General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

I’ve gone from excited, to nervous, and now at disheartened about testing. Thinking about it, I got my first positive on Tuesday. I feel like nearly 1 week since the first positive I should’ve had progression.
I almost don’t want to test anymore. I’m trying to prevent feeling defeated because we do have a plan to induce my period within 3 months if this isnt pregnancy, but it’s still difficult to want to be ttc and not have any cycle to track. I really hoped we caught the first eggy.
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Ah, my bad :haha: how many dpo are you?
I don’t have a count of dpo. I have not have a postpartum period yet. Friday marks 11 months postpartum.
I did many opks trying to catch the first ovulation but it was too much so I stopped trying to pinpoint it.
I hope that the draw comes back good. I'm sorry you are in limbo. I don't know which tests you're using but for me I found the cheapies didn't darken until well after the missed period..
I hated cheapie strips personally, but I know they work for some. I used them way back when, saw shadows, and my first positive was barely there. FRER was great back then though.

OMG did I not tell y'all that I definitely DID got out and get crab masala with garlic naan for dinner? :rofl: I had to, it's all I wanted after y'all put it in my head! I felt guilty and thanked hubby for letting me, and he said, "Well, I can't help but feel partly responsible" LOL -- love that man. I've literally gotten take out 3 times this week. Well, 4 if you count the fact that I also grabbed some soup from panera for today. But man I gorged on the Indian food and paid for it severely. I was so miserable last night between feeling like I was going to vomit and this damn headache that won't quit. It was rough. I went to bed at 8 I think...not that it meant I stayed asleep because that's my life for now but yeah I was in bed early.

This pregnancy has gotten me feeling pretty rough. I remember feeling nauseated with ds2 and ds3 but I don't remember feeling these bouts of extreme rough-ness. Still haven't puked though but I can't help but feel like it's coming.
Anyway the lesson here is I have to eat small and frequently or my stomach is destroyed. Now if only I could figure out the trick to stave off the headaches...

Anyway. @HalfricanMa I am stalking both threads to see if you test. I agree that they should be darker, but if they are negative now at least you know and maybe you can expect your period to actually come on. But with all your symptoms...I'm just going to remain hopeful on your behalf!
@gigglebox do you know yet if it's a girl or a boy? I was sickest with my daughter.. but am generally feeling super ill for the first 12-18 weeks when I'm pregnant. Caffeine helped the headaches a lot so of course we aren't allowed to take it :p
I don't know yet. I'll have nipt testing this Friday, but I have no idea when I'll get results. The receptionist said 3-4 days (I presume business days), but what I've seen online is 10-14 days so who knows. Part of me wants to wait until the 12 week scan just to see how good my nub guessing skills are lol
I hated cheapie strips personally, but I know they work for some. I used them way back when, saw shadows, and my first positive was barely there. FRER was great back then though.

OMG did I not tell y'all that I definitely DID got out and get crab masala with garlic naan for dinner? :rofl: I had to, it's all I wanted after y'all put it in my head! I felt guilty and thanked hubby for letting me, and he said, "Well, I can't help but feel partly responsible" LOL -- love that man. I've literally gotten take out 3 times this week. Well, 4 if you count the fact that I also grabbed some soup from panera for today. But man I gorged on the Indian food and paid for it severely. I was so miserable last night between feeling like I was going to vomit and this damn headache that won't quit. It was rough. I went to bed at 8 I think...not that it meant I stayed asleep because that's my life for now but yeah I was in bed early.

This pregnancy has gotten me feeling pretty rough. I remember feeling nauseated with ds2 and ds3 but I don't remember feeling these bouts of extreme rough-ness. Still haven't puked though but I can't help but feel like it's coming.
Anyway the lesson here is I have to eat small and frequently or my stomach is destroyed. Now if only I could figure out the trick to stave off the headaches...

Anyway. @HalfricanMa I am stalking both threads to see if you test. I agree that they should be darker, but if they are negative now at least you know and maybe you can expect your period to actually come on. But with all your symptoms...I'm just going to remain hopeful on your behalf!
Jumping into this thread from the October testing thread sorry. But I had three boys, and didn't feel too bad, a bit of nausea and tiredness at the beginning. But then I had my fourth, and I felt awful for weeks. Never actually sick but all day nausea, which got worse late afternoon. I was pregnant for the first time with a girl, and now I think maybe I just don't carry girls as easily as I do boys! So maybe its the same for you!
Who knows Tingley. My first pregnancy (other than being high risk and emotionally a challenge) was easy breezy until late pregnancy discomfort and acid reflux. But I was never sick! I threw up once but it was after eating suspicious sushi. So when I was nauseous all the time with my second pregnancy, I was convinced it was a girl. Obviously it was not…

I don’t remember feeling these bouts of extreme sickness though, but maybe I could tolerate larger meals then. I really don’t know though, or rather don’t remember, that was 8 years ago.

