With my dates I thought that I was around 7 weeks but on weds I starting to experience a dull ache really low in my belly and a sharp stabbing paid in my left side, feeling abit like I was ovulating! By thursday I was getting brown discharge which quickly turned to pink. After speaking to the early pregnancy unit I was told if it got worse to go to A&E which I did! I had a blood test and my hormone level was 1683 also i had a scan which couldnt find fetal activity which they said means I'm either earlier in pregnancy than I thought or it was failing, so I had to have my bloods re-done 48hrs later! They said they needed to have increased by 100% but I got the results back and they have only risen by 60% to 2590!!! I have to go and have my bloods redone tomorrow and also have another scan in a week!!! I really dont no what to think?? As anyone else gone through anything similar???