Thank you so much. Yes, I'm pretty sure this is what happened to me, but the nurse made it seem (or maybe I'm just too sensitive right now) that I was wrong and had never been pg (even chemically) since the test showed no HCG. I don't know. I'm going to a fertility doctor tomorrow, so I've got a long list of questions to ask him. I'm really frustrated that my doctor couldn't call me as I've been trying for about 14 years (I have been saying 15, but then realized I'm not 39 yet...lol) and this was my first positive EVER, so it means a lot to know if it was chemical or false positive.
Thank you so much, and I hope you get your BFP soon!
Thank you!!
Yes, write down your questions for the fertility specialist and take it with you! I find that I have all these questions I want to ask my OB and when I go in for the appointment I either chicken out or forget. So where this is only a one or two time chance make the best of it. I know doctor's can be insensitve because they only look at the technical part of it not the emotional. It takes a huge toll and us women and guess what? You
were pregnant. Having a chemical isn't any different than having a regular miscarriage. I became frustrated because so many people would be like, "oh well you didn't think you were pregnant for very long so it was probably easier than if you ahd been carrying for weeks." Um, excuse me, I've wanted this forever and the exact minute I saw that "pregnant" on that tiny digital screen I was in love. Remember this, your chances after a miscarriage of conceiving are greater. Also-follow this plan: it's called "sperm meets egg"
Buy a 20pack of OPK's and a Basal body thermometer-from CD1 track your temperature upon waking at the same time each morning and take your OPK tests in the afternoon at the same time each day. Starting CD8 have intercourse every other day until you receive your positive OPK, when you get that positive, have intercourse that night and the following two nights in a row, skip one more day, then do it one more time "just in case." Afterwards continue to have intercourse every other day just to make sure a window of opportunity isn't missed. Also, when AF has you, make sure you try to release your hubby somehow at least once to make sure then when you do start trying the sperm is fresh.
Sorry for the long post, I just know how hard it gets and how much support means. I can't believe you have been trying for so long. Have you done a bunch of tests or are you just starting now?