first pregnacy, first miscarige and in a bit of a mess


New Member
Mar 10, 2010
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hi , i am new on here, just looking for some support and too see if anyone has had a similar experience.
sorry for the long detailed post!!

after trying for only a couple of months i found out i was pregnant in mid feb 2010.

on wed 3rd march 2010 i had light bleeding at night, i was seeing the midwife the next day so did not panic. the next day she said it was just spotting.

i thought it would pass but aranged a scan for a scan tuesday 9th march as this was the first available scan. at this point i was 9 weeks gone

i then went away for the weekend and noticed the bleeding getting worse and small clots apearing by friday evening.

i got ready to have a meal and all of a sudden i had an awfull cramp in my stomach that would not go. i went upto the room and sat on the loo and began to pass large clotts. the pain was intence. i had to push to get the clots out. i got back into the bath to sooth the cramps, i then had an urge to push and i lost a huge clott lots of blood and what i think was the feotus(it was not formed coreclty just like a lump but im pretty sure it was it)
i was in that much pain i went to hospital and was given pain relieve, i had an internal examination and was told not to worry as the cervix was closed. i had to stay in hospital on a drip but the cramps had gone and bleeding slowed doen. i knew by then i had miscarried and thought this was it.
i was allowed out of hospital as they couldnt scan till monday when i would be home anyway, plus i felt ok.
the next night i went to eat feeling a little tender, thought it was due to pulled muscles. that night i had the pain again i then passed a large lump of grey tissue. after this the pain slowly went and i fell asleep. i was terrified and upset.

since getting home i have had an internal to confirm miscarage and that it is all out.

i am still really upset as it is still all fresh in my head, i was just wondering if anyone else had simillar storys,
how long they waited to try again and if it was sucsefull.

i am hoping it was just a one off and will not happen again, it was the most painfull terifing thin to happen to me and i still can not stop bursting into tears

thanks x
hun im so sorry for your loss :( its one of the worst things to have to go through and you have my every sympathy i wont lie it will be tough emotionally for a few months reading your story was extremly similar to my own only mine was a year ago we started ttc straight away although it took its toll emotionally recently when we are yet to concieve againthe only person who can decide when the time is right to try again hun is you my advice would be to wait till you are really ready but then thats my personal experience massive hugs hun i hope you get a sticky bean soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I'm so so sorry for your loss!! Although my situation is not exactly like yours, I still feel your pain. I found out in October I was PG with my first. Had scan #1 and all was well. Scan #2 (at 8wks) showed no heart beat. Took almost another week for my body to begin "labor" (as my doctor described it). Unfortunately my body wouldn't pass it on it's own, I had to be taken the Emergency Room in the middle of the night for an emergency D&C. We were given the okay to start after one full cycle (ie the second ovulation). We still haven't conceived but this month was only attempt #3 so we're still very hopeful.

The emotional pain has not gone away. I cry when others aren't around and feel very alone with the grief. But I do what I can to remain as strong as I can for both my husband and me.

This site as helped me realize that we are not alone. There are others out there that have gone through this, and can provide you comfort.
Hi There - I got my BFP mid November, on 8th December I had my midwives appt and took a 2nd clearblue digi just to check the hcg had moved - it hadn't or had gone up then decreased- I broke down in the appt and they got me in touch with epu, went in the next day - they saw loads of clots - started quantative hcg. The next day I started getting cramps and that night / fri morning I started bleeding - would've been 7-8 weeks - got some clots - one particularly large one - the hcg tests confirmed it was going down and I had miscarried. I was lucky to not have to spend time in hospital ( was v grateful for neurofen & codiene!! )

Spent a lot of time crying and just feeling lost - it was the worst thing ever to happen in my life. Grief will hit everyone differently and what you're feeling is totally natural.

Not sure if it's a one off for me - pcos increases the chance of mc - but I am hopeful and won't let it stop me ttc.

Make sure you get lot's of hugs from your loved ones and wishing you lot's of baby dust for when you're ready to ttc again.

