Felt like giving up, Got new hope!!

Any natural remedies for heart burn ladies? I'm having an awful bout of it right now and have nothing in my medicine cabinet for it, as I never have heartburn :(
Crazy as it sounds, mustard! I eat plain mustard sandwiches and it works wonders!!!
Its so great you all rescued pets. Xan reading to your bird is the cutest thing ever. We have a lot of land and a big fenced in yard so i have plenty of room for dogs i would have 100 if i could but 4 is a lot already :) they all sleep in the house i dont like when people get dogs and keep them chained to a box. 2 of them sleep in my room. I would have them all in my bed but dh doesnt allow lol.

Dragonfly heartburn hmmm symptom? When are you planning to test?

Labgal where are you? :) i was hoping to catch your post before i left for the day and i cant use my phone to check my 13 yr old neice who is on our plan ran our data up for the month :haha:
Morning ladies! Quite a lot of chatter last night! I love that you all are animal people - me too! We have two kitties ourselves. Hero and Moogle - they are brothers from another father (a year apart), both tabbies. Hero has long fur and Mo has short. I adopted them from my parents Vet when one of her barn cats had kittens. I, too got them before DH and I were together and he's slightly allergic but he loves them like crazy, even if he pretends he doesn't sometimes ;p.

Was out asleep at 8 o clock last night as we had to get up at 4:30 for special project at work. It was a struggle just to get through dinner!

Took another test last night and it was basically the same as the one I posted earlier in the day, so not even worth the pictures... 16 DPO today and still no sign of AF in the slightest so I will test again tomorrow I think. I'd like something more conclusive looking than what I got before, and TBH I'm having some anxiety about testing because I want it to be glaringly positive. I can't shake the feeling that AF will somehow come even though I haven't been this late before...or that I didn't O even though I got a pos OPK on CD20. :shrug:

Dragonfly I really hope you feel better! What CD are you now?? Updates ladies! Tell me your situations so that I may ignore my own! :lol:

Update: I don't know, girls...I'm probably out. I'm not having spotting per say but I have some brown tinged CM going on. It's so light if I weren't inspecting it with a microscope I probably wouldn't notice but...sigh. If it is AF I'm not sure if I feel emotionally capable of TTC for a while. This would be a 36 day cycle, gone from 32 to 36 in the past 6 months :/ I just don't know.
TTC - I'll try that next time! I snacked on an apple and it seemed to work!

Leetie - I love dogs sleeping in bed lol. With today's bfn I'll be waiting until af is due/late.

Labgal - Brown spotting isn't a bad thing, I'm staying hopeful for you:hugs: Will you be testing again with an frer? Sending thoughts and dust your way

AFM: CD34/11dpo I tested this morning and got a bfn :( I feel discouraged and I'm trying to convince myself it's still too early, but with af due in two days I'm not doing a very good job at it.
It is too early! Don't get discouraged, Dragonfly :hugs: Most women don't get a BFP until 13.5 DPO at least! I know it can seem otherwise on the forums, but it's statistically not that likely to get a BFP at 11 dpo :)

I only had the one wipe of very light brown so far so :/ idk what it means. I'm not sure if it was a result of DH and I DTD this morning or impending doom. I guess I will probably find out by tomorrow either way. If AF doesn't show by the morning I'll either use FRER or a drugstore EPT I have.
Labgal spotting could just be spotting. Fx and lots of dust for your.

Dragonfly dont be discouraged its still early. Dust for you too
Ugh I just did an opk and it was really light. Last nights was pretty dark not quite as dark but almost there then today its super light. I did do it earlier than i have been but thats because we have plans later and i know i wont be able to. Im a little bummed because if yesterday was my positive we didnt bd last night but we did the day before. Hopefully we still caught it though. I will test again tomorrow and if that one is lighter i will consider myself 2 dpo i think lol.
Leetie, you probably had a quick surge that peaked while you were sleeping. That happened to me this cycle, too. Although of course it could get darker again... but good news is that it's more important to dtd the day before so the swimmers are already there when the eggie pops up :) What CD are you?
Thanks ladies, I feel like af is trying to sneak up on me but maybe it's just because I'm upset that I swear she's around the corner.

