had a student MW during birth


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2008
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hi i always forgot to post this. LO is almost 2 months by now.

anyway i posted before being annoyed that i had a student mw at my 38w or 36w check. i stated i will run away if i get one for the birth.

ofcourse i had one during birth. and i did not run away. and everything went well. also the teacher midwife was kind of like a military general, which i really needed at this time, since i was too tired to push. So i was really happy to have the both of them.

good luck ladies!
I have had a few experiences of student midwives, one told me at my 34 week check up that baby was bum down...even when I told her Id just had a growth scan and it was head down she tried to tell me it must have turned (in the 30 mins between the scan and seeing them!!) But I also had a lovely one while I was in labour with DS and it was nice because they are so attentive and you get that extra bit of care. :)
I've had student midwives with three of my four deliveries. Don't have any problem at all with them! Everyone has to learn somewhere.

plus.....I kinda don't care who's there by the time I'm ready to push - it's like 'get this baby out of me now!!!' hahaha. I could have a circus watching on and I don't think I'd care at that point.
I had a student with my second eldest, tbh she was calmer and seemed more competent than the qualified midwife who hadn't been fully qualified and working for that long at that time. The student was a slightly older lady who had had five children before deciding to go into midwifery so when my leg kept going into spasm when I was pushing she wasn't fazed but the 'proper' midwife was getting really flustered. I would be happy to have a student again, provided she is female.

I've had not so good experiences with students who are at pre and post natal appointments but I think that's because they tend to be much earlier on in their training. At my 28 week appointment I had one measure me as 35 weeks and with my youngest it was a trainee who was the main midwife when they were seeing him at 5 weeks, he wasn't discharged before then due to ongoing jaundice-she freaked out as she had no idea it was even possible for a baby to be jaundiced that long without being really unwell with liver problems, something that tests had already ruled out. She kept talking about referring him back to the hospital even though they had long since discharged him. Thankfully the other midwives were in the building and took over and discharged him from their care xx
You can say no to having students. I've had one at both of my deliverys and it was fine, they have to learn.
I'm going to sound horrible here, but I plan to have in my birth plan that I don't want student doctors or midwives involved in my birth. I know my dh delivered a couple of babies in med school and really, just no. He did fine at it but omg no. I've had student doctors at gp appointments and a student mw at the hospital and not only do they often seem confused but it makes me feel like a guinea pig. I know the last student at my gp appointment hadn't a clue what he was feeling and I don't need a blinkin' dialogue between two men about my size, whether I have stretchmarks, etc. I'll put up with it during prenatal appointments even though i hate it but my birth, I'm afraid, will not be a teaching experience. No students will have my birth for their log books if I have any say. I've told this to dh categorically so even if I may not care under the circumstances he better keep all students out of the delivery room.
I've had students both times. The first time we are still paying for to this day. I was getting an epidural and told them, no wait I think I've dilated quicker than you think, I need to push. They told me not to be silly I couldn't possibly now sit still for the epidural! I got it, and they examined me and said oh you're ten centimetres, you were right. Well duh. As my baby was in the birth canal ready to be born any minute, the epidural slowed my contractions and she started to go into distress. Her heart rate dipped and suddenly the room was filled with people. They used a ventouse and literally ripped my baby out of me. She has been left with a large calcified haemotoma on her head. Thankfully she's a girl and has long curly hair to hide it. She also had her nostril ripped beyond repair, it has never functioned. Her nose runs constantly, every day. I have been left with severe pelvic arthropathy due to the manner in which she was ripped out of me. All because no one supervised the students. Second time round I had a lovely girl who looked deep in my eyes and calmly helped me breathe through transition and pushing, she was excellent. So I have a mixed mind where students are concerned! I was a student nurse myself.
My dr couldn't come to the birth of my first and I had a student dr it was her first deleivery all by herslef (dr right there but didn't do anything) she was wonderful. I agree at dr app they don't know as much
I had a student doctor with my first. I think I scared her off ever having babies. Poor thing looked horrified. :haha:

Also congrats on the birth of your gorgeous baby.
The students to see at your antenatal appointments are at a comletely different point in their training to the ones you would have during delivery.

I had a student deliver my daughter, she was great. No problems having one this time.
I had a student medical consultant. He told me I have lots of stretch marks! Thanks for reminding me mate :rofl:.

I have no problems with students, I guess I'm happy I can be of assistance in teaching them!
A student midwife did my blood at my 28 week appoint with my DS, and she was a lot gentler than the midwife who did my bloods with this one. Also a student midwife delivered my son, (under guidance), and he was born early. I think she was brilliant and kept me feeling very reassured.
I had a student MW at my birth along with a paramedic who had to watch a certain number of births. I couldn't have cared less who was in the room tbh lol! I felt very well attended too and pp are right they have to learn somewhere :)
I had a student midwife when I had my DD and she was great. I felt sorry for her because he spent a long time with my foot on her shoulder with full view the whole time bless her lol
I had a student midwife who was wonderful all the way through my labour but she wasn't qualified to do an episiotomy so the midwife supervising her did it and then I delivered almost immediately afterwards. Felt sorry for the student because I was meant to be her first delivery and she missed out because I was cut. She seemed really bummed out.

At around 27 weeks I went in for monitoring and there was a male student there, really young lad... I am a big girl anyway and have really bad stretch marks and when it came to the qualified midwife feeling my tummy for fetal positions, the guy couldn't even watch! I'm not sure he's chosen the right career path to be honest... If you can't look at a big stripy tummy being felt up, you probably shouldn't be helping when a baby is being pushed out!
I've had students both times. The first time we are still paying for to this day. I was getting an epidural and told them, no wait I think I've dilated quicker than you think, I need to push. They told me not to be silly I couldn't possibly now sit still for the epidural! I got it, and they examined me and said oh you're ten centimetres, you were right. Well duh. As my baby was in the birth canal ready to be born any minute, the epidural slowed my contractions and she started to go into distress. Her heart rate dipped and suddenly the room was filled with people. They used a ventouse and literally ripped my baby out of me. She has been left with a large calcified haemotoma on her head. Thankfully she's a girl and has long curly hair to hide it. She also had her nostril ripped beyond repair, it has never functioned. Her nose runs constantly, every day. I have been left with severe pelvic arthropathy due to the manner in which she was ripped out of me. All because no one supervised the students. Second time round I had a lovely girl who looked deep in my eyes and calmly helped me breathe through transition and pushing, she was excellent. So I have a mixed mind where students are concerned! I was a student nurse myself.

oh my that sounds horrible. i am so sorry :(
I had a student midwife who was wonderful all the way through my labour but she wasn't qualified to do an episiotomy so the midwife supervising her did it and then I delivered almost immediately afterwards. Felt sorry for the student because I was meant to be her first delivery and she missed out because I was cut. She seemed really bummed out.

At around 27 weeks I went in for monitoring and there was a male student there, really young lad... I am a big girl anyway and have really bad stretch marks and when it came to the qualified midwife feeling my tummy for fetal positions, the guy couldn't even watch! I'm not sure he's chosen the right career path to be honest... If you can't look at a big stripy tummy being felt up, you probably shouldn't be helping when a baby is being pushed out!

I had a young guy too today! I think he was slightly uncomfortable, or maybe just nervous? He seemed very apologetic saying that I have old stretch marks, I was like: It's not your fault :haha:.

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