When LO was born, I was more than a little traumatised. I didn't have a horrendous birth - 18hr labour, 30 mins pushing, 3rd degree tear. It just wasn't quite what I had expected - but then none of us know what to expect before our first do we?
I had to wait 5 hours for a theatre space to have stitches and had a spinal aenasthetic. I hated my canula with a passion! I was stitched at 3am and got no sleep for two nights running due to labour & then waiting for a theatre/watching lo sleep in awe!
I'm over all of that now, I just wanted to set the scene.
Enter FIL & MIL for a visit at 3pm in the hospital. They brought some bits for LO and were understandably very excited to be grandparents (they have 4 children and LO is their first grandchild).
The thing that gets to me is that MIL didn't get us a 'Congratulations on your baby girl' type card - she bought ME (not addressed to OH) a 'Thank-you' card. As in 'thank-you for my grandchild'. She wrote in it how much she had wanted a grandchild & was so pleased it had finally happened to HER!!
I still really resent this, even 6+ months later! I feel like she made it about her when it was about my new baby & me/OH becoming parents. I was still in hospital and focused on my/OH's experiences & just didn't see the need for bringing a card like that.
We don't see her often - but whenever I see her with LO I want to snatch her back and say 'I didn't have her for you!!!!'.
I know in my head that this is crazy but emotionally I have such a strong reaction to her with LO. I keep quiet about it & OH would be really upset if he knew I felt this way. I just had to get it out.
Did anyone else get a thank-you card? Am I being ridiculous?? I know she was probably trying to be nice - but it just seems so wrong!
I had to wait 5 hours for a theatre space to have stitches and had a spinal aenasthetic. I hated my canula with a passion! I was stitched at 3am and got no sleep for two nights running due to labour & then waiting for a theatre/watching lo sleep in awe!
I'm over all of that now, I just wanted to set the scene.
Enter FIL & MIL for a visit at 3pm in the hospital. They brought some bits for LO and were understandably very excited to be grandparents (they have 4 children and LO is their first grandchild).
The thing that gets to me is that MIL didn't get us a 'Congratulations on your baby girl' type card - she bought ME (not addressed to OH) a 'Thank-you' card. As in 'thank-you for my grandchild'. She wrote in it how much she had wanted a grandchild & was so pleased it had finally happened to HER!!
I still really resent this, even 6+ months later! I feel like she made it about her when it was about my new baby & me/OH becoming parents. I was still in hospital and focused on my/OH's experiences & just didn't see the need for bringing a card like that.
We don't see her often - but whenever I see her with LO I want to snatch her back and say 'I didn't have her for you!!!!'.
I know in my head that this is crazy but emotionally I have such a strong reaction to her with LO. I keep quiet about it & OH would be really upset if he knew I felt this way. I just had to get it out.
Did anyone else get a thank-you card? Am I being ridiculous?? I know she was probably trying to be nice - but it just seems so wrong!