All Maria wants to do is crawl around and explore (and play with things she's not supposed to). She only pays attention to me when she wants to pull and hair or grab my face
I have the same problem, all she wants to do is crawl and stand, then she might come to me for a minute and she's off again lol. I just leave her to it now, don't get me wrong i talk and interact, pass her toys etc but she's not interested!
I feel kind of stupid talking to her when she just ignores me. Most of our interaction seems to be taking her away from things she shouldn't play with and picking her up when she falls over.
Do you have any 'safe' space to play in? A travel cot, garden, local park etc? That way you could join in with whatever she's focused on without having to tell her 'no'?
I speak from a lack of experience though - lo is just getting up on to her knees & causin plenty of trouble doing just that!!
My LO was like this when he first started crawing and pulling up and still is a bit now. I used to just follow him around but try not to get too close as he wanted to explore independently. I would only get close if he got hold of something he shouldn't or was try to climb the stairs. I would throw balls for him to chase or 'catch' and encourage him to throw them back to me. Once he got confident crawling and puling up and cruising he started being more willing to sit and play for short spells and now likes shape sorters, pressing buttons on things, jigsaws and books.
I'm sure she will. Babies tend to focus on one aspect of development at a time - mine focussed on mobility first, my friend's son who was born on the same day isn't crawling yet but he says mamma and dadda to the right person and is a whizz with shape sorters. My LO learnt to crawl and pull up and only then got interested in lifting the flaps on his peekaboo books and trying to put his shapes in his sorter rather than eat them...
hey nats!
I just let tristan explore and play by himself most the time and he's very happy to do that. I sing nursery rhymes with him at some point each day (he loves row row row your boat, incy wincy spider and humpty dumpty) and sometimes demonstrate how certain toys work with him eg shape sorter, stacking cups etc. He also likes me rolling a ball to him, chasing it or bouncing it
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