WOW. I did not know about this at all...and the statistics are shockingly high. I was expecting like 4 or 5%, not 25+!! I just had my D&C 2 1/2 weeks ago, and now I may need another because I have too much tissue left in me.
This really concerns me because like most women with PCOS I don't get regular periods to begin with, so how would I know if this was an issue?
For those curious this is an excerpt from Wikipeida:
"AS has been reported to result from 25% of D&Cs performed 1–4 weeks post-partum, up to 30.9% of D&Cs performed for missed miscarriages and 6.4% of D&Cs performed for incomplete miscarriages. In another study, 40% of patients who underwent repeated D&C for retained products of conception after missed miscarriage or retained placenta developed AS.
In the case of missed miscarriages, the time period between fetal demise and curettage may increase the likelihood of adhesion formation due to fibroblastic activity of the remaining tissue.
The risk of AS also increases with the number of procedures: one study estimated the risk to be 16% after one D&C and 32% after 3 or more D&Cs, however a single curettage often underlies the condition."