I appreciate the thought though! We’ll see. Although I’m not sure when. I honestly just don’t really care that much, but that could just be part of my shock response still, haha. But hubby isn’t fussed about it either. Actually I think everyone else is more curious than we are. I reserve the right to change my mind but if it wasn’t for needing literally everything (baby gear wise), I might consider waiting until delivery to find out. But I do need to get new baby gear (and I’m mot crazy about gender neutral stuff because most reads as boy anyway), plus I do find I bond a lot once I know the gender and have a name figured out.

So your ttc #5? That’s exciting! Are you hoping for a girl as a companion for your youngest?
Hormones are definitely really weird. I even get nausea around ovulation sometimes! We are in the same boat as you with the baby gear.. I have an umbrella stroller and my baby sling and a few outfits that I kept for sentimental reasons. And my mom has a crib at her house for when people with babies visit her that I could borrow. Other than that, we got rid of it all when we moved.. oopsies!
Catching up. Conference week. Had 15 conferences in the last two days lol. But I remembered not to book any on Friday so at least I can count down to that.

So this is what I mean by in what world is this oven ready :rofl: I was on my feet prepping for 15m. I will say there’s a huge shift in my energy and overall mood. The plate on the microwave is me eating leftovers while cooking haha I gots no counter space

Also omg so much tea tldr someone who wronged me is running for a county official position and I went on an email blast.

Oooh juicy dobs!! Come one don’t tease us, what did they do to you??

Yeah that’s too much prep for an easy meal. Was it worth it? And what even was the meal?
I made egg noodles tonight. One kid liked them, one gave up a quarter through, and one refused to eat them at all. I wanted a burger so badly but my meat didn’t defrost in time :cry:
@autumnal maybe it’ll be fun to get some new gear though! At least that’s what I’m telling myself. I mean to be fair my diaper bag was pretty beat up. Hubby says we still have a crib…I’m not sure how usable it is but we’ll see; I’m not convinced we have all the pieces still but maybe. We had an amazing mattress though but I have no idea what happened to that :/

I am looking forward to getting an ergo carrier this time or similar…and also a pretty new diaper bag (or maybe backpack)
Gigs lol so the leftovers was “sun dried tomato and shrimp pasta” and their oven ready meal I cooked tonight was “three cheese peppercorn pork meatloaf”. I’m not eating any of the stuff tonight because I’m busy drowning my anger in (added) sugar free mango juice with tequila. It was just like the chopping of the ends of the green beans and the rolling of the meatballs… I will say I understand it’s to keep everything fresh and they do minimize the work for the that but ugh. I just wanna pop that sucked in the oven lol. I’m just whining it wasn’t that bad.

  1. Cut the green beans and then mix them up with spices and the bell peppers to cook in the tray for 15m
  2. Make the meatloaf’s while it cooked
  3. Put the meatloafs into the tray and cook some more
  4. Put garnishes on

Pricewise, debatable. The amount of food does not justify the cost BUT as a single person with a kid who only eats pasta it is hard to buy portions that don’t go to waste. So if I cared about that, there’s ZERO food waste. Most packaging is recyclable. Very little is straight to trash. I’m keeping the gel packs because they’ll be handy for coolers in the future. But I guess if you factor in the health benefits and the weight loss, yeah. Worth it.

Sorry the meat didn’t defrost! That’s such a pain.

Ok trying to catch up but full disclosure… I poured the bottle of tequila into the mango juice and had a cup…. And I’m low-key wasted. Not the best idea. Note to self: unmeasured alcohol content is no bueno

Autumnal oops for finances but idk I looooove being baby shit. I also hate the whole sprinkle vs shower. NO! A baby is a baby. You need stuff. I get you stuff.

Gigs for my sanity, if nothing else, I’m gonna need to know the gender when your NIPT testing comes out. :rofl: please don’t make me wait until you delivery. BUT.obviously I think it’s really sweet how some people wait sop if that’s your choice beyond this I won’t bug ya.

WEIRD! I also had a harder time any time I was carrying girls! Well I assumed my 1st was a girl. And then Setsuna. But yeah I wonder if that’s some weird biological thing.

