Okay I had a really short and light period march 2nd....it even came three days late. I took several tests...all negative. However, I'm beginning to feel like I did when I was on birth control. I'm just depressed and stressed out, breaking out all over my face (never had mroe than two zits in my life) And goodness I just want to sleep 24/7. I know sinus season is coming, but I NEVER had that much of a problem with sinuses.....Any other reason why i could be feeling this way?
Also my breasts have been feeling so sore lately...not really to the touch, I just feel pain in them every now and again.
I also have been having changes in my appetite....like I feel hungry...but as soon as I eat I'm not hungry anymore so I just can stomach certain foods.
Also my breasts have been feeling so sore lately...not really to the touch, I just feel pain in them every now and again.
I also have been having changes in my appetite....like I feel hungry...but as soon as I eat I'm not hungry anymore so I just can stomach certain foods.