Does Anyone Else Not Test Early? JOIN US (12 BFP So Far!)

Hurrah, FF has finally acknowledged that I am 3dpo :p And a slight and confusing break in the pattern of temps - weird! I guess if it doesn't go up tomorrow I shall just give up on the concept of a pattern... :p

Still full of cold, so am sitting here drinking lemsip and feeling pitiful, rather than pondering 3dpo - lol I think even if I was inclined to symptom spot, it would be failing massively due to the sicky-ill symptoms overriding them :p

How is everyone else doing?
**looks around** Hmm is it just me now? :| 4dpo! And I think I've pinpointed part of what makes people crazy. I feel a sense of achievement for reaching 4dpo! And am very aware of how silly that is because only at 14dpo without AF should there be ANY vague sense of 'ooh new stuff, eee!'. Lol!
Still only have cold symptoms :p and don't care too much right now :p Blargh. And my 'ooh my chart is following a pattern' theory has been destroyed I think... :p
Haha justme! Patterns not being followed is a good thing as last mths pattern didn't provide the correct result! Symptom spotting was created by the devil, of that I am sure! Don't do it!!!! Fingers crossed u nailed it this mth :hugs:
Using my CBFM this month! AF due around 30.03, however, not allowing myself to test until 03.04, if AF is late of course... as that is the anniversary of when we first dated x

:dust: and happy :sex: to everyone!
hi Ladies! Can I join you?

I've been banned from Testing early too, last time we TTC I spent a fortune on HPTs so I'm not allowed to buy any until the day after AF is due this time!
I'm TTC #2 and this is our first month trying. Af is due the 16th March, so will be testing on the 17th if no AF :)

:dust: to you all.
Hi! I want to join this thread!
I really don't want to test until AF is late. I hate getting disappointed and then thinking there's still a chance, then getting AF and then getting disappointed again! I rather wait with hope, have a decent mood and only get disappointed once and definitively.

This weekend we have a couple of social events and friends will be suspicious if I don't have a glass of wine or something so my resolve is weakening! Hence, the need for some encouragement to NOT give in!
Im pretty sure I ovulated yesterday so hopefully this month will be our month even though this is only our second month trying. This time im going to give it my all to not test early. I think ill be able to hold out after how disappointing it ended up being last month. Im also going to try not to symptom spot. Luckily im on vacation and today will really be my only down day so at least the first week ill be busy. AF is due on the 25th so we shall see then!
Oh that's 3 of us! Glad to have you onboard tryingforno2. Hopefully one of us might get our BFP!

I'm glad I read this thread!!! AF is due the 17th for me, too... and I am one that also OBSESSES and tests early. I'm having so many symptoms, I went to the doc yesterday and gt my blood drawn.. it was neg :( but I think its just too soon?? (See what I just did??) If you take too early, you always second guess it! This is only my second cycle charting and tracking... and If I am in fact not prego this time, I will NOT test sooner than AF anymore. Its just not worth the emotional stress.

Anyone having symptoms due around the 17th???
I'm due the 12th. The only symptom I would say isn't due to the usual progesterone is this possible spotting I had on 8dpo. I don't even know if it was spotting. I wiped and had some creamy CM with a hint of pink in it. I don't know if that can really be considered spotting and at this point I think I was so desperate to have a pregnancy sign I feel like I may have imagined it! I wish I had taken a picture. God, that would be weird!
Image someone seeing that on my phone? The reaction and the ensuing questions: "Uh, why do you have a picture of some goopy toilet paper on your phone?" :rofl:
Ooh more people! Hello! Welcome to not testing, yay!!! Which is I just say imo the best plan :-D
5dpo today for me, still got a vile cold which remains a bit of a blessing cos can't be bothered to symptom spot!
Babyonthemind, don't test! Even if it came up bfn you're still be "ooh but maybe it's wrong" :) and you're be down by £ (cost of a test) ;-)
Welcome newbies! I put off testing til AF was 3 days late! I had no symptoms at all becoz I wasn't tracking my cycle and didn't for a second expect to catch on a mth I hardly spoke to my OH! Lol. Just goes to show it happens when u least expect it! Welcome to the madness girls and good luck to u all! :hugs: :dust:
Im not testing this month either. Currently around 9DPO......I think. Although I didnt even use OPKs this month, I did slightly pay attention to CM but even then just BD when we fancied it.

Not testing until 16th/17th.....AF due to arrive on 15th. Ive got two tests in the house and i will NOT waste them by testing early even though they stare at me every day from the bathroom!!! Lol
im also waiting it out :) im very irregular so i have no clear date for af to arrive so just waiting for a month lol i will not test until tuesday...i will not test until tuesday.......:)
*grumble grumble* I'm not claiming any of the below are symptoms but I am feeling rubbish and deeply moody due to cold, so am going to whine anyway :p

- tiny bit of yellowy?! CM yesterday. 1-ew, and 2-wtf?!
- stomach area today feels like I've pulled something. I may well have done with all the coughing. Bah.
- moody as f*k. To be fair, I am ill and it sucks :p

AND I am also moody as I now have 3 days holiday as it's our wedding anniversary on Tuesday (eeeeee!) and I left my mobile phone charger at my stupid work. Grrrrr. Also we're ill and did I mention it's our first wedding anniversary on Tuesday!

Still. On good side - eeeee anniversary! :D Hubbie so lovely and wonderful, love him so much :D

Could really do without the stomach ow's though...
9 DPO - sore boobs & pink CM ! Arrhhhhh...I need to test!!!
No you don't. Random symptoms don't make a reliable result any more likely, it will just cost money and if it comes up bfn you won't believe it.. Wait until af is late :) hugs!
OOh I like this thread. I want to test, but know it's much much better to wait!

I have the whole funny pulling in my lower abdo, boobs are sore, but then my wee girly was up every hour last night wanting to feed! Exhausted today! Every symptom I spot I'm making excuses for and those little whispers of "ooh maybe I am preggy" are being banished!!! On the whole I'm quite proud of myself for not testing! yay!! If Af doesn't arrive on Friday I will be down the chemist first thing Sat!!!
10 DPO - still havent tested!! Usually ive done about 6 by now!!

First thing I did this morning was go for a wee & get rid off that FMU !! Lol.....i refuse to test with anything other than FMU so at least that is another day done! :p

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