"Full Circle" TTC-BFP April 2013 Bump Buddies

Hello ladies!! Just got in from the ER as I had a slight scare tonight. I was spotting lightly, but mostly in a lot of pain. My cramping came back with a vengeance so I decided to go to the hospital. They checked my blood and my hcg was between 4000 and 5000. She didn't give me the exact number. They did an ultrasound. Sadly I wasn't allowed to see my little bean. But the technician saw the baby and its heartbeat. I was surprised because I'm only 5+5. I'm more at ease now and I'm glad everything is going well. My last pregnancy was a mc so i'm a lil nervous. I know not to go back to the ER unless I'm bleeding. LOL. They don't want to see me again anytime soon, nervous wreck.

Oh thank goodness everything is okay! :) What a tease to not show you, what the heck!! I wonder why they couldn't show you?? Not fair! But yeah, to see a heartbeat already that early is awesome!! :happydance:

For some reason at this hospital they don't show you or tell you anything. They just prepare the report and send it to your ER doctor and have them tell you. I had to wait 45 mins to know anything. But I'm glad is didn't go the other way.
Sunkiss, I'm not sure what type of exam you had (might have missed that post) but great score!!
thank u ladies, have another training in a few weeks again, so i will pull my hair out again then lol!!

so how are u ladies today? i weighed myself this morning to see where i was at and i actually lost 3 lbs since last week wowzers!! i think its because i have been eating much more sensibly for the baby, its almost like dieting without being hungry. i stopped eating the outside food and been preparing my own and taking snacks. lots of veggies, fruits, protein and fiber...i have my occasional cookies though lol...i hope i keep it up so i only gain what baby needs, but its so early still so we shall see, i know 25-30 lbs is the ultimate highest i want to go but aiming for 20...i wont worry if i go over though because when i am determined i can take it back off, plus i am going to exclusively breastfeed which burns tons of cals...do u ladies have any weight goals?
I'm dead sure I've gained weight, slightly dreading finding out at the doctor's office since we don't have a scale at home. Have been eating more in the past couple weeks and have really scaled down my exercise regimen. I don't mind very much since I feel confident I'll be able to take it off afterward and know I'll accept my body no matter what, but my weight has been stable for years so it'll be strange to have gained!

I slept for TWELVE hours last night :shock: ridiculous!
Hey Ladies

Ever since my BFP ive been eating really healthy lots of fresh fruit,veg, protein and fibre....i weight myself and actually put on a few pounds but thats probably a little from christmas etc.

I am hoping i can keep up with the healthy eating and not gain too much but I dont want to deny myself treats etc...really fancy some chocolate tonight so may have some.

I am also going to start swimming, walking and cycling (lightly). I did build up a good system of going to the gym 3 times a week last year but gave up when winter came as it was so dark and cold.

Really dont want ot put on too much weight with the baby as I already had loads it needed too lose as am overweight.... I plan on breastfeeding too so hopefully that helps

I'm pretty overweight myself right now. It's the heaviest I have ever been. :( I will except what ever my body does but I am on a very strict eating regimine right now. I haven't gained any weight yet and I'm really gonna try not to until I get into second trimester. Lots of fresh fruit and raw veggies. I'm excited to see what happens with my body.
Having myself a small pity party today. My daughter has gone boating with her grandparents and my son and I have had the weekend to ourselves... gets pretty quiet just the two of us with no running around to school, activities and such... feeling a wee bit emotional about just about everything.
Spent a bit of the day with my SIL who is 17 weeks pregnant and definately starting to show- i'm so happy for her but I couldnt help being envious of her round little tummy. Made me start thinking "hmmm am I really pregnant??" I hadnt POAS in a long while and I know my Ultrasound isnt for another 2 weeks.
So in my pity party my son and I ventured out and bought a digital prego test with the conception reader on it. WOW so worth it! I was a little nervous waiting for the results to show up and was so relieved to read the PREGNANT- 3+ weeks, which translates to be 5+ weeks because it can only read from you conception. Something about seeing the words and the numbers was far more satisfying then just a pink line.
Highly recommended for anyone having a worry and down day. Feel like I can relax and stop being so negative for the time being!

