Effects of cerazette or just normal first AF post-partum?


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2012
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Hey ladies,

I started taking cerazette 6 weeks after giving birth as I can't go back on combined pill due to high bp. Coincidentally on that day I started my first AF too. It's now 12 days later and I am still bleeding. It's not overly heavy or really painful, it's just more of a dull ache now and again and just really inconvenient.
Plus I am mega hormonal and emotional.
I'm not sure if its down to the cerazette or just because its first AF combined with hormones related to being post partum.

I hate this emotional, hormonal feeling and I hate having to constantly be wearing a pad/tampon too.

Anyone any experience with cerazette or a long AF post partum that can help shed any light. I don't know whether to give up on the cerazette or not but don't have many other options due to my blood pressure and wanting to ttc again in 12-18 months.
I used cerazette before LO and didn't bleed ever. I started cerazette again about 4 months ago. TBH it's taken up until the last couple of weeks for things to settle down. I was having random bleeds every couple of weeks. It was quite bad and I almost switched pills but I said I'd take one whole pack before changing and it did calm down after that so hopefully it will stay that way!

I do think having a baby messes things up (very scientific lol) but I loved cerazette so much before LO I really wanted to give it a chance this time even though it was very difficult to stick with it at times!

I think if your not happy on it go back and change it, but it might get better if you just wait it out for a few months. That's not ideal for everyone though.
I was on cerazette years ago, it made me bleed constantly and cry all the time :/
Thanks ktod, I think you are right to give it a chance, think I will stay on it for a full pack then speak to the doctor about it if I'm still bleeding (lord I hope not!!)

And mummymana, that's what I'm like at the moment, constant bleeding and wanting to cry at least once every day! Wasn't sure if it was the cerazette doing it or just the after effects of pregnancy and birth though!
Maybe see of you can switch to a different brand to see of its any better? :)
Cerazette made me crazy and hormonal! I had all kinds of problems with it, which the doctor dismissed as unrelated. Honestly if you're not happy go back and ask to try something else. You might settle on it or you might not but that with a baby is just an added problem you don't need. :) Good luck.
I have just come off cerazette because of feeling hormonal etc. when i went on it again at 4 weeks pp i bled for 7 weeks, mostly spotting and it did settle down but my emotions, moods were all over the place as well as headaches and tiredness.
We are now doing natural family planning instead x
I've been on Cerazette since October/November, for the first couple of months i bled randomly every couple of weeks, but now i haven't had a period for a while! I get super emotional sometimes too and moody!
My sister had to stop taking Cerazette because she bled constantly for about 6-8weeks!
The doctor did tell me it would either make me bleed more or not at all so i
think its down to the individual really.
I would stick with it for a couple more months, to give it a chance, then maybe speak to your doctor if you're still not happy with it :flower:
Thanks ladies, I just can't stand the idea of bleeding for another couple of months, not to mention the added cost of tampons/pads, it's costing me a fortune!! Plus I feel gross constantly bleeding.
I'm guessing from the sounds of it that it's down to the cerazette rather than the fact that its my first AF post partum. I will book an appointment with the gp by the end of next week if I'm still bleeding.
I've just posted a similar thread in health and wellbeing as I hadn't seen this thread :dohh: I've been prescribed cerazette with no pill break to delay my periods as i'm anaemic but for 9 days I've bled constantly. Even my 'heavy' periods before cerazette would stop after about 5 days. I've tried to get an appointment with the gp who prescribed it but have been told to wait a month!
Yeah when I asked the nurse about it she said wait a month but I just couldn't do with the bleeding any more, I stopped taking it after 15 days and the bleeding stopped 3 days later. Plus my mood was so much better once I stopped. I was beginning to think that I was getting post natal depression but it was just the effect of the cerazette!
I'm tempted to just stop taking it. Day 10 now and still losing bright red blood :wacko:
I managed to get to 15 days and I'd had enough. My doctor said I should "give it a chance to work"!! So how long exactly did she want me to continue bleeding for?? I just thought that clearly there are 2 reactions to cerazette - one is no bleeding except the odd breakthrough bleed, and the other is irregular bleeding at random for random amount of time. Clearly I had the latter reaction and didn't see it getting any better.

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