Labgal - Light brown is alright, that's old blood and it was just once so try not to worry:hugs: Your DH might have just knocked some old stuff out.

Leetie - As Labgal said, it might have happened last night. Thankfully the swimmers last a couple of days, so even if last night was your surge and you missed it, they're still in there to meet the egg :) Lots of luck and dust!
Morning ladies! Quite a lot of chatter last night! I love that you all are animal people - me too! We have two kitties ourselves. Hero and Moogle - they are brothers from another father (a year apart), both tabbies. Hero has long fur and Mo has short. I adopted them from my parents Vet when one of her barn cats had kittens. I, too got them before DH and I were together and he's slightly allergic but he loves them like crazy, even if he pretends he doesn't sometimes ;p.

Was out asleep at 8 o clock last night as we had to get up at 4:30 for special project at work. It was a struggle just to get through dinner!

Took another test last night and it was basically the same as the one I posted earlier in the day, so not even worth the pictures... 16 DPO today and still no sign of AF in the slightest so I will test again tomorrow I think. I'd like something more conclusive looking than what I got before, and TBH I'm having some anxiety about testing because I want it to be glaringly positive. I can't shake the feeling that AF will somehow come even though I haven't been this late before...or that I didn't O even though I got a pos OPK on CD20. :shrug:

Dragonfly I really hope you feel better! What CD are you now?? Updates ladies! Tell me your situations so that I may ignore my own! :lol:

Update: I don't know, girls...I'm probably out. I'm not having spotting per say but I have some brown tinged CM going on. It's so light if I weren't inspecting it with a microscope I probably wouldn't notice but...sigh. If it is AF I'm not sure if I feel emotionally capable of TTC for a while. This would be a 36 day cycle, gone from 32 to 36 in the past 6 months :/ I just don't know.
Brown cm is quite normal. I've seen a lot of women get that because our bodies are gearing up and getting rid of old stuff.

TTC - I'll try that next time! I snacked on an apple and it seemed to work!

Leetie - I love dogs sleeping in bed lol. With today's bfn I'll be waiting until af is due/late.

Labgal - Brown spotting isn't a bad thing, I'm staying hopeful for you:hugs: Will you be testing again with an frer? Sending thoughts and dust your way

AFM: CD34/11dpo I tested this morning and got a bfn :( I feel discouraged and I'm trying to convince myself it's still too early, but with af due in two days I'm not doing a very good job at it.

Glad the apple helped. 11dpo is still really early, you're not out until AF shows her ugly face!!

AFM 6 dpo today. Not a lot of anything happening. I've done rearranged my front room twice, began putting up my elaborate Christmas tree, just whatever I can do to make it through the dreaded 2ww lol.
I added a pic of my babies in their Halloween costumes, yes they sleep in the bed with us lol.


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Hi Ladies- labgal, I think your test looked positive to me. I don't know about blue dye etc, but I'd be happy with a line like that!

Dragonfly, keep your chin up. I agree 11 dpo is early. 13 is supposed to be the magic number.

As for me, finally have a place to myself and just tested. It's the end of the night and I drank a ton of water to get through my presentation (went well!), but I swear I can see a faint faint line. Going to test tomorrow early.

Here's a pic of my baby snuggling on the couch.


  • Photo on 2013-03-07 at 06.49 #7.jpg
    Photo on 2013-03-07 at 06.49 #7.jpg
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TTC - Oh what cutie's!!!

Xanzaba - Thanks :) I'm hoping to test again at 13dpo as long as af doesn't show. Eek, exciting Xan! Fingers crossed, can't wait to hear about tomorrow's test! Glad the presentation went well:thumbup: Aw, your baby birdy looks very sweet
How exciting Xan! What a cute birdy!!
All these faint positives popping up and I'm here excited for 7dpo tomorrow lol.
Thanks Dragonfly!
I miss DH and my birds- still out west working on a project and just wish I could go home.

took a pic of my 3 tests so far. The bottom one I sneaked mid-day a couple of days ago (13dpo), the middle one was last night (14dpo) and the top this morning (15dpo). AF due today/tomorrow. Was someone uploading pics to a site you used that inverts the color of the image, or am I making that up?