Anyone else feel like this consumes their every thought and can sometimes get a little overwhelming??/... I feel like i've accomplished something huge when I can go a couple hours without thinking about pregnancy and baby!!!!!!! This period should be called the 10 week wait :) We've done our two week wait and now its on to the next 10.
Week 6 is just around the corner for us ladies..... I cannot wait! I suppose that means we'll be half way through the 10 ww then :) Desperately trying to find the positives in everything this evening lol!!

Boobs are killing my lately, along with nips starting to feel like they did with my last pregnancy... and i'm starting to crave things- bought so many different types of fruit today, and thats not like me. Not normally a big fruit eater. Knew something was up when I unpacked my bag and there were nectarines, apples, grapes, oranges and bananas!!!
Well there's my ramble for the evening- thanks for listening ladies :)
I can totally relate to the baby brain completely consuming my mind. I can't think about anything else most of the time. Sometimes I stop and realize that I haven't thought about it in a little while. Lol especially when I get on a roll of doing something.
I can totally relate to the baby brain completely consuming my mind. I can't think about anything else most of the time. Sometimes I stop and realize that I haven't thought about it in a little while. Lol especially when I get on a roll of doing something.

Same here!! I also find myself thinking about my first ultrasound several times a day, every time my mind wanders to it my heart starts racing and I need to catch my breath. I know my numbers were doing great and everything but I still can't help but only think of having a baby as just a possibility still. I just can't believe it's going to happen until I can see a heartbeat! :nope:
Absolutely, it's very distracting. And I've noticed it's putting a serious strain on my friendship with someone I decided not to tell, because I don't feel like I have anything else to talk about!
Completly agree, all I think is baby. I am counting down the days to my next week and when i hit 6 weeks I am calling my Dr to find out what happens next.

I then keep thinking how long until 12 weeks, its just one long waiting game, we wait to TTC , then wait for ovulation, then wait for AF or BFP and now waiting until 12 weeks....grrrr.

I feel ok today, hungry and my BBs feel a little tender but other than that I'm good. Looking forward to my mum/sister coming over today :)

bree u are not helping my poas addiction lol, now i have to go get one of those too :haha:, i wanted to get one when jewelz posted but didnt see it in my local pharmacy so i bought the reg digi, but those are so kewl!! do u know now my poas is not exciting because that line is so dark in 15 sec, so i go over to the poas section to look at others getting their first faint bfp to get excited :rofl: i really have issues lol!!

i really have baby brain too, i am thinking so far ahead and trying not too, i get excited and then i pull back because of the fear, even though my hunny reassures me all the time that he knows i will bring home a healthy baby this time (he is really great) and i know that God is in control, i still get scared, i do feel really good about this pregnancy though but cant help but to be a little scared to get excited...i just really want to be able to enjoy my pregnancy from start to finish, i think i will feel much more confident when i get to third tri...o man the waiting game lol!!

happy sunday ladies, i will light a candle and say a special prayer for all of our babies in church today :hugs:
you know what i am waiting on now, is for my :holly: to start hurting :rofl:

remind me of this in week 8 when i am crying when i have to take my bra off lol!!
Wow speaking of boobs hurting...I woke up to pee last night and noticed my BB's are a big more full and starting to get tender on the sides a bit. Still not hurting per say but they wil be very soon.:holly: Yay!!

I am feeling rather great this morning too. I'm ready to watch the Texans today with my besttie and her hubby.

Last night was the first time I have missed being able to drink. :wine: we had a few friends over last night and they were all drinking wine. I thought I missed it until I could smell it on their breaths. Made me queezy. Lol

Have a wonderful rest of your weekends later!! Xxx
For the past few days or so, when I twist or turn my back, or if I cough in an odd position, and this happens especially when I toss and turn in bed, I get this tight pain in my low abdomen (uterus area) and it feels like I'm kind of pulling a muscle. It sounds like round ligament pain but from what I've read, that doesn't happen until much much later. :shrug: Any ideas? This happening to anyone else?
I thought round ligament pain could start happening early on. Either way it sounds to me like some kind of stretching phenomenon, probably nothing to worry about!
MrsMcD123 I have been feeling kinda the same thing. Almost like a full bladder feeling but in your abdomen area. I was laying with my hubby on the couch last night and I was laying on my tummy. When I got up I pushed myself up and got a stretching sensation down low.
The last pregnancy I could really feel my uterus as I got further along.
Craving ice cream right now! That's bad right? Thank gosh we don't have any in the house.

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