HalfafricanMa I’m so sorry you’re in limbo. But I do love your doctor has a backup plan with inducing and hopefully jump starting things if they need to be. Of course hoping little bean is just being a bit mischievous with the strips and no need to induce a period.

That's as much as I remember for now <3
@HalfricanMa I read up on the testing thread to see what was up. I’m sorry your tests are so much lighter today :( definitely looks like a chemical pregnancy to me.

Dobs yeah I wouldn’t call that “oven ready”.

Gigs I’d be pretty surprised if this was a girl based on history, but maybe your husband doesn’t only make Y sperm after all :rofl: excited to see!
I’m not gonna lie I’m eating the dinner I pre pepped tonight because I’m low key drunk and hungry but it’s so yummy lol
Who knows Tingley. My first pregnancy (other than being high risk and emotionally a challenge) was easy breezy until late pregnancy discomfort and acid reflux. But I was never sick! I threw up once but it was after eating suspicious sushi. So when I was nauseous all the time with my second pregnancy, I was convinced it was a girl. Obviously it was not…

I don’t remember feeling these bouts of extreme sickness though, but maybe I could tolerate larger meals then. I really don’t know though, or rather don’t remember, that was 8 years ago.

I appreciate the thought though! We’ll see. Although I’m not sure when. I honestly just don’t really care that much, but that could just be part of my shock response still, haha. But hubby isn’t fussed about it either. Actually I think everyone else is more curious than we are. I reserve the right to change my mind but if it wasn’t for needing literally everything (baby gear wise), I might consider waiting until delivery to find out. But I do need to get new baby gear (and I’m mot crazy about gender neutral stuff because most reads as boy anyway), plus I do find I bond a lot once I know the gender and have a name figured out.

So your ttc #5? That’s exciting! Are you hoping for a girl as a companion for your youngest?
I was convinced my third was a girl, and we didn't find out whilst I was pregnant what we were having. Then when he was born, I actually forgot to even check or ask for the first 5 minutes whether I had had a boy or girl, I really didn't care at that point!
I'm going to need to get all new baby things, if we get lucky, as I was sure I was done so got rid of everything last year when we were preparing to move house. Now planning for another one or two, so we are definitely allowed to change our minds! But I think I would still like to have a surprise this time again, but I might change my mind once it is actually happening. I don't mind whether we have a boy or girl, will be happy with either. But I was desperate for a girl before my youngest was born!
“I love being baby shit.”

Proper response later but that typo got me. It’s about 5:30am, I’ve been up for an hour. I haven’t dealt with the insomnia for a few nights and was hopeful that phase had passed but I guess not.
@tingley that's so funny, my SIL said the same thing (they were "team green" for their third and she also didn't think to look until the nurses asked her lol). I feel like I would immediately want to know, but I guess I don't know until I'm in that scenario. I imagine the first thing you are really focused on is the relief if baby being out and that they're ok.

Tingley & @autumnal how old are your youngests? And how long have you been on the ttc train this go-round?

Dobs I love your adventures in cooking. I'm here for all of it. I need ideas for meals myself so if you have anything that's particularly good, do share! Especially if it's kid friendly. Good Lord, it is an impossibility finding food all my children will eat unless it's pizza or chicken nuggets. Those are literally the only two foods I can think of that they all universally like without complaint. Also sometimes steak but even that's not reliable with the youngest.The do NOT all like french fries, hot dogs, pasta, or mac & cheese (yes I know this is a pasta but it's basically it's own food category). I mean what the heck? These are like childhood staples. Admittedly though it's mostly my oldest who has texture issues with mushy things. But he hates potatoes of all kinds, unless they're chips.

Shae lol at hubby making y sperm; time will tell! I will be honest, I would of course love a girl. I'm back to being hopeful for a girl, but I am so afraid of being disappointed (like in the literal gender disappointment kind of way). But to be honest I really think the timing and everything is making a boy a lot more likely. The time I *think* we conceived and the time I'm pretty sure I was ovulating (not because of my ov pains that were conveniently absent that month but because of other symptoms looking back) were pretty much the same day. We dtd on ov day with all the kids, except for the m/c which was o-5, so I will definitely be shocked if it's a girl. From the looks of it, that theory about sperm being the faster swimmers holds true, at least in my experience. I suppose it's possible that the encounter producing the winning sperm was from earlier that week, but I'll be really honest, I don't remember when we dtd other than that friday because we were out of town so it was different/significant. We most likely did, but I don't remember the details beyond the hotel :/ Anyway it doesn't matter, but I'm just trying to keep my expectations realistic. History shows....this is probably a boy as well!

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