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xan- the site your looking for is countdowntopregnancy.com. They inverte,greyscale,and lighten your pic.

Looks like a faint positive to me :)
Aww such cute pictures TTC & Xan! Love them!

7 dpo TTC - now you are halfway there! So exciting! Have you planned what day you are going to test?

Xan - that looks like a faint pos to me! Eeek! Fx...it looks very promising this is your month!

And how is Mrs. Dragonfly today?

AFM I'm still dragging my feet on testing again, but 17dpo and no AF yet. I did have another little wipe of very light brown this morning and some kind of strange feeling cramps but they don't seem like AF cramps. I WILL test tomorrow if AF doesn't arrive, I just feel so skeptical about the whole thing, though I've never been to 17 dpo with no blood. I'm chicken I guess!

I'm off work today and a good thing because I am wiped out. Now to call the highway EZ pass people and argue with them for sending me a toll citation with a picture of someone elses car on a bridge I was 150 miles from at the time :) woohoo...
Xan - I definitely see something faint on the two bottom ones! Eek!! Fingers crossed:happydance:

Labgal - I think this is promising that no af yet! Glad you were able to take the day off :) I can't wait until tomorrow!

ASF: Had to pee at 8am then I crawled back into bed because my stomach hurt. Now it's 11:30am and I'm holding in the small amount of pee I have in me! I plan to run to the store in an hour or so to buy tests but I'm getting worried. I'm having some cramping that goes into my legs the way af does right before she shows :( I'm still a little hopeful though... I can't decide if I should keep holding and test today or wait to see if af shows tomorrow when she's due.
What did you decide, Dragonfly? Test or no test?

I gave in despite my better judgment and tested about an hour ago...and it really looked like a BFN to me. There may have been a shadow but definitely not what I was hoping for. Granted I do drink 2-3 liters of water a day and I had peed not 45 minutes earlier, so maybe it was diluted?

Idk; I'm half wondering if it's possible implantation occurred on 14 dpo and I am just now having IB? Seems too far fetched though. Or that I am somehow mentally willing AF to not come, though I really feel like I would rather have it come and be done with it than keep stringing me along.

A bit more worried about my cycles lengthening now, too, as I talked to my mother and she said I had more problems with O cysts than I remember from when I started taking BC 11 years ago. She seems think that I might have had PCOS or they thought I was at a high risk of developing it, and that was part of why I went on BCP. Of course I was a teenager at the time and I didn't give two you-know-whats about having a baby at the time or what PCOS might mean. If AF does arrive I think I will call the GYN again and see if maybe I should schedule an US as I'll be about a 40 day cycle now should AF arrive. Blech.
What did you decide, Dragonfly? Test or no test?

I gave in despite my better judgment and tested about an hour ago...and it really looked like a BFN to me. There may have been a shadow but definitely not what I was hoping for. Granted I do drink 2-3 liters of water a day and I had peed not 45 minutes earlier, so maybe it was diluted?

Idk; I'm half wondering if it's possible implantation occurred on 14 dpo and I am just now having IB? Seems too far fetched though. Or that I am somehow mentally willing AF to not come, though I really feel like I would rather have it come and be done with it than keep stringing me along.

A bit more worried about my cycles lengthening now, too, as I talked to my mother and she said I had more problems with O cysts than I remember from when I started taking BC 11 years ago. She seems think that I might have had PCOS or they thought I was at a high risk of developing it, and that was part of why I went on BCP. Of course I was a teenager at the time and I didn't give two you-know-whats about having a baby at the time or what PCOS might mean. If AF does arrive I think I will call the GYN again and see if maybe I should schedule an US as I'll be about a 40 day cycle now should AF arrive. Blech.

I decided not to test, but I'll be buying some later this afternoon for tomorrow :)

Sounds like you were too diluted, with so much water and having gone recently. I would hold for a few hours before testing again. My fingers are crossed for you because I think it's still possible :hugs: An u/s would be helpful if things don't start making more definite answers.

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