What are you asking if measles is safe if you got it or the MMR?
The answer to both is NO!
I had a new MMR before TTC my son, but i wanst allowed to TTC for 30 days after it as there is a risk baby could get rubella from the vaccine which would cause abnormalities or death.
Measles is risky in pregnancy too.
As for going, its up to you, there is a risk to everything, there is measles in Swansea at the moment too, i havnt taken any special measures to avoid it but i wouldnt knowingly expose myself to it.
Any public transport increases your risk, like airtravel, as the air-conditioning is recycled which is why lots of people get ill on planes.
Saying that you could go and be perfectly fine and you could stay and get exposed to it here, there is a risk but there is a risk to everything, its weighing it up for yourself. Ask your MW if you need more info, she will prob say its fine but avoid "spotty" people lol!