my af is late .. i always ov cd14 or 18 (been ttc now 15 months ) and am cd33 today i know its only one day late but last time when it was one day after af was due i got a beaming bfp on clearblue test ... not digi ... in the afternoon but used same test today and bfn
so am going to go shop and buy test today for in the morning but wanted your ladies advice on which test is best ??? i have access to boots, tesco and morrisons ... i was thinking frer, would u agree thats the most sensitive ??
thank you inadvance
so am going to go shop and buy test today for in the morning but wanted your ladies advice on which test is best ??? i have access to boots, tesco and morrisons ... i was thinking frer, would u agree thats the most sensitive ??
thank you inadvance