So here I thought that I would be less of an emotional wreck once I finally got my
....boy was I wrong!
After getting my BFP yesterday morning at 10 DPO, I took a FRER this morning with FMU just to assure myself that it was real. To my absolute horror, a second line did not appear right away like it did the day before on the $ store test - so of course I assumed that it was a
and was absolutely crushed. I think I cried for about an hour straight after that.
However, I'm thinking maybe I messed up and freaked out over nothing? I didn't wait the full 3 minutes to see the result on the FRER. When the second line didn't show up right away, I had a bit of a melt down, ripped the test apart and threw it in the garbage. (I don't usually react like that - it's just that DH and I got some really bad news about his dad last night and we're all emotionally on edge and I just *really* needed to see those 2 lines right away to assure myself that at least we have this baby to look forward to). Anyway, after I calmed down I went and fished the test strip out of the garbage only to discover that there was indeed a faint second line. But now I don't know when that second line appeared since I had my little hissy fit! Hopefully it appeared within the 10 minute limit, but I have no way of knowing.
Grrrrr! All this worrying and over-testing is driving me nuts! I think maybe I should wait until Friday or even Saturday before I test again if AF doesn't show up. What do you ladies think?