HEy Ducky I found your post, I think we are the same dpo. So you were on Clomid with your twins, and your going natural this time? FX'd for you!! I'm not really hopeful this month as husband and I were taking a clomid break. Three cycles at 50, with the first being a m/c and no luck since. I'm not being monitored by my doc so I just decided to take a break and relax this month. We didnt even bd on oday because I've been sick. but we got a couple days in around that day. Its so weird how ttc consumes your life before you know it, and then its no longer MOnday its CD21 lol. I needed this month off though, I can only take failure so many months in a row. PLus clomid makes me a little moody, not bad, just lots of headaches. I'm eager for next cycle to start so I can give clomid another go. Going to do 100mg next month woohoo for side effects lol