Ya, I misread. And yes, co-sleeping can be sleeping in same bed or it could also mean baby sleeping next to bed in crib or bassinet. I had no idea before reading the article though. I co-sleep but I guess more accurately bed share
Yes I was talking about co-sleeping in the sense of in the same bed not a co- sleeping cot!!!! I co sleep but baby is on th outer edge of the bed, duvet is wraped around me, the cot is higher than my bed but pulled against so baby can't roll off no pillow and I tend to sleep with my arm above me so I can't roll.
Alot of people may interpret (especially those not on b&b!!) as the term 'co sleeping' as the baby being In bed with you and it's not the same because of the risk factors. Especially babies next to dads, they definatly don't have tge same' tuned in' thing as us mummies, they could easily pull a duvet over tge baby.
I'm sorry if I confused you ... It's early!!