I'm 10dpo... And yeah that's exactly what I'm thinking, I'm just about to dip another into the same wee. Not trusting it 100% because I actually despise these tests tbh lol xx
Ok I've just dipped another and the line showed a lot quicker than the first? How odd. I don't think I can put my shoes on quick enough to run to boots��
Thanks im getting my partner to get me a test on the way home from work! I think im 11dpo so will grab a frer! Eek. After all my early miscarriages everytime I found out I was pregnant it was excitement turnt to dread. But I feel differently about this potential one... A lot calmer
Ok so ended up falling asleep last night so I didn't end up testing. Woke up this morning to see asda cheap tests! I knew he would do that!! Tight ass haha! So there's a line there but I'm not going to lie I was hoping it would have been slightly darker tbh. might be another chemical xx
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