Does Anyone Else Not Test Early? JOIN US (12 BFP So Far!)

Ah ok that's it then :) Oh well, I shall bust a test on Saturday and then if nothing, another the next Saturday (if of course AF hasn't turned up by either of those points).
I do think it's a good idea anyway as if I'm not, SEEING the BFN might somehow help my body sort itself out and crack on...

I think it's a great idea!! Just remember, if you pee on it, you have to post a pic of it!! :happydance::thumbup:

How are you feeling? Do you have any AF symptoms? Do you usually get AF symptoms? I'm a big believer in that. I always KNOW when AF is coming, because my bbs are unbearably sore and huge (DH loves that part of the month!!) and the day before (TMI alert) I always have a bit of a loose tummy, if u know what I mean? :blush: Cramps aren't very reliable for me, sometimes I get them, sometimes I don't. I'm hoping that the month I get my :bfp: (please please PLEASE let that be this month!!) I will somehow feel different before AF, but I know so many lovely ladies who have just felt exactly the same! Only time will tell I guess :coffee:

BTW, I just LOVE the fact that you are on more or less the same time as me, I'm SO imatient to wait for answers and I love having someone to chat to to pass the time
Ooh ooh i feel crampy now!

Btw the vit B50 i'm taking does lengthen the lp, so my af may be a day or so late, i'd like a 14 day one with no spotting lol. I Just need to keep an eye on the temps. I would have expected my temps to be higher if i was going to get a bfp this month.
Thank you ladies! I don't chart, not yet anyway. I had my implant out in the first week of December and got my first period at the end of December so I guess this is my second cycle. I was WTT for 2 years and was really excited to get the implant out - stupidly I thought I'd left the stress behind and that this was the exciting part! I wish!

I'm not very good with the signatures. I'm still trying to work out how to put my cycle day on there :(
OH, ok!! Well now I know :) Still holding thumbs for you though! Make sure you get a good nights sleep so we know what your temp is for sure tomorrow :) *excite!*
impetlimpet - I think we're both sort of in a 'we will see what tomorrow's temperature brings' situation aren't we **head wall**

thisismyyear - me too, I stopped Yasmin at the beginning of December - and I know what you mean although at least the stupid BCP hormones should be out of us by now...

A PHOTO OF SOMETHING I JUST PEED ON?! Grim :p I make no promises - lol well if it's positive, I'll take a photo, if not I may just be sulking :p (and I know re on at the same time, thank goodness tbh, I'd go mad if no-one was replying, now to hope IT don't notice my computer sitting on this site all day) :p

I feel fine today :) (lol maybe bit nervy). As I said earlier yesterday was terrible, but so far today no cramps, no spotting, no nothing! :) Tbh I kind of feel like I do AFTER my AF - much better :p No idea what that means! Breasts were feeling HUGE yesterday though and hurty, which afaik for me isn't normal. And I get the sad tummy stuff too - um can't remember if I had that earlier in the month for some reason but fine today so far.
Well, I think I figured it out!! About when I ov'd. Today I have little to no cm, but because my temp is down I figured I would be ov'ing today. HOWEVER, yesterday i was literally dripping with ewcm (way tmi, sorry), but my morning temp was still normal, indicating I hadn't ov'd yet.

Anyway, doing some reading (yes, I know, stay AWAY from Dr Google!!) and it can take anything from 1 hour to 2 days for your temp to rise after Ov. So, what I'm thinking, is that I ov'd yesterday afternoon or overnight, and then when I took my temp this morning it's low coz not enough time has passed for it to rise yet. So totally don't feel like i'm ov'ing today. Totally felt like I was yesterday, had the usual headache and everything!!

Also, I'm sick, so maybe I'm just making excuses coz I really don't reel like bd'ing tonight. We've done 2 days in a row and if I want to do it again tonight it'll be my turn to seduce DH, and I just don't know if I have the energy...

What you ladies think?
plastik - doesn't the temp go up the day AFTER you ovulate? (hang on, you said that - yes that's my grasp of it!). Also I read that if you do it every 2 days, that's fine :)
plastik - doesn't the temp go up the day AFTER you ovulate? (hang on, you said that - yes that's my grasp of it!). Also I read that if you do it every 2 days, that's fine :)

Indeed, the temp goes up the day after ov. My conundrum though, is that I'm pretty sure I ov'd yesterday, but my temp is down today! And I'll bet my little socks that it starts skyrocketing tomorrow...
Well 1 day before ovulation is meant to be much better for getting pregnant than the actual day - so don't worry! :) After all, sex becoming a chore is a BAD thing in so many ways! :o

I am really not enjoying today. I feel fine but I think now that my chart has AF due tomorrow I am so f*king terrified that it's going to come. Up until now it's all been 'ooh look symptoms' and 'oooh look spotting but no AF' but now - it could just turn up tomorrow. And I could have been totally kidding myself. And that's going to suck SO much :(
Tbh am tempted to go and have a little disappointed cry now and get it over with :(

Thisismyyear - Welcome! :)

justme - You're still above the coverline! Do you have a full month chart yet (offline I mean), or is this your first? Would be interesting to see if there's a pattern or not. Could it be possible 11 DPO is implantation? I'm going to search charts for implantation dips and see if I can find evidence to support that theory!

