You dont have to use hungry baby at all we dont use ut and i dont plan on doing they only advise using it if lo is drinking 9oz of stage 1 milk less than every 3 hours
How much is your lo having???
And i dont know about moving id guess youd just change but
HB milk is for babies who are too young for weaning, but are drinking large volumes of milk, very regularly. Even then, it doesn't always work and some babies don't get on with it.
If you do decide to change then you would just switch straight over.
No milk is 'upto 6 months' Its 0-12months but they like you to think you need follow on (stage 2/ 6month+) milk, but you dont, its there so they can advertise their milks as they cant advertise stage 1 milk.
We switched our LO to hungry baby milk at 4 weeks old and hes been even better ever since - at 8 weeks he now happily goes 4 hous during the day and 8 at night x
8 weeks he was having 50-60oz in a day and his little body couldn't cope he was v angry and full of poop and would spend his day guzzling and pooping and not much else. we did it gradually though one bottle at night first
Ive never understood the aspect of Hungry baby milk, we have never needed it, the instructions certainly on the side of the HIPP Organic give guides for weight and quanities of bottles (I guess its if your baby if going over this aspect) but we have gone from Stage 1 food to weaning xx
We haven't used it even though LO goes through days of drinking loads! It then settles down - so could be a growth spurt? I think HB milk is harder to digest so keeps them fuller for longer. X
i have been using hipp hungry baby for 8 weeks to delay weaning as he was having 4oz every 2 hours - he now goes around 3 to 3.5 hours and does 6 oz - it shouldnt really be used to make them go longer between feeds as it means they are not getting as much milk as they need
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