good golly I missed some things!
Shae--you mean to tell me you have been wasting money on tracking and hpt's when hubby could have just smelled you??

that's so funny. Also how are you just finding out this information?! That's pretty wild. Anyway sorry AF showed up but I'm so happy to hear that hubby is doing well so far! Prayers his exams go well, too. Ahhh to have your dreams realized would be awesome! I hope it all works out!
Jules--too funny how we're the opposite (with us having conceived 3 boys and 3 girls respectively close to O day). It makes me feel like it's really got to be more in hubby's control. I mean, doesn't that make the most sense anyway? There's no way they have exactly 50/50% x vs. y sperm. There must be factors that effect what they're making. That's my theory and I'm sticking to it. I hear you on not wanting time to does anyway though doesn't it? I don't mind the cold so long as I also get snow. We have gotten some this year but I want more. I'm snow greedy.
Pots--that's horribly tragic and breaks my heart. I am so sorry for your loss. Autumnal has great information and I second all of it. Good luck on your journey!
Autumnal--did you test yet??? I'll have to go lurk the other thread.
as for prepping continues...kind of. I'm collecting more supplies but have no idea where I'll be putting things. Sadly I'm going to have to re-organize my bedroom to accommodate a bassinet, which is too bad because I recently just set up a work space for myself to do some of my crafts next to my window (that gets good light), and now will have to probably set things up in the basement somewhere with lights. Might also have to throw a changing table with some storage in here for the early days. We're also planning a big renovation to the basement to make it into a living space. It's livable now but it's completely closed off from the upstairs so that it feels extremely isolated. We want to open up the wall that hides the staircase and put in a railing, as well and move some walls in the basement and put in carpet, so it feels more like part of the whole house rather than it's own isolated living space. Right now if we close the door to the basement, it's like an apartment down there totally separated from our main living level. The reason why is because we want to possibly move our oldest down to a room down there but not make him (or anyone who moves down there) feel like they are being kicked out of the family, haha. We actually have 2 rooms down there, one which is storage and another that could be a bedroom, but eventually if all boys want their own rooms, we could move storage around and open up that second room for another kid (potentially).
OH also hubby, who co-owns a business with 2 other men, just found out one of the owners is moving and wants to sell his portion back to the other 2 owners. This is pretty exciting because it means a pay increase (for both the owners via owner bonuses), which means he may be actually making enough for us to a lot of the renovations we've been talking about for years (windows, new deck, the aforementioned renos inside the house), plus start to actually build a respectable savings account, and maybe even start taking some vacations as a family (we've literally done this once ever for the first time in 2023, and haven't since). Anyway we'll see, but it's certainly fun to think about!