my lo is 1, he wakes often during the night and is really fidgety! he often gets in silly positions in his sleep, wakes himself up and cries. he also kicks every blanket off i try with him, even manages to get out of pjz, sleepsuits and sleeping bags, no idea how.
is there any advice you have? i know i can't stop him fidgeting but its really disturbing his sleep and also i worry he will get too cold as he sometimes takes EVERYTHING off including nappies -_- x
my lo is 1, he wakes often during the night and is really fidgety! he often gets in silly positions in his sleep, wakes himself up and cries. he also kicks every blanket off i try with him, even manages to get out of pjz, sleepsuits and sleeping bags, no idea how.
is there any advice you have? i know i can't stop him fidgeting but its really disturbing his sleep and also i worry he will get too cold as he sometimes takes EVERYTHING off including nappies -_- x