are evap lines on one step ics very common as so far ive done 3 and theirs a faint line on all of them!! The lines are so faint that u have to hold them up to the light to see them and im also only 10dpo so its very early!!!!!!!! xxx
Lol thats a great idea!! Will hav to wait a few days tho hes told me not to test yet cos its too early but i just cant help it ha xxxJust a suggestion, try getting hubby to pee on one if you have a few spare, if you get the same line, they are probably evaps, if not, you could be on to something! x Best of luck x
Ive got my fingers crossed 4 u hun!! Lots of being thrown ure way xxxI got an evap on a clearbluePlus yesterday, was all excited to use FMU this morning cuz I thought maybe it was the start of bfp... but absolutely NOTHING on the one I did this morning So I wasted £11 odd for nothing And the pound Shop was out of their hpt's, so now I jsut have to wait and see if AF arrives... which I think it will tbh >.<
Hopefully it's a bfp for you!!