Hi Bladette, I'm very sorry for your loss. It sounds like you have been though the mill but that you are coping well :) I had a mmc so can't completely relate to how yours happened but I do know how you feel for the sudden painful loss of your baby. Hugs to you hun on your recovery. I am sure it will soon be your turn. Lots and lots of people have mc's and then go on to have healthy babies, just check out the pregnancy after a loss section on here! Most ppl I know have had a mc with their first pregnancy (I did too). We are here for you hun x:hugs:
Hope you are okay hunni. Lots of support on here. I had a mmc in Dec at 11 weeks :( it hit me and my partner extremely hard. The pregnancy was unplanned however we decided to continue with it and give our little one a fighting chance at life. I waited until i'd had two normal cycles to start trying again. Hope you are okay, i'm here to talk if you need to xxx
aww sweetheart im soo sorry for your loss!! :hugs: we are all here when you need to talk :hugs:
Hi there, I am somewhat new around here too... well rather, I haven't been around much in about a year. I had an extremely similar experience to yours around this time last year, except that I hadn't been TTC when I found out I was pregnant. But I miscarried at 9 1/2 weeks like you and it was a horrible experience. Don't feel alone in the fact that you are still so emotional about it, even a year later now I still have times when it brings tears to my eyes (like right this second!!) thinking about it.

We haven't officially started TTC again yet though it's been on my mind a LOT lately (hence my returning to the forum)... and like you said, I do hope it was just a one time thing or whatever and I will never have to go through that again. But as of now there is no way to know that.

Good luck hon and if you need to talk or anything feel free to send me a message!
Hi Bladette,

So so sorry to hear about your terrible loss. You are certainly in the right place to get support and much needed advice.

I am quite new to this site and have also experienced the heartache of a miscarriage. I got pregnant soon after coming off the pill, had an early scan which showed a healthy baby at 8 weeks and at 12 weeks on my routine dating scan found out that my baby died around 10 weeks. Devasted and shocked was an understatment, the pain was and still is horrendous. I had an ERPC the next day and luckily I recovered physically very quick. My next period was 4 weeks later and I am due AF this weekend after only couple of times trying 2 weeks ago. Doubtful I will be lucky this quick to get my BFP but will definately be going for it in couple weeks time! I want to be pregnant and I dont want to wait to try. The doctor said to start as soon as I was ready. I am now!

I will never forget my little angel and I cry all the time (I work in a maternity ward) which is making it so traumatic for me but I know mine, and your time will come!

Stay strong and come here and get support from us all! we are all here for each other.

Thanks again girls - I recognise lots of your names now and you have all been fantastic!
Hi Bladette,

So so sorry to hear about your terrible loss. You are certainly in the right place to get support and much needed advice.

I am quite new to this site and have also experienced the heartache of a miscarriage. I got pregnant soon after coming off the pill, had an early scan which showed a healthy baby at 8 weeks and at 12 weeks on my routine dating scan found out that my baby died around 10 weeks. Devasted and shocked was an understatment, the pain was and still is horrendous. I had an ERPC the next day and luckily I recovered physically very quick. My next period was 4 weeks later and I am due AF this weekend after only couple of times trying 2 weeks ago. Doubtful I will be lucky this quick to get my BFP but will definately be going for it in couple weeks time! I want to be pregnant and I dont want to wait to try. The doctor said to start as soon as I was ready. I am now!

I will never forget my little angel and I cry all the time (I work in a maternity ward) which is making it so traumatic for me but I know mine, and your time will come!

Stay strong and come here and get support from us all! we are all here for each other.

Thanks again girls - I recognise lots of your names now and you have all been fantastic!

Oh Stardust - that must be VERY hard working there - you must be one heck of a strong woman!!
Im so sorry for your loss. Its heartbreaking to go from being SO HAPPY to just feeling like shit and just so helpless with not being able to stop your body doing what its doing.
Im sure it will get easier as time goes on soon enough you will have yourself an all pooping all screaming angel!!
I am really new to this site but can already see how supportive people on here are, I intend to utilise this and would recommend you do too.
Lots of Love to you and yours! XXXX

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