In regard to AF symptoms, I thought I was getting AF this month. I was actually very confused by how similar the symptoms were. I would say they only got "worse" (or more intense) around two days after my missed period. So AF symptoms are nothing, you're not out in my book until AF shows! Even then remember some people do still get a mini period. Honestly we can carry on the hope until next ovulation! :D

Impet Limpet - How long is your LP normally?
Well 1 day before ovulation is meant to be much better for getting pregnant than the actual day - so don't worry! :) After all, sex becoming a chore is a BAD thing in so many ways! :o

I am really not enjoying today. I feel fine but I think now that my chart has AF due tomorrow I am so f*king terrified that it's going to come. Up until now it's all been 'ooh look symptoms' and 'oooh look spotting but no AF' but now - it could just turn up tomorrow. And I could have been totally kidding myself. And that's going to suck SO much :(
Tbh am tempted to go and have a little disappointed cry now and get it over with :(


Sorry Just!! On the other hand, if u this emotional then MAYBE YOU'RE PG!!! But I find it's always better to prepare for the worst. That way it isn't quite as devastating if AF does show. And if she doesn't.... WOOOOHOOOOO!!! So yeah, I'm not going to try and convince you that you are or you aren't. Will just be here to commiserate or to celebrate, depending what happens :D
Finding loads of charts with implantation dips that are gradual rather than straight down and up.
Well 1 day before ovulation is meant to be much better for getting pregnant than the actual day - so don't worry! :) After all, sex becoming a chore is a BAD thing in so many ways! :o

I am really not enjoying today. I feel fine but I think now that my chart has AF due tomorrow I am so f*king terrified that it's going to come. Up until now it's all been 'ooh look symptoms' and 'oooh look spotting but no AF' but now - it could just turn up tomorrow. And I could have been totally kidding myself. And that's going to suck SO much :(
Tbh am tempted to go and have a little disappointed cry now and get it over with :(


justmeinlove - I'm a few days behind you but I feel the same way today. I had every "symptom" going until 6 dpo but now nothing at all. I know it's too early but not sure what has put me on a downer. I can't even cave in and test early this month although it may put me out of my misery. It's my birthday and I have b'day related plans today, tomorrow and Saturday and I do not want to show up down and upset. So at the moment I'd rather not know but I've lost the optimism and positive thinking from the last few days.

I really hope AF doesn't show and you get your BFP this week. I have everything croosed for you xx:hugs:
wellll you know, me getting excited or disappointed or whatever won't make any difference, i either am or i'm not. Oh and no, no prior charts, my first month at temperature taking! :)
Thanks lovely people :)
And lol I was a wreck last night but tbh for me over-emotional IS an AF symptom :p

thisismyyear - don't test this early! It won't put you out of your misery, it will just be POAS! You can't even slightly know what a BFN means at that stage :p :) HUGS!
I've been feeling crampy pressure since yesterday.. so I'm guessing that's probably not a good sign. BBs and back are still sore though. AF is due either today or tomorrow. So far no signs of her yet. What does normal CM look like before you would find out about a BFP? Mine has been watery since I ovulated and today seems more like EWCM (sorry if this is TMI). I think I'm going to wait until friday to test unless AF shows up before then because I think at this point a BNF would be disappointing.
morebabies - :dust:
totally totally sympathise, I think I have slumped into 'man it isn't is it' depression now. Partially cos I um, 'checked' and there was a faint amount of brown (tbh no more than would have caused the spotting of the earlier days) and partially because well, I find it Impossible to believe I would ever actually be pregnant (therefore of course the logical conclusion is I'm not)

**sigh** Never reached this stage before - which is insane because tbh so far according to the chart's best guess, I'm not late yet! Maybe this is just my first month of noticing... :|
Justme.. fingers crossed for you and sending lots of :dust: your way!
Ball locks! Af just arrived!

Tmi but it looks more like strawberry smoothie than blood lol!
Thanks for that image Limpet!! Lol. Sorry AF got you :( don't get disheartened tho as you wil get there! Everyone will! Im living proof of that. :hugs:

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