+++ I tried the hook effect theory, any thoughts please

I am very sorry too. Life is very unfair sometimes. I hope it happens for you soon and everyone else who has had to go through the torture of miscarriages. x
I hate my stupid body, My doc told me to test it out so I tested tonight and its way darker then this mornings, This doesnt make since since my beta did not go up the way it was suposeed to, my beta last Wednesday was 28 and today ( 5 days later ) its only 36.1, maybe tomorrows tests will be lighter, no actual bleeding yet, Just a few barely there drops over the weekend, I'm not clinging to any hope at all just wish they would go negative cause I dont want to have to do another d& c, They are making me do another beta on Wednesday

First photo is the one I just took and second photo is it compared to this mornings


The longer it sits the darker its getting

Maureen maybe your the type of person for your hcg to rise slowly you never know all you can do is keep testing and deffo have another beta tested in a couple of days.I have everything crossed that it is a sticky beanie and it hangs on in there for you xxx
I still have hope for you hun!! Slow rising HCG is more common than they let on!
I found this dunno if it will help

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin or hCG is more commonly known as “the Pregnancy Hormone” – unless hCG is injected into the body or taken in a pill form, the only way hCG can be found in a woman’s body is when she is pregnant. HCG is produced by a growing placenta and can be detected by a urine test (simple home pregnancy test) or a blood test. HCG level testing is a blood test performed in early pregnancy. HCG levels peak around 8 weeks of gestation and beyond that time, are no longer valid for pregnancy monitoring.

“Normal” levels vary from pregnancy to pregnancy and are not a definite indicator of pregnancy outcome. One hCG blood level is not enough. Several blood tests are generally ordered to monitor the type of increase or decrease of the hCG levels. The following table is a guide of average hCG levels.

hCG levels during pregnancy
(in weeks since last menstrual period)

3 weeks LMP 5 - 50 mIU/ml

4 weeks LMP 5 - 426 mIU/ml

5 weeks LMP 18 - 7,340 mIU/ml
6 weeks LMP 1,080 - 56,500 mIU/ml
7 - 8 weeks LMP 7, 650 - 229,000 mIU/ml
9 - 12 weeks LMP 25,700 - 288,000 mIU/ml
13 - 16 weeks LMP 13,300 - 254,000 mIU/ml
17 - 24 weeks LMP 4,060 - 165,400 mIU/ml
25 - 40 weeks LMP 3,640 - 117,000 mIU/ml
non pregnant 55-200 ng/ml

HCG blood levels are not routinely drawn on pregnant women. Generally hCG levels are indicated when a problem is suspected with the pregnancy such as vaginal bleeding after confirmed pregnancy.

So what do hCG levels mean?
In general, most hCG levels will double every 2-3 days in early pregnancy. This is why more than 1 blood level would be needed if a physician is using the numbers to monitor a pregnancy. HCG levels cannot be used to determine conception or due dates due to variations.

Low hCG levels

One low hCG level does not for certain indicate a problem. Another hCG level would need to be drawn to see what the hCG levels are doing. If the levels continue to rise several days later, the risk of miscarriage goes down. If an hCG level goes down from a previously higher hCG level it’s probably indicative of a miscarriage or other problem.

“Slow to rise” hCG levels

If normal hCG levels double every 2-3 days, what does it mean if hCG levels are slow to rise?

It is quite possible to have “slow to rise” hCG levels and go on to have a normal pregnancy. Again, you have to keep in mind that hCG levels are just estimates and each pregnancy is different. The actual numbers are not indicators of the probability of pregnancy complications but rather, the direction the numbers are going. Dropping hCG levels usually indicates a problem. Numbers that go rather high for the estimated gestation period can also indicate a problem such as molar pregnancy.

In other cases, slow to rise hCG levels can indicate a blighted ovum, an impending miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy.

Many doctors use hCG values as only a reference. Depending on the estimated gestational age, other testing such as transvaginal or abdominal ultrasound is also used to determine pregnancy progress.

The first trimester is the most stressful period of pregnancy because there is nothing you can do but play the waiting game. There is no way you can make your hCG levels rise faster. The most important thing one can do is try to remain calm and follow your healthcare provider’s advice.
I guess all I can do is wait it out, Thanks Ladies, any other input would be great, I keep hoping for lab error since they used a different lab, or maybe vanishing twin? I'm a twin so its very possible, I'm just grasping at straws huh?
@Maureen, how many weeks pregnant are you today? Based on what Bubbles just posted if you are still in the 5 week range your HCG is still in the normal range. However if you get into 6 weeks plus and your HCG doesn't increase to the ranges listed above than it would be safe to assume a miscarriage, but I think to be on the safe side try to wait it out to make sure the pregnancy won't go on to be a viable pregnancy, because if you are still in the 5 week range there is a possibility you could still be okay.

I am sorry about what you are going through, and I hope I didnt upset you, I dont want to give you false hope but at the same time you just never know unless you wait it out and see what happens...
Hey sweetie all I can offer is my prayers and many many :hugs:

I can't imagine all the thoughts and feelings that you are experiencing but know that you have so much support from amazing women here on BNB.
Going by my lmp I would be 4 weeks 5 days

Okay... so your HCG is still in the normal range based on your LMP... Hang in there hun:hugs::hugs:... I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers that it is just early days and that this is going to be your sticky bean...Big hugs to you!!!:hugs::hugs:
Maureen I also thought about vanishing twin!! That would totally make sense!!! FX for you I am not giving up on this yet but I'm gonna say tons of prayers!
Thanks Andrea, I'm trying to not have false hope but its better then no hope i think, if I start bleeding like crazy then I know for sure or after Wednesday Beta, Even my frer from this morning was the darkest yet
I agree your frer was so dark!! I will keep you in my T&P that this is your forever sticky bean!!
at least my numbers havent dropped yet, they just havent risen correctly and this is basically how all my other miscarriages started, I'm gonna pray that this one is different
I have FAITH this one is sticky :) and until proven otherwise :) ITS STICKY :) <3 <3 <3 :) :hugs:

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