving myself these symptoms though. My rational thinking knows its not a long wait now but then my crazy side feels like its forever!
Oh that's it, Fertility Friend is EVIL! I've just learnt how to do the chart overlay thing...
(if this link works, doesn't this look pretty and similar)...
and this one!
and this one!

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