I have been using a rough routine from baby whisperer which is basically eat, activity, sleep every three hours. LO has responded really well to it, he has a very limited amount of actvity (often just until i have finished burping him) before he gets cranky and tired and then overtired (big screams and hard to settle) v. quickly so i have to act fast to get him to sleep - but when do you leave the house, during activity time or sleep time? my lo doesn't often sleep in his pram etc if he is overstimulated or even his car seat for any period of time unless the car is moving (literally wakes up at traffic lights) so he is quite a sensitive wee soul and so i'm stuck as to when to get things done/have some kind of life. Is anyone else on a routine - when do you leave the house and do things? thanks. btw lo is only 3 weeks old - i'm asuming activity time will increase as he gets older! xx