So after the most promising month I've ever had, I think I'm out.
At 10dpo I had what I thought was IB.
Sore boobs, back ache, twinges in my uterus and nausea. (None of which I get before AF).
But behold this morning I get up and thought the witch was here, so I put a pad on but like 2 hours on and theres only a dark brown dribble on the pad and a bit of red when I wipe. Confused... :S Plus I'm still 2 days early.
At 10dpo I had what I thought was IB.
Sore boobs, back ache, twinges in my uterus and nausea. (None of which I get before AF).
But behold this morning I get up and thought the witch was here, so I put a pad on but like 2 hours on and theres only a dark brown dribble on the pad and a bit of red when I wipe. Confused... :S Plus I'm still 2 days early.