Does self inducing methods make labor easier?


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2012
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This pregnancy I don't have a desire to go into labor before my due date..(yet anyways lol) But I was just wondering do all those self inducing methods that soften the cervix make labor easier? Or would it be the same if your body just went into labor on its own without doing any of those things?

With my first pregnancy I was in a rush because DH is in the military and was scheduled to be leaving. I used evening primrose oil vaginally, drank RRL tea, sat and bounced on my birthing ball, ect. And it might of just worked because I went into labor naturally at 38 weeks 3 days.

So I guess my question is should I do these things again to make labor 'easier' help soften my cervix or does it not even really matter? I read eating prunes helps with labor but I don't want to go into labor sooner.... I really hope this makes sense :haha:
I hear good things about raspberry leaf tea...but I'm ftm and haven't tried it yet myself!
The EPO and RLT are supposed to help prepare you for labor without actually putting you into labor, so I would think that (in theory) they would help with the active phase of labor. :thumbup:
They all work in the active part of labour, they don't actually cause it to happen despite the old wives tales!
I'm quite happy to go to 40 weeks but still doing rlt and epo later on.
I did everything last time bar caster oil (gross!) & I went to 41+6!
thanks ladies:flower: so I guess with DS I actually didn't encourage him to come early he was just ready to come then :shrug: I will continue drinking RRL tea and maybe starting at 38 weeks I'll do the EPO and start eating Prunes :thumbup:
I took EPO and drank a ton of RLT starting on a Friday at 37.5 weeks. I went into labor that following Monday at 38 weeks. My labor was pretty long, but I pushed for *literally* just one minute. Two pushes and she was out. It may have been from the EPO, but then again, in all three of my labors my push time was very short. 7 minutes for my first baby, 4 minutes for my second, and 1 for my third.
Okay so I've been doing more research on EPO before I start taking it because I don't want to "induce" just help the first stage of labor not be as long this time around. And I came across some research that is stating taking the EPO made labor LONGER?! Anyone else read this?
I haven't tried EPO, but drank RRLT all throughout my pregnancy with DS, I was in prodromal labor for 30 hours (that was due to him coming down the birth canal sideways), but active labor was only 6 hrs as opposed to my 19 hr labor with my first, and pushing was a breeze.
Honestly. When babies want to come they will. I done rlt, pineapple core, evening primrose oil, yoga ball, yoga, reflexology, therapy oils and walked 5miles a day. And went 16days over due. baby never engaged. Ended out in forceps delivery, fourth degree tear and a pph. And my 41year old sister got one gel and had her baby 3hours later. All bodies are different it was a very expensive mistake so this time I didn't bother with natural induction techniques and she's engaged. And I didn't spend a fortune. Allot of it is gimmicky and old wives tales. That's the thing about babies they come when they come.
My midwife told me semen has something in it that starts labour (if you're ready) nature to provide :)
I don't know about helping the labor (I was induced with DD) but I fully believe that RLT helped my healing after her birth. I was up and feeling good, never got crampy, and had a very short and easy PP bleed.
Sex is good because the semen contains prostaglandin and that it was they use as a gel/pessary at first when trying to induce labour. I cant try that at the moment as my husband had the snip last week so have to wait another week. My babies head is deeply engaged but not really had many Braxton hicks for weeks. I'm going for a long walk later!
I took rlt tablets from 32w, epo (orally and vaginally) from 37w, did loads of walking, lots of sex, lots of bouncing! Was induced at 39+6 at 5pm, contractions started at about midnight, was 8cm and pushing by 6 and he arrived at 932. Think I dilated quite quickly but pushing was tough.
Agree that babies come when they're ready and I'm not sure anything I did made a difference!! Nice to feel you're trying something tho!

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