Got my booking in appointment today at 13:45 seems like I have been waiting for ages, have been upset last night and this morning as I had a silly arguement with DH so was hoping for a better start to the day really.
Hi! My first appointment is today too, at 4pm though are you going on your own? I am, OH will come to every scan appointment but I didn't think he'd need to come today as it's just talking and bloods? Now I wish he was coming!
Back from first appointment was just a chat and the midwife gave me loads of info, Back on tuesday for my bloods, urine samples and paperwork.
See did book me in for my scan though Tuesday 20th December seems like really far away, glad I have a date now though
Hey! I've just got back from mine too, had my bloods done and urine and weight and height! Given edd of 30/6/2012 eek! Been categorised as "high risk" so got an appointment with the consultant obstetrician on 21/12/11 and scan for 19/12/2011! Seems like ages away but I'm sure it'll go quickly for us both! X
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