The bleeding can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. With my losses, I typically had period like bleeding for 7-10 days afterward. Most doctors will say to avoid intercourse until the bleeding stops but then you can resume intimacy after that. They also say to wait at least one cycle after the miscarriage so your body can heal and your hormones can settle. It also makes it considerably easier to date your pregnancy as you won't ovulate normally (it'll either be delayed or you won't ovulate at all) after miscarriage due to your pg hormone levels needing to drop before ovulation can occur. As for being more fertile, I've heard you can see increased fertility after a miscarriage for up to 6 months and that's typically held true for me as I've usually gotten pg again 3-4 months after a loss. Expect your first period to show up slightly delayed and your cycles may be a little off for a period or two after. I've had to wait anywhere from 5-8 weeks after a miscarriage for my period to come as I had to wait for my hCG to drop to 0 before my cycle starts again but some women will cycle normally or be just a few days late.