I'd be careful with the OTC stuff near the eyes... they usually have special creams that are for use near the eyes.
If you're careful though no harm done... just not a great idea.
Mine was horrible while TTC... no sign of it yet.. .Had it all my life and only got control of it when the super super strong prescription stuff... scared to use it while pregnant even though 2 of my docs say its fine
Luckily I haven't needed it yet!
When I used to get it really bad, I would put on my cream, then a layer of vasoline to seal it in.. then wrap in gauze or wear cotton gloves if it was on my hands... do that before bed and it can really help! (this is what I had to do when it was so bad my hands were cracking and bleeding)
Also, lots of regular lotions have alochol in them, which will make eczema worse... I only use rich creams, not lotions because of this.
Also if its your hands, avoid washing your hands unless you have to, don't use the hand sanitizers etc...
If its on your body.. an Aveeno oatmeal bath can help.
Sure you guys know some of this stuff, just thought I'd throw my tips out there after fighting this darned condition most of my life!!
ooh and if you can't fight the itch... slapping is better than scratching as it doesn't damage the skin but kills the itch feeling (won't work under the eyes though