LH is a hormone that is always present. You might always have a line on an opk but the line has to be the
same or much darker than the control line to register as a positive.
I would strongly recommend the Clear Blue Digital ovulation tests (with a smiley face) as these look for higher concentrations of LH and are more reliable then you trying to interpret the results.
As ovulation approaches a sudden increase in LH is sent from your pituitary glad in your brain to tell your egg (20 eggs start to mature in your follicols but only one becomes the dominent egg) to hatch and make it's way down the fallopian tube for fertilization. This surge is what the opk's are looking for.
This surge typically lasts for 12-36 hours which is why you should test with opk's twice a day (once at 2pm and the next at 6pm) to catch your surge
when you think you are in your most fertile period.
It is possible that if you become pregnant, an opk can actually tell you if you are with a constant positive result. LH levels should filter off after ovulation or at least not register as a positive.
To aid conception taking place ideally you should have had sex a couple of days prior to registering a + result but don't panic. Make sure you 'bd' on the day of the positive and the day after, that way you stand a good chance. I am pretty sure that LH levels should be moderately in the normal range before AF unless pegnancy has occured. Hope this helps x