hello ladies, i am sorry to hear that you and baby are sleep deprived. i can tell you what we did when it comes to sleep training.
we chose the ferber method. my daughter is 1 year and 3 weeks old. we started around when she was 4 months. prior to that i used to nurse her to sleep then just before i put her in her crib, that was in our room, i would say her name and she would open her eys for a slight moment. our routine from 1 moth until 4 months was that dad would give her a bath, the read a book then i would nurse and put her in her crib.
anyway, then at 4 months we wanted to sleep train so dad would give her a bath, then get her dressed, i would then nurse her, then dad took over again by reading a book to her and then after he put her in her crib. she cried the first few days for a few minutes then feel asleep.
the first few nights when she woke up in the middle of the night ii nursed her, she woke up only once around 2-3am. but once she had learned to self sooth when we put her at 7.30pm, i stopped nursing her at her middle of the night waking. instead my hubby would say, still laying in bed, good night sweety, go back to sleep it is still night time, we will see you tomorrow. then she would cont crying, after 5min he would say the same thing, then wait 10min, say the same thing, then 15min, say same thing. by that time she would fall asleep. by the 3rd night she never awoke in the middle of the night and when we put her to sleep at 7.30 she never cried, if she ever did it was for a second. if the cry didn't last for at least 30 sec we wouldn't say anything and she feel asleep again.
we sleep trained her for naps to and it worked wonders. until she was 10 months she took 3 naps a day lasting 1hr each time. after that we had issues figuring out when to put her down for her naps so it was a hassle. but then figured it out and sleep trained again and 1 day later she was on board.
between 4mo-10mo she slept in our room in her crib. she slept until 6.30am ish. but when she turned 10mo we moved her to her own room, she started sleeping until 7.30 and now due to summer time and early sunrise we put in shades on her windows so she stays asleep from 7.30pm until 9am. haha it is crazy.
i can say that having the ferber book is a great source. it is our sleep bible. there is always a moment when sleep gets interrupted, such as travel etc and we try to keep to the same routine and schedule but if we don't we go right back to sleep training again and we are back on track in a day or two.
it is really not about what method you chose but rather about CONSISTENCY with what you have chosen. for us the ferber method worked wonders and we have had friends that have used it as well and it has worked for them as well.
when you sleep train your baby it will be hard to hear them cry for you but it will be worth it and you are not abandoning them as you keep going in the room every few minutes and within a few days your baby will be a good sleeper.
our daughter is a happy baby and we are happy parents that have to be hones, except the first 2months when i woke up to nurse her every 3hrs, never been tired.
if you have any questions let me know, i will be more than happy to answer as good as i can.
it is really not to brag but basically she has been sleeping through the night from 7.30pm since she was 4 months. before she was 4 months she slept through the night from 2 months waking up only 1-2 times a night.
getting the book by dr. ferber is a good start. also, i would imagine that it will be harder to sleep train once your baby starts to stand up and also start walking, therefore if i were you i would sleep train sooner than later.
we are very rested parents thanks to feber method. good luck with what ever method you choose.