sorry if this is in the wrong part 
Last night Colby was having a really bad temper tantrum that lasted about 5 minutes so i left her to scream it out, it started because she didnt want to go to bed bless her, but she finally agve in and fell fast asleep after 5 mins (i was standing outside the door peeking in to makesure she was ok)
Thismorning when she got up shes been fine and happy went for her usual nap at lunchtime while i took Adele to nursery and locky watched Colby.
When i got back she woke for her lunch and ate it happilly but when i was changing her bum i notticed she has these tinny like bruses in her right ear.
first thought was OMG that looks like menangitis so i stripped her down to check if she had it anywhere else but nothing
then as i looked more closely at it it looks like purple/ pink pen dots so i tried to rub gently with a baby wipe to see if it would come off but she was puling her head away and girning so im guessing it was hurting 
its not got any worse or any better its just the same and she seems to be her normal self so its baffled me how its happend.
she only has in her cot her dummy and a musical caterpillar to go to sleep with so i know she cant have stuck anything in her ear, and Adele i know would have said if she hurt her wich i know she wouldnt. and i dont think if she stuck her dummy in her ear it would have bruised it like this?
The only thing that has been different about her is her pooh's but shes been drinking alot of water recently.
im just wondering if any of your LO have brused their ears?
i know this prob doesnt make sence so when she gets up i will try take a pic of it so yous can see how bad it looks
dont knwo wether to take her to the doctors tomorrow or not as its not changed or anything

Last night Colby was having a really bad temper tantrum that lasted about 5 minutes so i left her to scream it out, it started because she didnt want to go to bed bless her, but she finally agve in and fell fast asleep after 5 mins (i was standing outside the door peeking in to makesure she was ok)
Thismorning when she got up shes been fine and happy went for her usual nap at lunchtime while i took Adele to nursery and locky watched Colby.
When i got back she woke for her lunch and ate it happilly but when i was changing her bum i notticed she has these tinny like bruses in her right ear.
first thought was OMG that looks like menangitis so i stripped her down to check if she had it anywhere else but nothing

its not got any worse or any better its just the same and she seems to be her normal self so its baffled me how its happend.
she only has in her cot her dummy and a musical caterpillar to go to sleep with so i know she cant have stuck anything in her ear, and Adele i know would have said if she hurt her wich i know she wouldnt. and i dont think if she stuck her dummy in her ear it would have bruised it like this?
The only thing that has been different about her is her pooh's but shes been drinking alot of water recently.
im just wondering if any of your LO have brused their ears?
i know this prob doesnt make sence so when she gets up i will try take a pic of it so yous can see how bad it looks
