I'll warn you now its a long one! But I could do with all the advice I can get so please read on! My son is almost 4 weeks old, at 2 weeks I had him to a doctor because of a blocked nose and what sounded like phlemg on his throat, was told a virus and would clear up, I also asked about his constant hunger to which he said 'he knows what he needs, feed on demand' since them we have realised how extremely fussy he is around feeding which was around every 2 hours till my health visitor said its because he's over eatting and not getting time to digest it properly. She told us to make him go at least 3 hours if not more between 4 oz feeds. We have done, its been hard but we've stuck to it and since them have had time to really notice his symptoms that aren't going away! He screams for food almost always around 2 hours after his feed but never seems keen to drink once he's started, it takes a lot to get him too. His stomach makes terrible noises while drinking and after. He often gags while drinking. We try to burp him and have him sat up for around 30 min after food, yet 9 times out me 10 lie him down and he spits up. He takes around am hour after a bottle to comfort and calm, screaming going stiff. Once calm and part asleep if we lay him down he starts. Sometimes straight away the legs go up and he's screaming again but sometimes he can lie for about an hour or so and his breathing sounds so wheezing and throat snoty. he never lies flat more that 2 hours after that he's back the same. Would love any advice or suggestions. I'm ringning docs on opening and getting in to see someone today! Xx