Early June ladies, how are you feeling?


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May 20, 2010
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I'm just wondering how you all were doing?

I have been doing pretty good, but no signs of the upcoming labor. My BH's have pretty much stopped and I maybe get one contraction a day. I guess I'm a little shocked because I had a sweep done at 38+6 and all that did was make me lose some plug. I'm trying not to over think it, but I remember my Braxton hicks picking up a lot around this time with my DD. Is this happening to anyone else?
I had my sweep at 38+6 too. I lost a lot of plug since and had a bloody show this morning. Not long to wait now. Alyhough it feels like a life time.
Ooo, an early June baby thread, thats me! Hope everyones doing okay. I'm booked in for a section just shy of 40wks as its still breech. My first baby was an all natural so to say I'm terrified is an understatement! I keep telling myself that I must think of the result, meeting the little person, just a few hurdles first!

Good luck everyone!
11days to go till section super excited. Can't wait. Bring on next Friday.
Hello! I'm due Friday, so far no symptoms, just aches as normal and baby feels super-low. I'm going for walks as much as I can and have the birthing ball up. Really hope LO arrives Friday, Logan was 2 days late (not bad but I'm impatient :haha:)
:wave: Hi
Due tomorrow and really have had no signs at all :wacko:

My back aches and baby feels heavy, but I think that is more to do with being on my feet all day today. Getting BH but this baby is moving around and wriggling everytime I sit and relax - I can't remember my daughter being like this. This LO needs to settled down and get moving!!

Hope things happen for you all quickly as going over can really drag (I was 11 days last time).
R8ch, I hear you on going over. My daughter was 14 days late and it was awful.
I'm due Sunday and don't feel much different, no signs or anything. It didn't have any last time and went into labour spontaneously on my due date, hoping for the same this time!
I'm due Saturday and want this baby out so much!!! Had some BH accompanied by period pains so I'm hopeful it will happen soon. I went 8 days over with my son though, really don't want to go over this time. I wish there was a magic way to get yourself into labour! I've tried a few things and of course none of it has worked.
I'm same as you ladies, no signs or feeling much different! Due Wednesday with my first baby!
I'm going to be offered a sweep on Wednesday at my midwife appointment, although she said if baby wasn't engaged it might be best not to bother?? What do you ladies say to that?
Are you all trying to stay indoors as much as poss? I was about to head out to supermarket and my husband said on phone that I should probably avoid that and start ordering shopping online now, just incase?!
Don't want to be holed up inside for 2 whole weeks!:(
Keep us updated everyone!xx
Sadie, I've been having braxton hicks that are crampy too! And they're getting more painful. Hopefully it's a good sign. And we're due the same day.

Yin, I had a sweep last week and baby is only 4/5 engaged. Most babies don't even engage until labour anyway. There's absolutrly nothing to loose by having one. And if your body is ready it'll work!
Hi Everyone,

I was due yesterday and was convinced my baby would be early, was thinking over the half term because I gave up work last week!! I am so impatient and had regular BH and twinges up until last week and now I have nothing, my first LO was 4 days late so I'm hoping for this week!! :shrug: my LO is at nursery today so I'm all alone and bouncing on my ball as much as poss!!!! :haha:
I can feel painless twinges in my vagina - has anyone else experienced this?

I've also got diarrhea and need to go every few hours. I have mild period-like cramps but don't know if this is linked to my bowels or uterus!!
Hi ladies I am due today and had my first sweep this am. Have been getting period cramps since yesterday and have still got them now. Head is 2/5 engaged and midwife said that babies head is low so fingers crossed the sweep will work! If not I have got to go back again on Thurs to have another sweep done hope this works cos then I can have my baby at my local hospital and not have to go 45 miles away to the nearest DGH! Getting excited now I just want to meet my little one I hope it isn't too long :happydance:
This wait is BRUTAL! 5 days until my due date. Especially since family and friends constantly give me "predictor dates" that she'll be here and the date passes and she's still in my belly.

I've tried all of the old wives tales for inducing (except castor oil- not good) and only got a few boughts of false labor. I'm so over this lol!!!!!
Mis-er-a-ble... I'm due now and have been having prodromal labor on and off for more than 2 weeks with 2 episodes that we figured for sure were it! I'm on baby #3 and have had prodromal with both, followed by totally med free vaginal births, you'd think I'd know! This is my first homebirth, though and my MW figured that both tough episodes (14+ hours of very regular, moderately painful contractions) were to get asynclitic baby to shift. Saturday's was so bad I'm black and blue across my sacrum from the counter-pressure. Any day would be nice, but baby 1 was 17 days late...
I'm same as you ladies, no signs or feeling much different! Due Wednesday with my first baby!
I'm going to be offered a sweep on Wednesday at my midwife appointment, although she said if baby wasn't engaged it might be best not to bother?? What do you ladies say to that?
Are you all trying to stay indoors as much as poss? I was about to head out to supermarket and my husband said on phone that I should probably avoid that and start ordering shopping online now, just incase?!
Don't want to be holed up inside for 2 whole weeks!:(
Keep us updated everyone!xx

Stay indoors? Me? lol never. Once baby comes lots of time will be spent indoors (although the weather is looking better now so who knows). Today I dropped off my LO at pre-school, popped into town and then did a grocery shop. I then picked her up and spent this afternoon doing things around the garden. If I was indoors I would be sat on the sofa and that's no good to get baby going :) Do what you feel happy and comfortable with. I don't have any aches or pains so I choose to stay active. I'm sure if I was suffering with pain I would be on the sofa though!
Thanks R8ch, I know I feel same as you, the weather's good, no aches and pains, so why change my routine? But then I envision the (unlikely I know!) scene of my waters breaking in public, arghh!
I suppose it's such a low risk that I should just get that out of my head!
im due tmrw (4th) and nothing so far. i have had some braxton hicks and some god awful ligament pain but no other signs at all. i have a sweep booked in for wed which iv never had before as with my first baby i went 2 weeks early....this is all new to me! i hope bubba comes soon. im done with pregnancy!! lol xx
Thanks R8ch, I know I feel same as you, the weather's good, no aches and pains, so why change my routine? But then I envision the (unlikely I know!) scene of my waters breaking in public, arghh!
I suppose it's such a low risk that I should just get that out of my head!

My mum is the same as your husband - doesn't think I should be out and about on my own - and as for driving in the dark.... a big no no too (huh?! :shrug: )

lol omg I would love my waters to go in a film - like way, haha!
A massive gush followed by immediate contractions, transfer to my midwife unit and fast delivery. Sadly this is all a bit of a dream as even the quickest labours are usually hours and not minutes, lol. Last time it was all a bit boring in that I had my waters broken for me. It will be just my luck and I shall be cursing when they break all over the new carpet, lol

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