I'm not trying to scare you or anything.
Just want to look out for you.
If I may recommend something...
Once you get the Mirena Taken out, it is best to wait, I think atleast 2-3 cycles before trying. The doctors will tell you that the Mirena is perfectly safe to conceive as soon as you take it out.
Maybe they say this because they haven't truely researched it enough.
But many of us have gotten pregnant as soon as we got them taken out and something happened. Don't want to say it and have you scared to get pregnant. Because SOME women are successful first try and end up having a healthy pregnancy. But from the research I have done. It's a 30% Success rate.
For your sake. I think you should maybe wait a cycle or two.
It is known to thin out the lining of your uterus. That is why it causes some complications. But it evens itself out after a couple cycles.
This wasn't meant to scare you and I hope this didn't offend you. I just want you to look into it. I REALLY really don't want you to go through a rough time. Waiting a cycle or two to be safe is better than what could possibly happen.
I have 5 friends. We all had ours taken out around the same time and managed to get preggo as soon as we got it out(they say you are extremely fertile when it is taken out) and 4 out of the 5 of us had a complication.
But best of luck to you!! You may be a lucky one! Not meant to scare you but to let you be cautious.