The only reason I'm unsure if I ovulated is because my coverline is usually 97.1-97.3 F, and it was claiming different. Plus I haven't had a positive opk. But with all that I'm feeling now, and now that my temps are at least about 97.5 F, I think I have. Just not sure when. The fertile CM was barely anything.
the coverline doesnt actually have any significance, its really about your temp pattern and thermal shift. the coverline is really just a visual aid that helps you see a biphasal pattern and you shouldnt put that much value on it.
How many opk did you take around the time FF is saying you o'd? some women miss their surge if they only take one test a day..its possible for a surge to last 12 hours or even less. This month I actually dont know if my opk was TRUE was near positive. but then I had my thermal shift corresponding to the maybe positive and just marked it as a positive.
And lastly, cm can be a good indicator, but its not fool proof. I have the most cm around cd 13-16 but i dont ovulate until much later. and actually, when I do o, my fertile cm is not that noticeable.
For me, I have found the most accurate indicator is temps. its the most "scientific" method in that its reflecting what actually HAPPENED already as opposed to predicting what may happen soon.