Interesting article. Where I live, HVs only do the first after birth visit, and then their work is taken over by nursery nurses, who are generally not university graduates.
Some of the comments in the article are true for me especially the condescending attitudes and unsolicited advice.
My first and only encounter with my HV ended on this note "We offer the contraceptive implant and would be happy to come and insert it for you, after all, we don't want to be back here in 9 months". I let him get off with that comment even though it was highly offensive and unsolicited, but by that point, I was tired of the incessant post-birth visits etc.
Also, yes, they don't seem to take into account your individual capabilities as a parent and yes, they do give outdated advice. A good example is co-sleeping. "Mom should never sleep with baby" YET EVERY mother (in my area) leaves the hospital with a pamphlet actively encouraging co-sleeping to develop and sustain the breastfeeding relationship.
I am now no longer using the HV service, as I don't need LO weighed anymore.
Interesting article though. I do especially like the end where he says that there is a power imbalance between HVs and parents as parents don't seem to know their rights viz-a-vis Health visitors. x